The Hayes & Holloway Family
Let me give you the background of me and my family. When grandpa Cole was seventeen he enlisted in the United States Army. The way told the story, he truly believed in serving his country and was extremely proud to be an American. On his first day at boot camp, he met another seven-year guy named Daniel Holloway, they became best of friends and were inseparable from that day. Turns out they both had the same job, which was in security and intelligence. Being young and full of ideas, they decided that after their contracts ended they would get out of the military and open their own business together. While they were still in the service they both met two young ladies they fell head over heels in love with. They married the young ladies they claimed were the love of their lives. Both ladies were already best friends and that made things easier for everyone, since the guys were inseparable.
Apparently one day all four of them were hanging out and somehow the idea came up about this arranged marriage contract for their children to further bind their friendship and families together. Grandpa Cole did not mention if they were all drunk when they came up with this stupid ass idea, but I’m pretty sure they were all drunk. We can’t expect anything good to come from young people who are dumb and drunk. Look at the current situation for example. Now this pact will only work if they have different sex children. When the ladies finally had their first kids, they both had sons, so the arrangement was postponed. Since both families wanted many kids, they figured their next kids wouldn’t be the same sex. During this period both grandpa Cole and Daniel were setting up their business, while working elsewhere in order to pay their bills. Their wives worked as well so they could help support and feed their families.
It took a few years for the business to get off the ground. They finally got a small military contract that propelled the company further than they had ever imagined. Over the years the company grew and now they’re a billion dollar government security company. With all the military conflicts happening over the last twenty plus years, the company is doing extremely well. They have expanded the company by adding a private security department providing bodyguards for all kinds of people who can afford their services. To be honest they did an excellent job building such a company from the ground up while still taking care of their family’s needs.
My grandparents did not have any more children, not ones that made it to full term anyway. Grandma Bernice had two miscarriages and they broke her heart, so she refused to try again. Daniel and Mary did have another child, but it was a boy as well that they named David. Grandpa Cole was disappointed that grandma Bernice didn’t want to try again, but he had no choice but to listen to her. One would think that would have put an end to the stupid marriage arrangement, but no. The two men decided that the pact should be passed on to their grandchildren to fulfill. Not even knowing if they would have grandchildren. But like I said before, being young and dumb is not a good combination.
When their two older sons became adults they got married and were urged to start their families right away, with no regard to what their wives might want. Chase, who is Daniel’s older son, got married first and his wife Beth had twins, a boy and a girl. They were named the girl Heather and the boy Justin. Ethan, my family also got married to his girlfriend from college Vanessa. David, the youngest son of Holloway's, joined the peace corps right out of high school and left the city. Six months into Ethan and Vanessa’s marriage, Ethan found out that Vanessa was still in love with her previous boyfriend and was still in contact with him. She begged Ethan to forgive her and promised she would cut off all contact with her ex-boyfriend. Ethan forgave her and they decided to start over.
They actively started trying to have a baby, at least that's what Ethan thought. One morning he walked in on her taking birth control pills. She thought he had already left for work, needless to say he was livid. This was right before their one year wedding anniversary and he felt hurt and betrayed. In his mind he has forgiven her before hoping that their relationship would get better and starting a family of their own would be the right step to help them achieve that goal. He never expected her to do something like this after knowing how important having children meant to his family. How could he possibly trust her after what she has done? He started to feel that he never really knew the real Vanessa, because her current behavior was foreign to him. When they first met she always presented herself as an honest, loving, loyal person and now she turns out to be a completely different person. He was heartbroken that the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with has been lying to him since the day they met. In his mind there was no way he could continue living or being with this person.