Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 4

I flinch** at the hate that I can hear in Skky’s voice. I knew that she didn’t really like me and that she thought that I was a burden but I can’t believe that she would say something Skky.

“What the fk Skky” Tito’s voice blooms over the speaker.

“What it’s true. We should have killed her after mom died, that way we wouldn’t be doing this shit every bloody time” Skky grumps.

“You cold hearted b*h. How could you say that.” Tennessee snaps.

“Maybe I should have put you out of your misery when you broke your leg when you were six and not healed you like I did. That way we wouldn’t have to being doing this shit with you every time either” London snaps

“Skky there will come a time when you need us. I hope that you are not a b*h to your pack otherwise you are going to awfully lonely. I Jameson Saunders renounce you Skky of the Alpha Wolf pack to be any relation to me and mine.” Jameson says

I gasp but then hear Tennessee’s voice

“I Tennessee of the underworld hereby renounce you Skky of the Alpha Wolf pack to be of any relation of mine” Tennessee says with a deep grumble.

“I London of the Black Witch Coven renounce your Skky of the Alpha Wolf Pack to be of any relation of mine, may the goddess grant you safe passage for here to the afterlife.” London says.

“WHAT!!!! You can’t do this. I am more of a relation than that stupid human girl” Skky snaps.

“Guys, don’t we are family and this will weaken you all. Take it back. Please she hasn’t accepted so take it back.” I say with a trembling voice. I know that Skky will become super angry and want revenge so I know that this isn’t going to go well for me.

“I Alpha Tito of the Alpha Wolf pack, Alpha command that you are not to say anything or breath, write of insinuate anything that is pertaining to Hennessy and our family, and that should there be any trouble that you will do all that you can to help save her and keep her safe for our family, sibling or not. As of this moment until the end you Skky of the Alpha Wolf pack are a sole member of this pack and you are regarded to that of your station. We have no former ties as of this moment and therefore I renounce any and all familiar ties with you.” Tito says.

“AAAARRRRRRGGGHHH!!!” I hear Skky scream

I kill the call as I can’t bare to hear what she will say or what the others will make her say and I can’t concentrate on the road and the pain at the same time.

I feel it though, like my heart is missing a piece that should be there. I take a deep breath and try my hardest not to let what has happen affect me. But I know what Skky isn’t going to let this go just like that. Skky can be extremely petty she was already kicked out of the incubus horde and now Tito is telling her that she is nothing but a wolf within his pack. Feeling a tear slide down my face I take another deep breath and try and stop thinking about what is happening.

Continuing with the drive feels like it is taking longer than necessary. I also can’t forget the look on the guard’s face. Whilst he was super handsome to look at, I didn’t let myself fall into the pain of a relationship simply because I can’t have questions being asked. I can’t get close as saying the wrong thing could end my life as well as the person that I love which means I will remain single for the rest of my life.

I didn’t’ t want to cry I didn’t want to give Skky the satisfaction that I was hurt by what she said but it pains me that she hates me so much. It also hurts that my family have taken my side and not hers. After all she is more their kind than I am. Their life would be so much easier if they didn’t have me. They basically wrap me in bubble wrap and have done since I was found under the floor.

While I like to think that, that was the day my life really changed it wasn’t. I remember everything from the very moment that I opened my eyes when I came into this world and ever since I have had to fight for each moment, each second to get to my current age. But there is also something within me that makes me keep going. Sometimes though the fighting and constantly moving forward drains me.

Tito, Tennessee, London and Jameson have always treated me like spun glass but sometimes I see that their concern isn’t just for me it is almost like they are concerned about themselves which makes no sense I am basically human and they are Supers which could kill me faster than look at me.

Hell, I have seen Tennessee accidentally blink when he first got his powers we were down by the lake and that blink killed the small rabbit that was on the opposite bank and I am not talking a gentle blink and bam the rabbit falls asleep no Tennessee blinked and sneezed and made the poor rabbit explode. I still remember the look of horror on his face as I sat there covered in exploded rabbit crying.

Also take Jameson, he is a dark Fae/harpy and he can’t have pepper. Don’t get me wrong there as been many occasions that I have myself given him the forbidden pepper. Pepper makes him drunk and he will run around in his underwear and pretend to be swimming through the world it lasts for days and whilst it is hilarious it pisses him off so bad.

London hates milk I don’t know why; she can’t stand that it is white and that it comes from a cow but the most hilarious thing about that is that she can’t have coffee without milk so she casts a spell that makes her milk pink and as it is her favourite colour it is completely normal for her to have. So, every morning she will pour pink milk into her coffee and act like she doesn’t consume milk at all.

Tito is the funniest person to mess with. Though do so at your own risk. Tito is scared of spiders, I remember ever since I was little I have loved all creatures and I once found this huge tarantula that my mother has sprayed with poison any way I got it and washed the poison off but because it needed time to heal I placed it in bed with Tito as he likes to sleep in wolf form. Well lets say that when he woke to the spider climbing through his fur he screamed so loud that the small village heard it everyone had come running to see the big bad wolf screaming and bouncing around trying to get that spider off of him.

I remember the look of Skky’s face she was pissed I also remember her running at me. But after that nothing.

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