Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 14


I opened my eyes,sweating profusely as I stepped down from the bed. I shook my head gently as I tried to remember the dream I had.

I knew I had a dream but I couldn't remember, everything was foggy in my head.

I heard a knock and Celine opened the door, poking her head into my room.

“You're late for work, darling.” She informed,raising her brow and giving a wry smile.

I immediately ran to the door, completely forgetting the way to the bathroom.

Celine called me back and directed me to the bathroom. “It's over there.” She pointed out with a chuckle.

I gave a nervous laugh as I bolted for the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and immediately undressed, heading for the shower. I passed the mirror and noticed something weird. My eyes had turned purple.

“What the heck!” I shrieked.

I checked it again but it was back to normal, black.”

“It's probably the reflection of the light in my eyes.” I murmured to myself, entering into the shower.

I got to the door, wearing my shoes, about to leave when Jericho came behind me and dropped a packed sandwich in my bag. I smiled at the gesture.

“Money is useless if you're not strong enough to properly spend it.” He stated with a shrug.

I nodded my head at his remark. “I'll do my best to remember that.”

Celine suddenly came and dropped a bottle of orange juice in my bag.

“Sandwiches taste best with orange juice. Trust me.” She completed with a wink.

I smiled gently. There was something about these people that made me feel loved. I had no idea what it was but it filled me with joy.

“I'll be off now.” I said,opening the door.

“Luciana!” Celine called when I was almost out the door.

I turned to face her and she looked at me,hesitation reflecting in her beautiful eyes.

“What do you want to tell me,mum?” I worded,hoping she wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

She smiled and the smile got to her eyes. It was a genuine smile. I felt my lips curl up.

“I just wanted to tell you to be careful today. The universe is giving me signs that today could be ominous, considering the full moon and all.”

Jericho rolled his eyes.

She continued speaking “All I'm saying is to be careful, I've been sending dark energy ever since I woke up.”

Her words sounded a little familiar, like I had heard them before but I couldn't seem to remember.

“All right, I'll be careful.” I assured with a wave as I left.


I decided to take the train to get to the mansion so Arielle and I could go to work together.

I bought my ticket and entered the train. I took my seat and brought out my phone to watch a movie while the journey proceeded.

Five minutes into the journey, and the lights suddenly went out. This was quite normal as this particular train had bad lights but there was something scary and sinister about the way they flickered before going out.

It was really dark in the train and I was rather surprised to be in total silence. No one said a word, not even a complaint. It was like no one was on the train but me.

I suddenly felt cold chills on my shoulder so I decided to switch on the flashlight of my phone. I tried to switch it on but my screen began to glitch. I couldn't switch it on, and the darkness began to freak me out.

I suddenly saw yellow eyes, it was extremely bright and seemed to penetrate the darkness, causing more chills on my shoulder. It looked absolutely terrifying.

The eyes increased to four, then eight,and ten, it continued multiplying until yellow eyes filled the train. The eyes began to turn into slits, and I heard hisses. Like that of snakes.

“What's going on?” I whispered to myself silently, my voice shaking.

“Just a little. Just a drop would do.” I heard someone say.

The amount of voices saying that gradually increased, ranging from men, to women to children, to old people, all chanting the same words.

“Just a little. Just a drop would do.”

I put my index finger in my mouth, ready to bite it when I felt a tap.

I looked up at the person tapping me and realized that the train was bright again.

“You've gotten to your stop. You fell asleep.” The man informed me.

“I fell asleep?” I asked, confused. He nodded gently as I stood up.

I could almost swear that I wasn't asleep. What I experienced felt too real to be a dream.

I got out of the train and after getting out of the train station, I began the lonely descent to the house.

Upon getting to the mansion,I noticed that something was amiss. It was quiet. Eerily quiet.

I entered inside and met no one. I heard faint voices coming from upstairs and I went there, hoping to find someone. I did find someone but it wasn't what I expected.

Arielle turned to me with a look of fear in her eyes as she beckoned me to come closer.

“Damon was with you yesterday night,right?” She asked.

“Yes.” I answered, a blush slowly creeping up my face. “We went out for dinner and then he dropped me home.”

Arielle looked at me and I figured that she wanted me to keep talking.

“We met my guardian's cousin at my gate and they both talked.”

“What did they talk about?” She asked, egging me on.

“Well..” I blushed more, “He questioned if we were going out and I denied it immediately because it's not true.”

Arielle rolled her eyes. “Go on,Cub. What happened again?”

I racked my brain,trying to remember what had transpired last night. “Nothing really happened, they just spoke and then shook hands and then Damon got called so he left.”

“They shook hands?”

I nodded.

“What is the name of your guardian's cousin?”

“Jericho. Why do you ask?”

“Damon was possessed by a witch.”

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