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Chapter 17


The alphas were all gathered,with the supreme alphas sitting on the high table.

Torak shot a glare at me as he sat and Jeremy shook his head.

“Now, the reason we are all gathered here is because Alpha Duncan has declared that the witches are back.” Torak informed,pointing to me.

The alphas all murmured and with a look from Xavier,they all kept quiet.

Xavier was the supreme alpha of the grey wolves. He was an introverted person but he was very disciplined. He never hesitated to punish people when punishment was due. Overall, he was a cool guy, the only one among the supreme alphas I liked.

Jeremy, the supreme alpha of the brown wolves. He was extroverted and playful, his personality attracted a lot of people to him but he was actually crazy. He was a sadist who enjoyed tormenting people while smiling with them.

Torak, supreme alpha of the white wolves, nephew to James El salvador. I hated him and his guts. He was despicable and blood craved. On top of that,he orchestrated the murder of my brother along with his wife,Danielle, thereby causing the enmity that existed between the wolves.

“Now, this is a threat that cannot be ignored even though the durability of the information cannot be confirmed.” He completed with a smirk.

I threw a glance toward him.and he shrugged. I hated the guy.

Jeremy stood up in order to prevent any clashes from erupting.

“The witches are a threat that we have never been able to get rid of. Eliminate all of them and they'll spring up again.” He spoke, his eyes scanning the room. “Every one hundred years, they arise, trying to break the seal used to hold the demon race. But now, it's even worse. They're trying to free something more sinister.”

Our eyes caught something and we all turned in a certain direction. We each looked at each other and communicated without speaking.

“Something that is way worse than mere demons.” He continued speaking as he stood up and began moving.

“This time around, they pose a threat not only to the wolves but to every race alive.”

“Even the dragons?” A young alpha asked.

“Yes, even the dragons, along with the faeries.” He moved to an alpha and stopped right in front of him, glaring at him.

“Even now, they are among us.” He clarified, looking deep into the alpha's terrified eyes.

Torak and I quickly stood up and bolted for an alpha at the back and pinned him down, causing the attention of everyone to be on us.

“Just make sure you don't let this witch best you.” Torak mocked,.earning a growl from me.

“What do you want from me?” The alpha asked,fear and terror present in his voice.

“Oh…so you think you can play dumb?” Xavier asked from the side. “I really hate people like this. It's simply upsetting and disappointing.” He continued, paying no heed to the questions that the alpha continually asked.

“What do you mean?” Jeremy asked, raising a brow, moving away from the wolf and coming towards us.

“There's more than one.” He pointed out, rolling his eyes in disgust.

“Alphas,watch out! The person beside you could be a witch!” Jeremy suddenly yelled, scaring everyone.

The men looked ta each other and began to murmur,suspicion laced in every murmur their lips produced.

Jeremy grinned like an idiot as he watched the frantic faces of all the alphas and then suddenly, when everyone was too focused on finding out who the witch was, Xavier dragged out two people.

They were alphas from the white wolves and the Grey wolves.

We went back to our seats as the alphas looked at us with daggers in their eyes.

“You're looking like you got murder on your mind.” Jeremy teased,sticking out his tongue.

I could only rub my forehead. How could an alpha behave like that.

“Hey, it looks like you win a round, Duncan. The witch imposter isn't from your pack.”

I smiled in realization as I turned to Torak, flashing him a pair of white teeth.

He just rolled his eyes and proceeded to talk to the witch.

“So, should I kill you now or will you answer me and prolong your lifespan by a few minutes.”

“Fun fact, if you agree to the former,you will look for death but not find death.” Jeremy announced. “It'll be way worse than death..” He added,a glint evident in his eyes.

The witch alpha spat out. “You're never getting anything from me. Kill me, torture me. Oh wait, you cant. If you kill me,your alpha also dies.”

“But you end up dying right?” Xavier asked, growing out his nails.

The witches eyes widened in horror as Xavier slit his neck. The blood gushed out and the slits in his eyes gradually faded away.

“His life is only a small price to pay.”

The other alphas gasped and Xavier moved to the next alpha witch.

“Are you ready to talk?” Xavier inquired, wiping his hands as he moved toward the witch.

“Please,dont kill me. I'll talk.”

“You do not understand the situation you're in right now,do you?” He asked with a smirk displaying on his lips.

“Psst.. Dont you think Xavier looks scary when he's like this. He is acting just like a maniac.” Jeremy turned and whispered into my ears.

“What the fuck is wrong with you? Get off me!” I whispered and yelled at the same time.

Normally,I wouldn't be bothered about him but after the incident of Damon getting possessed by a witch, I was on the edge. Jeremy knew that and the fact that he used it to his advantage annoyed me greatly.

“I'm just telling the truth!” He rebutted, shrugging his shoulders.

The witch began to speak. “I'll do anything to live a little longer. I never even wanted to be a witch.” He confessed.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked, moving towards him.

“You never wanted to be a witch? Why do you speak like you were not born a witch?”

“I wasn't born one. I was initiated into becoming one.”

“That's not possible.” Jeremy muttered, sounding serious. “You cannot be initiated into witchery. You are born that way.”

“Well ,you're wrong. I was initiated into witchery.”

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