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Preparation for the ball

Jess knew she was trying to avoid further questions about herself but decided to let it slide as this was not the right time as she had a ball to attend. She quickened her steps to get home on time. She remembered that their water supply was running low.

Her sister might have used half, if not all, to bathe and wash her hair, and Jess was not far from it as she met her sister still in the bathroom washing her hair with scented soap, which she must have borrowed from her friend, Lisa.

She was still upset with her sister for deserting her after she got her gown, not caring whether she could get a gown that would be decent enough to wear to the ball. Jess noticed her selfishness for the first time.

She blamed herself. Mia was a pampered child, given everything she ever wanted by their parents. She knew little about the family's hardship because Michael Smith had ensured Mia got everything she desired.

Jess had often overlooked her behavior because she loved her. But Mia was going too far, and somebody needed to teach her proper etiquette before she made a fool of herself.

You are back! Said Mia nonchalantly.

Mia did not bother to meet her gaze because she knew she was still mad at her. She felt remorseful for deserting Jess, but her sister was not interested in going to the ball, nor was she interested in becoming the wife of a nobleman.

Mia knew her sister fancied a simple life and had resolved to settle down with that low-life James, who was nothing more than a cobbler for the upper class and the royal family.

Just because her sister enjoyed poverty and did not enjoy dining with the rich does not mean she has to enjoy poverty as well, thought Mia to herself.

Forgive me! The excitement got the better of me, and I acted without consideration. Please forgive me, dear sister. Mia apologized, her lips pursed. She knew her weakness and exploited it.

Will you allow a little misunderstanding to drive a wedge between us after going through thick and thin together for twenty-two years? Mia asked, coming to hug Jess from behind as she rested her chin on her shoulders.

You will make me all wet. Jess stated as her resolve was breaking.

You are a cunning wench with that sweet and flattery tongue that can melt the heart of even the most hardened criminal, commented Jess with a smile.

Do you forgive me? I will continue to tickle you until you tell me you have forgiven me for the little stunt I pulled, insisted Mia.

Jess was unable to hold her laughter as Mia continued to tickle her. She tried wriggling herself out of her grip, but Mia refused to budge and continued to tickle her until Jess surrendered.

Okay, I forgive you. Please stop tickling me, Jess said, giggling. Her clothes were wet from the water that tickled down her hair. It was not in her nature to keep a grudge for too long. Even before Mia apologized, Jess had already forgiven her but just wanted to show her displeasure at her attitude.

I love you, Mia said and kissed her sister on her cheek.

Her lips turned up into a small smile as she responded. And I love you too, Mia.

Let me help you dry your hair and help you into your gown, offered Jess as she walked to the small wardrobe in their room to retrieve a towel.

After helping Mia with drying her hair and putting on her makeup, a skill she had picked up from her friend, Sarah, who was an expert in that field. Jess praised herself as she had improved compared to the past.

Mia looked at her reflection in the mirror and was amazed at the magic her sister did on her face. She had borrowed the makeup kit from Lisa, who was generous enough to give it to her. The makeup was light and blended perfectly with her skin tone, giving her a mature look but highlighting her youthfulness.

Mia went to the back of the house to retrieve the cloth she had borrowed from Clara from the clothesline because it had not dried when she took it.

All dry and ready to wear! The look on the faces of the noblemen will be priceless when they see me, and they probably have not seen such beauty even among the ladies of the upper class. Mia praised herself, admiring the gown.

She wondered where Clara got such a beautiful gown from seeing she was poor. She quickly pushed the thought aside and went inside the house so that Jess could help her put on the dress.

Jess was just about to open the bag that Clara had given her when Mia returned inside the house.

Please, help me put on the gown, pleaded Mia.

Jess tossed the bag aside and went to help Mia with the corset.

Are you going to be alright? Asked Jess, who was pulling the corset that her sister was wearing.

Mia held her breath and nodded while she held onto one of the bedposts.

Make it tighter! Mia insisted, and Jess pulled the laces further so that Mia could have an hourly figure once she put on the gown she borrowed from Clara.

Okay, this looks good. Mia announced as she went to stand in front of the mirror. She swayed herself back and forth to ensure she looked as she wanted, and she did.

Will you be able to breathe? Jess asked about the tightness of her corset, which made her worry just by looking at it.

Absolutely! Replied Mia with a reassuring smile.

Jess wondered why Mia wanted to suffocate herself because she wanted to appear in a certain way. She was beautiful already, and even without any makeup, she would still stand out. But Jess, knowing her sister, knew that nothing she said could dissuade her once she had her mind made up.

Mia was ready as she had finished doing her hair by tying most of it up while leaving two locks of her hair curled in the back to rest on her shoulder.

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