The Wall Painting

I glanced at the picture from the book this man was holding, an abstract pattern that might be familiar to fine art connoisseurs. I'm sure I can draw it well, because I really believe in my abilities.

"How? Can you?" Levi asked, throwing a cold and cynical gaze that made me shudder. It felt like I wasn't allowed to make any mistakes.

"I-I can, sir!" I said nervously. My face was already pale, making my friends in my class try to hold back their laughter.

"Good, do it!"

I turned around and faced the blackboard, what big thing was waiting for me that made me chosen to do an experiment in my first class from dozens of students in this class?

With shaking hands, even though my soul is completely confident in my abilities. The feeling of nervousness and fear because of the cold gaze that felt so sharp and continuously directed at me made me unable to think clearly. This lecturer doesn't seem to be taken lightly, that's what I think.

After gathering courage for 15 seconds, my hands finally started to move following the pattern from the book. When I was sure that I had done well, I took three steps back until I was at eye level with him

"It's finished, sir!" I said while glancing at Mr. Levi whose expression didn't change at all.

"Judging by the shape, don't you think there's a line you missed?"

"Th-that-" I looked at the picture I made which I thought was exactly the same as the one in the book.

"What do you think?" He kept pressing the same question and he kept showing that look.

"I-I think that's correct, sir!"

"Are you sure?"

"Y-yes, sir!" I answered. My confidence slowly collapsed after hearing such an intimidating question.

"What's your name?"

"S-Soraya Charlotte Chamberlain, sir!"

"Soraya, huh? Alright. Looks like you still underestimate the basic techniques of art. People who only think about good results and forget the meaning of art."

"What do you mean?  I do not understand." I thought.

"You can go back to your place. Next, try to pay attention to the details. Don't let mistakes like this happen again. Because I don't like people who know too much and are too self-confident."

Hearing those spicy words that came out of his mouth made everyone in this class stunned, how could it not? An incredibly visually attractive figure, he seems to have a not so friendly personality. However, for some reason his attitude shows that he has a very strong and frightening charisma.

"Don't think too much about it, I heard that he is cynical and has a sharp mouth," said Diana, trying to cheer me up, who had lost my enthusiasm since the painting class ended.

I, who felt mentally tested, realized that what the lecturer said was true. After I looked at my book with the pattern I drew on the blackboard, it turned out that I had missed two lines.

Two lines, yes, just two lines that no one will notice. The line is almost adjacent to another line, besides, its size is also small so people will miss it.

"I missed two lines of that pattern," I said, still showing no signs of my enthusiasm coming back. Even though there was a cup of my favorite americano in front of my eyes.

"I understand, if I were in your position I would probably miss three or even five lines. That's normal, we're still freshmen. So you don't need to think about it!"

"Is that true?" Said Kimberly who suddenly joined this conversation.

"I think so, such a small mistake is nothing to worry about. There's still plenty of time to fix it."

"You don't know what Levi William Stanley is like, do you? I'm sure you don't really find out the nature and character of the lecturers who will be teaching."

"Does it matter? We'll know when they come and teach the class," Diana argued. She felt she disagreed with Kimberly.

"That's the fault of people who are too naive like you. Knowing the characteristics and teaching methods of lecturers is important to make our learning experience easier. Apart from that, to avoid mistakes like the one Soraya made this morning."

"I think you're right."

"No, Kim is just scaring you. Don't listen to her!"

"Diana oh Diana, you are too naive. Luckily you weren't late so you weren't the one asked to come to the front of the class. You both know what it means if the first impression you give him is bad? You can be sure that in the future you will face difficulties."

"Ah, you are exaggerating too much. I heard from several seniors that Mr. Levi is a lecturer who seems sadistic, but he helps his students a lot."

"Who told you that?"

"Some of the seniors I met earlier!"

"What? Hahaha...Diana, it turns out you were secretly looking for it too, right? I thought you didn't care at all. It turns out you were curious too!"

"Of course I'm curious, anyone would want to find out about an impressive figure like that who teaches in class. I'm sure you're thinking the same thing, his shiny black hair, his sharp blue eyes, just like the gaze of an eagle, his firm jaw, his shoulders, wide, ah where else can we find a perfect lecturer like that?"

"I agree with you, he's really cool," I said, agreeing with Diana. Remembering that I was pounding when I collided with him this morning.

"You two are really stupid women, always fooled by visuals like that. I'm sure he's secretly dating lots of women, even his own students."

"Does anyone really want to refuse? Women have instincts that naturally want men who look strong and dominant like that. Maybe your type is like Edmund Jones with rabbit teeth, but for me, of course someone like Levi William Stanley," said Diana.

I swallowed hard, it turned out that Diana was one step ahead in admiring the lecturer who had only taught our class once. Meanwhile, Kimberly, the hater of handsome men, could only shake her head.

"Yes, it can't be helped. I'm just warning you not to get too carried away with his good looks. If he asks you to meet him outside, or even invites you to his house, you have to."

"Of course I won't refuse!" Diana said. It was impossible for Diana to refuse an invitation like that.

"Huh? You're crazy, aren't you?" Kimberly really couldn't believe what she had just heard and on this one, I agree with Kimberly. If you were suddenly invited to his house, it would definitely be very suspicious.

"So what? Do you know, the famous painter whose paintings are bought by art collectors at fantastic prices and who has been awarded seven times as a talented and rich young painter? That person is Levi William Stanley, our lecturer!"

"R-really?" I was amazed, it's very strange that I just found out information like this. But, looking back, the name Stanley does sound familiar to me, who has visited art galleries in London several times.

"I know!" said Kimberly.

"Hmm...Stanley, huh? I saw that name in a painting when I visited a painting gallery last year. If I'm not mistaken-"

"L.W. Stanley, is that right?"

"Ah yes that's right, L.W. Stanley, I've seen that name on a famous painting in London!"

"There is one here too, in the painting gallery on our campus!"

"Is it true?"

"Yeah, do you want to see?"

"Of course."

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