Chapter 7:
Pythia POV:
Everything was happening at once. I could feel Bosch about to break free and bags were being thrown causing the ground to explode. Shit this is not good. We need to do what we can and fast. I moved in and out quickly, snapping anyone's neck I came across. The large wolf trailed not far behind me, killing anything I missed. I could hear screams around me, people being injured, I saw a bag being launched in my direction but more behind me, I stopped and turned to see my big beautiful wolf being the main target. "NNOO!" I screamed and teleported to his side shoving him, fuck he weighed a lot, "Balthakk!" I roared and watched him be thrown to the side just as a bag hit the ground next to me. I didn't have time to brace myself before I was thrown in the same direction as my wolf, I landed against a super soft and fluffy figure. I felt a growl rip through him and I learned forward to stand only to realize I was hit harder than I thought. I stumbled around and felt my wolf stand next to me. I leaned against him for a little support and when I looked up I saw a group of dark witches marching their way towards us. Each had a bag in their hands and I had to think quickly. "Let me on your back!" I yelled up at him.
He kneeled down and I jumped as high as I could, swinging one leg over and balancing, when he stood I could see things a lot better. I looked towards the group of witches and smirked at their stunned faces. "Sheol!" I yelled, at the same time I said the words my big wolf growled hard enough to vibrate the ground under us moving the shackles at a faster speed. What the hell is that about? He is an alpha that I know, but how is that possible? I will have to look into that another day for now we needed to start getting the injured out of here. "Go! Run we need to get to the injured quickly, I'll take care of those I see along the way." I said tightening my legs around his side to let him know that I was ready. He ran forward and with each person I saw I set them on fire. I saw Ambrosia fighting alongside a large wolf similar to the one that has been staying by me. I wonder if they are related. Either way they made a wonderful team. Both killing anything and everything. The ground shook violently making my wolf stumble and trip a little. I seen Alley and Sammie being surrounded, "Hold on I'll be back!" I said before disappearing only to reappear in time to see Sammies eyes go solid white and necks snapping. "We don't have much time before Bosch breaks free, we need to end this now." I said looking between the women when I noticed a bag in Alleys hand. "Give me the bag so I can dispose of it properly." I said holding my hand out.
When she placed it in my hand I went back to my wolf and ducked under him so I could quickly take apart the bag and destroy the contents within it. When I came back out from under him the ground shook harder and screams exploded around us. More wolves and people were falling to the ground and I knew I had to get the injured somewhere safe. I grabbed the large wolf by the face, making him look at me. "Go somewhere and hide! Please! I must get the injured out of here and somewhere safe. I will find you soon!" I said before disappearing to the closest injured I could find, I was grabbing one to two wolves at a time and hiding them wherever I could. Some of my people were down but they would live. I stuffed them anywhere I possibly could and each time I came out I could see we were almost done hiding everyone. I could see the stone start to crack and I knew it was a matter of seconds and I could see Alley, Sammie and Stephen still out in the open, I could still fight from the sidelines at least. Everyones attention turned to Alley and I knew she was now the main target. I raised my arms but before I could speak the words I was tackled from the side. The back of my head hit the ground pretty hard as I landed on my back. When my eyes opened a nasty looking vampire jumped at me and pulled his leg back and stomped on my stomach, I sucked in a breath of air and I held on to my arms and waited for a punch or kick or something but it never came.
When I looked back up I saw a man come out of nowhere and ripped his head smooth off. I laid there stunned for a second before I looked into his crystal blue eyes. He extended an arm out to me and I took it, as he helped me up I felt sparks dance across my skin. What the hell is that about? I looked back up to see his eyes switch from blue to green. Those green eyes match the same color as my wolf. A loud boom broke my attention from him. Shit I need to get back to Alley, I tried to run but he wrapped his arms around my waist making my hiss in pain. "Let me go! I need to get to Alley!" I said, trying to break free of him. "Alley has cleared the area, we have to stay back." He replied and instantly I stopped moving. "I need to see what is happening in case I need to get to her." I said relaxing. He let go of me and we both peaked around the house in time to see Alley transform into what looked like a lycan. Holy goddess she is the true resemblance of beauty. Within seconds everyone that stood around Bosch went up in flames and I felt my eyes widen. I couldn't hear what was being said but the sight before me was unbelievable. They battled each other but never backed off of each other. I could feel the dude next to me tense. "What is your name?" I asked because truthfully I needed to know. "My name is Tye. Tye Spear." He replied, clipped. Spear. He is Alleys brother!? No way. "You're Alleys brother." I said not really to him but out loud. He nodded his head and I knew him watching his sister fight was hard for him to do.