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Clara's house

As Jess was about to leave the house and head over to Clara's house, Mia Called out her name, making Jess halt her steps and turn to look at her sister. She shook her head as she watched Mia walk towards her with a mirror and a bag in her hands.

Jess knew her sister well; her anger did not subside quickly. She must have wanted to tag along with her to Clara's house when she realized that Lisa wouldn't be at home. Jess overheard Lisa's conversation with her cousin yesterday. She wanted to spend some time with her cousin's family today.

Are you still angry over what I said earlier?" Jess asked, knowing fully that her sister had not fully overcome it.

Everyone around Mia has pampered her ever since she was a child. Her parents thought they wouldn't be able to have another child after they gave birth to Jess after trying for six years, but nothing was forthcoming.

They had given up hope and accepted their fate of having only one child when her mother found out that she was pregnant with a child. They had thought her morning sickness and reactions to particular food were just due to the stress of her work, but it turned out she was pregnant with Mia.

Jess vividly remembered her joy when her father broke the news to her. She wanted a sister or brother to play with, and she was envious of her friend Sarah, who had two brothers two years older than her.

The next day, she ran to her friend's house to announce that she would be a big sister. The neighbors rejoiced at the news, but simultaneously, the people's reactions toward her were strange, even though she was only six.

Finally, you now have a child of your own," said one of their neighbors on hearing the news, and their village chief's wife nodded in agreement.

I'm certainly blessed to be having another child. Jess now has a playmate and a younger sibling. My Jess is such a blessing to both my husband and me, Jess recollected her mother, saying as she looked at her with tears brimming down her cheeks.

Sarah and her family were very dear to Jess's heart. Sarah was the only one who, for some reason, wanted to play with Jess; other children constantly taunted her because she had brown-gold hair.

Jess wondered why they mocked her for her hair because it differed from the rest. Her father had dark curling hair and brown eyes, while her mother had dark, wavy hair that reached her shoulders.

Jess had often wondered why her hair and eyes differed from those of her parents and the rest of the villagers. If her hair were black like her mother's, the villages wouldn't make fun of her.

You are at it again. You've zoned out to only God knows where, Jess heard her sister's voice say as she came to stand beside her and brushed out the strands of her hair.

Jess chuckled and looked at Mia. She was glad to have a sister with whom she could share her joys and sorrows. Even if Mia behaved childishly at times, she still loved her.

Where are you heading to? Mia asked as she continued brushing Jess's hair and straightening the crease on her nightgown.

I'm heading over to Clara's house to see if I can borrow an outfit for tonight's ball, replied Jess, looking at Mia suspiciously.

Can I come with you? Mia asked, coming to stand before her sister with a mischievous smile.

I knew something was up when you ran after me and started combing my hair and fixing my dress. You can tag along; Clara might be generous enough to lend us two dresses," Jess replied as she headed back to her room to tidy herself up.

Where're you heading to now, Jess? shouted Mia.

I need to change into something decent so that I don't look like a homeless person on the road," Jess replied.

Mia put her hands around Jess's waist and said pleadingly. Please, there is no time to waste. The gala is tonight, and we don't have all day to waste, seeing that it is almost midday. Why don't we go over to Clara's house first to see if we can find some good gowns?" Mia said as she dragged Jess along with her.

Jess signed and decided to do as Mia said. They got to Clara's house and found her hanging the laundry on the clothesline. The sun was bright and warm enough to dry the clothes. On sighting both sisters in her house, Clara said-

What a pleasant surprise to have you both in my house. Jess, I thought you would still be in bed judging by the busy day you had at the diner last night, she said as she winked at her.

Clara managed to sneak out of the diner last night when their boss, Ariana, left for her home, leaving Jess alone to run the complete shift. She felt guilty for leaving Jess to carry the full responsibility, but she knew Jess was kind-hearted and would not expose her to their boss.

Don't think I didn't see you sneaking out of the diner last night, Jess said as she glared at Clara.

I promise I will make it up to you, Clara said apologetically.

Jess was pleased with that response, as she needed a favor from Clara. But Mia beat her to it before Jess could ask if she could borrow any of her decent outfits.

Since you want to make it up to my sister, I want this gold outfit hanging on the clothesline."

Clara's eyes furrowed at Mia's disrespect, and she refrained from lashing out because of Jess. She did own her one for pulling it down for her at the diner last night after she went incognito.

The palace invited our family to attend the ball at the castle tonight, and unfortunately, we have nothing decent to wear at the ball, Mia explained further.

Clara's eyes widened in shock at the revelation, and she turned her gaze to Jess, who nodded her head, confirming what Mia said.

Did you get invited to the ball, too, Clara? Mia asked. The woman smiled at her. I didn't, she said, laughing softly.

You can have the gown, but you must promise to return it in the same condition, Clara said after fully understanding the situation. Mia immediately grabbed the gown and sprinted home without waiting for her sister.

When Mia was out of sight, Clara turned to Jess and pulled her inside her house. I have a lovely gown that I have not worn much that would suit you, she said, going over to her closet to bring out a gown that stunned Jess.

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