Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1: Divorce

"Quintus, I've been married to you for three years, and you've never touched me once. I'm giving up on this marriage. After tonight, you can go find her. Now, consider it compensation for my love for you all these years, okay?"

After saying these words, Chloe Stanhope leaned in and kissed the man in front of her, with a mix of madness and despair, like a moth to a flame.

She knew her methods were despicable. But she had loved for too long, suffered too much! Now she only sought a bit of solace.

"Chloe, how dare you!" Quintus Ellington gritted his teeth, his exquisite and handsome face twisted with anger. He wanted to push the woman off him, but the agitation inside him, rushing and colliding, almost overwhelmed his reason.

This audacious woman actually dared to set a trap for him!

"I'm not afraid of anything..." Tears welled up in Chloe's eyes as she kissed him more urgently, her inexperienced hands fumbling on the man's body.

She just wanted to have him once, completely!

Quintus could hardly contain his anger. However, the current situation was beyond his control. Before long, instinctual reactions were triggered, and with rising body temperature, the last trace of reason was completely swept away.

The next day, just as the sky began to brighten, Chloe woke up. She endured discomfort, got up from bed, dressed, and then, from the drawer, took out the divorce agreement she had prepared long ago, placing it on the bedside table. Finally, she deeply looked at the man in bed.

"Quintus, I set you free. From now on, we go our separate ways, with no more ties!" Chloe murmured these words, withdrew her gaze, and turned to leave.

As she walked out of the Ellington family home, her heart was filled with bitterness and sorrow.

She had loved Quintus for seven years! From her teenage years to college, she had never changed her heart. Her greatest wish was to marry him!

However, Quintus disliked her.

The specific time was the day she entered the door!

At that time, the old master of the Ellington family was seriously ill. The fortune teller said he needed a joyful event. Chloe, possessing a compatible horoscope and was chosen. Her money-oriented father and stepmother didn't hesitate and sent her over. At that time, she was overjoyed, looking forward to the arrival of her wedding night.

But when Quintus appeared, he wore a disgusted expression and said, "Chloe, you should know that the woman I want to marry is Stella Winthrop, not you! Only she is qualified to be my wife."

Chloe knew that Quintus had no obligation to like or love her. But she still naively clung to hope, thinking that one day she could warm this man's heart.

In the three years of marriage, she worked diligently to be a good wife.

Every night, she personally cooked, just so he could come home to a hot meal. No matter how late it was, she would wait for him to come home before she could rest.

If he drank too much at social gatherings, she would take care of him attentively, never asking for help from others.

If he fell ill or got a minor injury, she would worry more than anyone else.

If he faced challenges at work or encountered personal difficulties, she would lend a sympathetic ear and offer unwavering support.

However, love is simply love.

Until the day before yesterday, her birthday, Quintus was in the hospital accompanying Stella, and finally, she understood. All of this was just her wishful thinking! That man's heart was something she could never warm, no matter how hard she tried. He belonged to another woman!

Chloe was completely heartbroken!

When Quintus woke up, it was already ten in the morning. The first thought that crossed his mind after getting out of bed was to kill Chloe!

As the imposing CEO of the Li Corporation, renowned for his shrewdness and dominance in the business world, no one had ever managed to outsmart him or make him suffer losses.

Never did he expect to fall into the trap of that woman.

Furious, he scanned the room but didn't see the woman. Instead, he caught sight of some documents on the bedside table from the corner of his eye.

"What's this?" Quintus furrowed his brows, picked up the papers, and took a look. The words "Divorce Agreement" instantly jumped out at him. His pupils contracted, and his expression suddenly darkened.

First, Chloe used those tactics to get intimate with him, and now she's proposing a divorce. The drama was getting more and more elaborate!

Quintus never believed that Chloe would actually divorce him.

He abruptly got up, got dressed, exuding a menacing aura as he descended the stairs. He interrogated the butler, "Did you see Chloe?"

For a moment, Grayson, the butler, was taken aback before swiftly offering a response, "Mr. Ellington, Mrs. Ellington left before dawn, dragging luggage with her."

Quintus was completely stunned.

Six years later, in China, at TB Medical Research Institute.

Just as Chloe stepped out of the laboratory, her assistant Linda informed her, "Dr. Stanhope, Professor Huntington asked you to come to his office."

Chloe had just pulled an all-nighter, feeling a bit drowsy. Upon hearing this, she suddenly jolted awake, instantly becoming more alert. "Did he mention what it's about? It's not... the research results being sabotaged again by those little troublemakers at home, is it?"

"Apparently, yes," Linda responded, her eyes showing a hint of sympathy. Her leader was always efficient in her work, highly capable, and at a young age, became the prideful disciple of the medical world's luminary, Professor Andrew Huntington. She had a good reputation in the medical field and had never been scolded for professional matters.

But every time, Chloe had to take the blame for the mischief caused by those two adorable troublemakers at home!

Linda instinctively comforted her, "This time, you've been in the lab for three days in a row, not leaving. Daniel and Leo have been worried about your health. You've been busy in Professor Huntington's office every day. I've noticed a few more white hairs on his head."

After hearing this, Chloe felt a bit of a headache, but also found it somewhat amusing.

Six years ago, after leaving the Ellington family, she went abroad. She initially planned to focus on furthering her education but unexpectedly found herself pregnant.

At that time, she had struggled with the decision of whether to terminate the pregnancy, but when it came time to go to the hospital, she hesitated and couldn't bring herself to do it. In the end, she chose to keep the child!

It was triplets—two boys and one girl.

During childbirth, the girl suffered from oxygen deficiency and did not survive. Only the two baby boys, named Daniel and Leo, survived.

Thinking about those two extraordinarily intelligent little ones, Chloe felt happiness in her heart. But when she thought about having to take the blame for them, she instantly felt disheartened...

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