Chapter 2
As Kent slowly approached the ship. He feels a sense of anger dawning on him as he recalls he would have to explain who the girl was to Donna.
His fingers pinched his glabella and he let out a long sigh.
"Oh, barnacles." He said out loud.
"I found her as the only survivor of a shipwreck." he thought about what he was going to say to Donna hell no even he didn't believe her and he was going to find out what she truly was or who she truly was and why they have identical marks.
But firstly he had to find out and test her secretly on whether she had a secret plan that could put him or his ship in danger.
He knew he was taking a very big risk by taking her in without even knowing whether she was a killer but he saw in her deep brown eyes full of innocence that she couldn't do anything like that and he was a very good judge of people or so he thought.
He turns around to see Lilith, her thick seaweed-like hair blocking half of her face.
He loved long hair a lot. A thought that shouldn't even be formed or even thought of entered his head. Her on her knees and his hands fisting her hair into a thick ponytail and her head bobbing up and down.
He hurriedly turned away scolding himself for thinking such of a girl who he had only met today and could hurt him in every way possible.
They had reached the ship and the two muscled men rushed to bring down the ledge for them to climb upon the ship.
Lilith's eyes wandered all around. Her fingers traced the body of the ship feeling the vibrations of every creak and movement aboard.
"Girl!" One of them shouted from the ladder and she walked fastly to be assisted on the ship. He hoisted her by waist lifting her like she weighed almost nothing.
Lilith's face was awestruck as her feet touched on the cold hardware floor and her eyes widened to the sheer wonder of how the ship was.
"What's your name again you never got to tell me? Kent asked.
"Lilith." She answered.
"Lilith," he said, her name gliding over his tongue like nothing she had ever heard before.
She looked at him dreamily and their eyes met his with confusion and slight irritation and hers with longing and love.
"Benedict, come to my office now," Kent said, walking away, his boots causing vibrations to go through Lilith.
"Oliver get her to maid quarters. I want her changed and cleaned up then bring her to my office discreetly. Did you hear me?" Kent said.
"Yes, sir I'll do that."
The shorter bald one followed Kent to the office.
"So that's Benedict." Lilith thought silently.
The much younger one with a very fast receding hairline and a deep voice with dimples was Oliver.
Lilith never thought one day that she would see a pirate who had dimples. He waved to Lilith inside she should follow him. He went down some stairs and Lilith followed closely behind.
She entered a quite clean room with many bunk beds she guessed it was the servant quarters for females.
A small room with about 3-5 bunk beds which were tediously arranged.
"This is the servant quarters for females. There are not many staff so we should get you a uniform before you can say the word jellyfish." He said stretching on top of the cupboard to get a pair of uniforms.
It was a frock and a tiny little bonnet with an apron which was dull in color.
"Other basic needs will be given to you soon by other females but for now you need to get a bath and I'll meet you right outside." He said.
Lilith mumbled a small thank you and going into the stall she saw a big space with buckets all around and a barrel which she saw was filled with clean butter.
She picked up some fronds she had found under the uniform balling them up to make a makeshift sponge.
After bathing, Lilith felt fresher and cleaner. Her petite feet padded silently around the room as she carefully put on the uniform and used her fingers to detangle her hair so she could tie it up.
After she dressed up in her uniform she looked at her feet and noticed it was bruised possibly from the running she had done without shoes in the forest.
As she looked at the soles of her feet she noticed some thorns stuck in her feet.
The door opening and closing sounded.
"Oh, you poor thing come let me see how bad that injury is." A woman said kneeling in front of Lilith and carefully removing the thorns with sharp precise pulls.
"All done," She said standing up and cleaning her apron.
"I'm Rebecca the head maid you can call me Becca and inform me about anything you need." She said looking at her with pity.
"I'm Lilith," Lilith said.
"Nice to meet you Sir said Gk being you up immediately you're done freshening up." She said moving around the room
searching for a scarf that Lilith could tie to not be seen.
"This woman is beautiful." Lilith thought silently.
She had the kindest eyes and a smile brighter than stars and very big cheeks and she carried a heavy bosom.
Rebecca turned around finding the scarf she looked for. She turned to look at Lilith who stared at her silently with an innocent and curious expression.
She shook her head with a small smile tugging at her lips.
"Come I'll help you to braid your hair so it can be wrapped around easily. "
Lilith had never had anyone braid her hair before. She said obediently on the bed while Rebecca's fingers combed through it.
"You have such lush and long hair." Becca praised.
"Thank you"
Soon after they were done and she guided her to Kent's office.
"Stop right there." A high-pitched voice sounded making Becca and Lilith's steps freeze.
They both turned slowly and they were greeted by the sight of a woman who had high cheekbones, a lot of makeup, bright ginger hair, and the corset in her gown was so tight she couldn't even slouch.
"She's hideous." Lilith thought.
"The best morning to you, my lady," Becca said bowing pulling down Lilith to bow with her.
"Save your greetings peasant and who may this seducing whore be?" She said gesturing to Lilith.
"Ma'am she…"Becca began to speak and then was interrupted by Donna.
"I believe she can speak and can say words of her own," Donna said.
"I am Lilith my lady, a scullery maid," Lilith said with a small bow.
"And when were you employed I have never seen a face like yours on this boat before."
"She had sea sickness my lady that was why you haven't seen her before she was in the down below floor with the healer getting better with the other ill staff." Becca promptly interrupted Lilith saving her from a long line of questions and Donna's wrath.
"Hm if you say so you're dismissed," Donna said with a wave of her hand signaling their dismissal.
And they walked away their shoes padding soft sounds on the hard floor.
"Hold on, flu girl," Donna said her fingers snapping signaling for Lilith to come.
"Yes ma'am," Lilith said.
"You seem to have this aura around you like you have ulterior motives for coming here or you know something and you're hiding it," Donna said with a frown.
Donna stared at Lilith's eyes searching for a flick of emotions, of something maybe fear or guilt.
Lilith also stared at Donna in shock and she wondered who this woman who dared show possession and power on her man's ship. Perhaps his mistress?
"How many years I stayed without a man but he couldn't even last a few years waiting for me." She snickered in her mind.
"Are you staring directly at your master? Such insolence!" Donna shouted, gathering the attention of most of the servants cleaning the deck.
"It seems this illness has given you servant a new wave of bravery that you can't even discover who's your equal and who's not," Donna said.
"My Lady, With deepest respects I tell you that she didn't mean to disrespect you and stare at you directly," Becca said hurriedly bowing In front of Donna to show her respect while awkwardly Lilith stood behind her with her clenched fists.
"So the maid I talked to had some salt water in her ears?"
"Apologize right now," Donna demanded.
Lilith stared at her unblinkingly wondering perhaps whether something was wrong with this blonde-headed weirdo.
Donna stepped in front of Lilith intending to drag her; Immediately, Kent's office was open witnessing the scene of Donna seemingly bullying Lilith.