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Chapter 8 Husband and Wife as a Community

Ethan turned red at Ava's words, about to speak, but Mia, looking furious, cut him off. "You are a couple! His business is your business!"

Ava smiled slightly. "I wasn't Ethan's only wife. When he took Sophia as a concubine and promised her equal status, our bond was broken."

Mia started coughing violently, caught off guard by Ava's seriousness.

'Spending this money on their wedding will win Ethan's favor. Don't you get it? Your future depends on your husband!' she thought, shaking her head.

Ava watched Mia's coughing fit but didn't move to help.

Emily, watching, noticed a change in Ava. This wasn't the pushover she knew.

Stepping forward, she shoved Ava, her voice sharp. "Can't you see Mother's suffering? This is your fault! This money means nothing to you. Even if you paid it all, what difference would it make?"

Ava met Emily's gaze calmly. "Didn't you promise to return the clothes and jewelry you borrowed? Do that first before lecturing me."

Emily was speechless. She didn't want to return them because all her impressive pieces for noblewomen's gatherings were gifts from Ava. Returning them would leave her with nothing to wear, nothing to compete with the elites of Capital City. Facing their scorn in ordinary clothes was unbearable.

Ava's gaze swept the room. Madison smirked, while Ethan's father and brother scowled.

"Mother seems better now," Ava said, "so I'll leave. The steward's busy with toady's account. Just give Emma the IOU; she'll handle it." With that, she left.

"You!" Mia's coughing got worse at the mention of an "IOU."

The next morning, Ava and Emma returned to the desolate Northern Marquis's Mansion.

It stood as a monument to tragedy. Ava's father and brothers had fallen in battle, their wives and children slaughtered. She was the last, a solitary branch on a fallen tree.

Six months of neglect had taken their toll on the mansion. The once-pristine gardens were in ruins, a lone weed stretching towards the sky from the center.

The ancestral tablets, thankfully, remained undisturbed in the hall, a testament to lineage and loss. Tears flowed freely as Ava and Emma entered, the weight of grief suffocating. Portraits of fallen relatives lined the walls, each a fresh wound on Ava's heart. Her fingers trembled as they brushed against the cold stone tablets, seeking solace in the presence of her ancestors.

Flickering candlelight and swirling incense smoke filled the ancestral hall. Ava knelt, hands clasped in prayer, her silent pleas echoing the sorrow that engulfed her. Tears streamed down her face, splashing onto the cold stone floor. When she rose, her clothes clung to her, soaked with grief, but her eyes shone with newfound resolve.

Like a plum blossom enduring winter's harsh embrace, her voice rang with determination. "Father, Mother, and all my departed kin, I offer this prayer, seeking your understanding in the afterlife. I honored Mother's wishes, embracing marriage, managing the household, serving my mother-in-law, believing this was my path."

"But Ethan is not the man I thought him to be, not one I can trust with my life. Be assured, I will carve my own path in this world."

"And the truth of that fateful year, shrouded in shadows, will be brought to light. This, I vow."

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