Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 18


Duncan had left with a strange man after receiving a call from someone I didn't know and I could finally breathe out.

Arielle called me back into the room as soon as he left.

“I know you must have been pretty scared with the way he yelled at you.”

I shook my head, trying to deny but she smiled as she looked at Damon who was sound asleep.

“You see, there's this saying. Villains are not born, they are made.”

I gave a slight nod of approval as I had heard of it before.

“If you've gone through what he went through, you'll become like him. Honestly, I'm quite surprised that you can still remain this pure even after what your family did to you.”

I gently pursed my lips as I listened to her speak. The background music that was used to lure Damon to sleep had a melancholic feeling, almost making me cry.

“Rejection isn't something that wolves accept well. It's one of the hardest things for us, and that's one reason why we're always in packs. Rejection from our mates,rejection from our family, rejection from our pack, it drives a wolf insane.” She continued, her tone hiding a little sadness in it.

“Have you….been rejected before?” I asked slowly, taking a closer look at her.

Her green eyes, her full plump lips, her straight nose, perfect hair and hairline and an expression that was enchanting.

“Yes..”She replied softly I almost didn't hear her. “It was so long ago.” She added.

I was shocked out of my mind. I had initially just asked the question so I wouldn't look dumb like as if I couldn't think of anything sensible to ask. I wasn't expecting to receive that answer.

“What did you do? Were you able to control yourself?” I urged again,making her release a grim laugh.

“I couldn't. I felt too betrayed.”

“What did you do?”

“I killed her. I murdered her in cold blood along with the child in her womb. I absorbed the life out of her until she looked like a decaying corpse.” She completed, her eyes looking lost.

“ I have a feeling you were rejected by someone you once liked.” I stated.

She gave a gentle nod.

“How is that even possible? I mean,you have all the attributes all women want.”

“I wasn't his mate, and when he found his mate he couldn't resist the pull. He left me for her.”

“That must have been pretty hard.”

“Actually, it wasn't,because I met Duncan. He has been with me ever since. I was actually happy that he found his mate and left me since I got to be with Duncan and he's a wonderful person.”

I scrunched up my face in confusion. “Is it the same Duncan we know? The one that's cold and literally treats people like they don't exist. There's no way in this world he's the one you're talking about.”.I rebutted.

“He is the one I'm talking about.” She claimed with a smile. “He may not look like it or act like it, but he's a really nice person. He has a great sense of responsibility and he takes good care of his pack. Being a supreme alpha is hectic as hell but he manages to keep all his pack members safe.”

I shook my head, this woman had been clearly bewitched. I knew the look in his eyes. He had the eyes of someone who was ready to torture and kill you at anytime if you ever crossed him. It was safe to say he looked scarier than my father whom I considered to be the most scary man in the world.

“But..he doesn't show his soft side to everyone, only to me. That gesture kinda makes me feel special.” She added with a small blush.

I smiled a little at her expression and then realized that this was the first time such a thing was happening to me. Although Arielle was way older than I was, she talked to me like we were not that far apart in age. Like an older sister.

Damon groaned gently as he opened his eyes. His gaze landed on me and a smile displayed on his lips.

“Are you okay?” I blurted out.

He rose up from the bed slowly. “I'm doing fine, now that I've seen you.”

“Eww,what kind of cheesy line is that?” Arielle asked with a grimace.

Damon chuckled gently as he waited for Arielle to ask her final question.

“Do you really not know who possessed you?”

“I know,but it would be disastrous to let him know. Who knows what havoc he will wreak if he finds out.” He stated.

Arielle turned to me and gave me a slight nod signifying my leave.

“It'll be just a minute. Hearing information like this can put you in danger.” Damon reassured me because he saw my downcast face. “I promise to call you back,I have something to tell you as well.”

I left for the door and they started talking.

“Do you remember the conversation you had with him when you were possessed?” Arielle asked.

“No,I have no memory of it.”

I went outside and began wondering what to do. I decided to have my breakfast. I went to the dining and brought out the sandwich Jericho and juice Celine had given me.

I settled down to eat but then Desmond came to sit with me as well.

“Good day to you,miss.” He greeted me with a smile.

“Good day.” I replied, biting into my sandwich.

“Do you perhaps know why there is a commotion upstairs?”

“Commotion? What commotion?”

He furrowed his brows and gave me an unreadable expression. “Do you mean to tell me that you are not aware that something is going on?”

“No, I have no idea. I just left there right now and Arielle is with Damon, they're talking.”

“Why aren't you there?” He asked.

I began to feel suspicious. What if a witch had possessed him as well.

“Who are you?” I questioned, standing up slowly.

“Why,I'm Desmond. You know who I am.” He replied standing up. “I'm really sorry if I have made you uncomfortable, it's just that I'm really awkward around people and starting a conversation is really hard.”

I opened my mouth in an “o” form.

“I'll be off now, there is something I must do.” He left as soon as he said that,not even turning back to look again.

I shook my head at his behavior. He was just too weird.

I took another bite from my sandwich but then I choked. I was choking on something. I hit my chest, trying to bring out the food content that was stuck in my throat but I couldn't.

I began to lose breath gradually, until my vision became dark.

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