Chapter 7: Grace

I opened my eyes slowly. I was afraid it was all a dream that wasn’t real. But no. I was in the comfiest bed I had ever had the privilege of sleeping on. The sun was shining through the curtain, and I realized for the first time I could remember, no one had come in and interrupted my sleep. I couldn’t remember having any nightmares either. It was bizarre, but I loved it.

I startled. There was a simple knock on the door, but I wasn’t used to that either. In my old pack, people just burst in all the time.

I sat up slowly, letting the blankets pool at my legs as one of the same servants from yesterday peeped her head in.

“Oh good, you’re awake, Miss.” She smiled. Her blonde hair was pulled into a french braid bun and she looked to be about my own age.

I nodded, but didn’t say anything as the girl opened the door revealing a large tray of food, leaving my eyes to nearly bulge from their sockets.

The girl laughed, and I offered her a small, tight smile.

“I’m Alana, by the way, not sure if you remembered from yesterday, but I am here to assist you with anything you need. The Alpha King is downstairs waiting for us, so as much as I want you to relax and take your time, we are on a bit of a time crunch,” Alana finally took a breath before continuing and thrusting the tray into me. “You start eating, and I will start your bath and lay out your clothes, sound good?”

I nodded again, looking at the food hesitantly. There were so many options, and no one had ever given me so many choices before or asked me if a plan sounded good. It was weird.

Alana chatted away about things that had no real importance as she scurried all around the room, and I found comfort in her presence. She was a ray of sunshine that I wasn’t used to being around. I didn’t know work could be fun like that, and I didn’t know how to feel about all the attention.

I squirmed nervously after I took a few bites of some random foods. I didn’t care for most of it, but I liked the biscuit, and that was about all my stomach could handle.

“Are you done, Miss?”

I nodded and carefully moved the tray to the side table and stood up with the blanket wrapped around me. Luckily for me, Alana seemed to get that I wanted my privacy and left without another word.

I didn’t waste any time and got myself cleaned and ready for the day as quickly as I could. I didn’t want to keep the Alpha King waiting too long and I felt as though I had. I quickly ran a comb through my hair and braided it. My back twinged with all the movement, but I had had worse and that’s what I kept reminding myself.

I had never worn any outfit as nice as the one that was laid out for me, either. It was a simple blue dress with flowers on it that had long sleeves and came to just above my knees. My usual dresses usually were longer, but it would do.

I was glad to find Alana just outside my room as I made my way there. I had gotten a tour yesterday, but I didn’t remember a single place I was shown.

My nerves were on fire as I made my way to wherever the Alpha King was. What did he want from me? He had said he wanted to marry me, but was that really his intention? He was by all accounts famous, and I knew more beautiful people than myself had thrown themselves at him in the past, so I kept coming back to the same question: why me?

“Grace.” His rough voice brought me out of my head.

I looked at him, my eyes wide with fear.

“Come on, we’ve got an appointment to get to.”

I frowned. An appointment? Whatever for?

As if sensing my confusion as we walked, he said, “We’re going to the Doctor’s to get your wounds looked at. I want a full physical for you. There were marks on your body of all different ages. I want to know who and why.”

I stumbled over my feet, and he reached out and righted me without even looking.

The doctor’s office was on property. I didn’t remember my old pack having a doctor on property, but maybe it was standard practice... Or maybe since he was the Alpha King, he could do anything he wanted like having a doctor so close.

We walked into the very sterile building, and I jumped when a ringing noise came from Rhys’ body.

“It’s just a phone,” Someone from behind the counter called out, “No need to be afraid.”

The Alpha King shot him a look, but didn’t say anything as he answered his phone. The guy behind the counter looked like a younger version of the Alpha King. He had the same dark brown hair, but it was cut closer to his scalp, but his eyes were darker than the Alpha King’s.

“Go on Grace.” The Alpha King said gently. “I’ll meet up with you after, okay? I have to take this.”

I nodded, but it didn’t ease my fear of going to show my most vulnerable self to a stranger.

“I don’t bite.” The guy laughed freely. “I’m Dr. Sonnett, Rhys’ favorite brother, aren’t you a cute little thing? However, you can call me Sawyer.”

I didn’t say anything, I just followed him back to the exam room. I hated how he seemed to think my presence was a joke, but maybe I was.

He got the exam started quickly, but he didn’t stop talking the whole time.

“You know, my brother has brought a lot of women home from his travels, and quite a few of them have ended up in my hospital, but you are definitely the most injured. What happened to you?”

I didn’t respond. My mind was too busy reeling in my memories. I had heard that the Alpha King had been engaged before. He had been seen with numerous women over the years, and some he was rumored to have made disappeared. I gulped. Was I really next?

The doctor seemed to laugh at my reaction. “You didn’t think you were the first now did you? No, for a long time, every time he went to a new pack, he brought back a new girl. Blondes, brunettes, red heads, it didn’t matter much,” He gave me a once over as he grabbed his stethoscope, “But I will say you are the first to look like you, so maybe you’ll be different; he seems to really like you.” Dr. Sonnett teased when he sensed my mood change.

I didn’t say anything. There wasn’t anything to say. I was broken and he would lose interest soon. Would I be able to change enough to keep his interest? Should I even try? I wasn’t made to be Luna material, let alone Queen Luna. My thought train had me feeling sick.

As soon as I could, I bolted out of there. To my disappointment, the Alpha King wasn’t in the lobby waiting for me, but it didn’t matter. I wandered until I found my way back and locked myself in the room I had left this morning, pondering over what my fate would be and if taking care of my wounds was really worth the time they’d take to heal?

I was laying in bed staring at the wall when I heard the door to my room open. I didn’t turn to look, but I knew exactly who it was as he sat down on the edge of the bed, letting the silence linger over us.

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