New Love & Secret Baby
After he left their house that morning, he went to talk to grandpa Cole about the situation. He wanted to divorce her, in his eyes she cannot be trusted and he wanted nothing to do with her anymore. Grandpa Cole and his plethora of wisdom, told him that their marriage is young and that they can work past this little “hiccup”. Ethan had already made up his mind about having nothing to do with her again, but grandpa Cole would not let him get divorce. Turns out that grandpa Cole did not believe in divorce, he feels that there is nothing between a couple that can’t be worked out. Now that I am thinking about it, I bet he was the one who came up with the stupid arranged marriage crap. Anyway Ethan moved his things into a second bedroom, in their house. He made up his mind that they were over. A few months of living like this, he realized he didn’t even like looking at her and moved out completely.
He got himself an apartment close to the company and left her in their marital home. Four months after he moved out he met a new employee at the company and he claimed it was love at first sight for them both. I rolled my eyes at him when he told me that part of the story. Her name is Ellison Johnson, she was born and raised in Jamaica. She had just graduated from law school and this was her first job as a business lawyer. They started dating the very week they met and were truly in love. She knew that he was married, but was legally separated. Since Ethan lacked a backbone did not tell his father that he moved out and filed a legal separation from Vanessa. Which means, he also didn’t tell him about my mother. At one point they moved in together and were living a happy life. A year after they met I was born. I had Ethan's eyes and nose, but my mother’s straight face. My complexion was a mixture of both my parents, but my skin was lighter than my mother’s. I had jet black very curly long hair.
When I was four years old my mother took a job in Chicago and we moved away. I did not see Ethan again until five years later. My mother refused over the years to tell me why we moved away from him. I only saw him again, because he was my mother’s emergency contact. She was in a car accident that took her life and just like that my life was turned upside down. In her will she left everything she had to me, but said I must send it to my father. Her lawyer contacted Ethan while I was in the room and I could hear him crying when he got the news of her death. He flew to Chicago that night, so he could be at the funeral with me. I refused to speak to him the entire time, because in my mind he abandoned us for five years. Before we moved away, he didn’t introduce us to his family and in my young mind that means he didn’t love or want us.
When we got back to New York, we went straight to his parents house. That was the first time he mentioned my existence to them and vice versa. They were shocked, mad and happy at the same time. At least that is how they looked to me at the time. Looking back at it now, grandma was the one that was happy to meet me. We spent a few days at his parents house and then he took me to his apartment and said we will be living here together. Six months later, I was still giving him the cold shoulder. Plus, I missed my mother like crazy. She was my best friend, I missed her hugs and our time together. It really hurt that I would never see her again or taste her cooking. For the last five years we were each other's world and now she is gone and I don’t know how to handle it. And now here I am living with a man that I don’t know, who never wanted us.
After a year of us living together he showed me a website of an all girl boarding school. At first I thought he was abandoning me again, but then I thought at least I don’t have to see his face everyday. I agreed to go and I was supposed to come home every holiday. Which I could care less about, because my mother would not be there to celebrate with me. So, in my mind there was nothing for me to celebrate or be happy about. It turned out that I really liked the school. Living with nothing but girls hardened me. I learned fast that girls are mean, vindictive jealous creatures and I couldn’t be weak around them. I started self defense classes a month after I started that school. Only the strong survive in a school environment like that. When you walk into the main building of the school, the written motto on the wall is ‘only babies cry’. That should tell you everything you need to know about that school.