Chapter 4
A flash of light, followed by the sound of a camera click startled us both, and I turned to my side to find a paparazoo that had been stalking my lately smirking at me.
"What the fuck," Richard gritted out, taking a step toward him, but the paparazoo bolted off, quicker than lightening. "That idiot — "
I held onto Richard's arm, preventing him from going after him. "Leave him. He's not worth it. Let's just... let's just go inside. Come on."
He exhaled, placing a hand on the small of my back, causing me to look up at him. "This is all my fault, Elena. I should've known that taking you to public places would result to this. I'm so sorry. That picture will never see the pages of a magazine or tabloid, I promise."
I shook my head, and we began walking toward the entrance of the store. "It's nothing, really. I've become used to it over the past few months. I can't stop living my life because I'm afraid of getting photographed all the time. It used to annoy me, you know? The public always nosy in my personal life. I mean, the number one bestselling author suddenly disappears and has been in hiding, only to be found getting out of a car that most eligible bachelor in Manhattan...who wouldn't put a ten thousand dollar claim on such a story?" I asked, laughing it off.
Richard remained quiet as we walked into the store together, his face grim. "It's about time you get a bodyguard or two, don't you think? I hate what just happened." His tone was sharp, filled with anger. I swiveled around to face him surprise.
"That's not necessary, Richard. I'm not in danger. I love my privacy. I don't want anyone questioning where I want to go or breathing down my neck at all times. It's discomforting."
He pursed his lips as though he wanted to argue with me, but thought better of it. I was thankful for his silence.
The store manager; a tall, slender, dark-haired, imposing woman tensed up and rushed over the second she spotted Richard, a nervous smile on her face. She seemed to be in her late twenties, and I'd do anything to have her height. Her legs went on for days. If not for her fraying nerves, she could've exuded the kind of elegance that suited her store. Or maybe she exuded that elegance with everyone else but us. "Mr. Delmonte. What a pleasure to see you, Sir," she said quickly, then shifted her gaze to me curiously. "Hello there, Miss."
Her eyes roamed over my body, thoughtful, assessing if I was worthy enough to be with Richard. It used to make me self-conscious and annoyed; to be thought of as anything but befitting of Richard's interest or friend, but now I could care less. They could think whatever they wanted to think.
"Her name's Elena."
She looked away from me, finally, flashing probably the fakest smile I'd ever seen at him. "Oh, my deepest apologies, Sir. I mean, Miss...Elena. It's an honor to meet you. My name is Celeste, and I'll be assisting you today."
Richard grunted, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. I looked at him through my peripheral vision, thanks to the fireworks in my stomach to see that he was glaring at Celeste now. "We'll ask for your assistance when we need it, but for now I think you should let us be," he said, his tone unfriendly.
"I'm sorry to have upset you, Sir." She looked downcast, her eyes on the floor.
"Don't be."
Before I could say anything, he pulled me toward the glass display counters, his body rigid. "Are you alright?" I asked the moment we were out of earshot. "Why did you speak to her that way?"
"I don't like the way she looked at you. It was unprofessional. The audacity to size you up like you're worthless... What the hell is that? First we get photographed by some loser and now this?"
I chuckled quietly, leaning against a display counter. I reached out to pinch his cheek. "I am not the surely, unknown writer you once knew. I've written over thirty best sellers, all before the age of twenty five. It's very likely that she's not read any of my books, but have heard enough about me to consider me a threat. Which says a lot about the level of her self-esteem, but I won't be the one to point that out. Besides, her expression wasn't outright insulting."
"It was disrespectful, nonetheless," Richard snapped. "She barely even knows you to act that way."
I wrapped my hand around his upper arm, laughing now. "Is this how you get with every lady that throws a snide glance at Sarah? I might be well known as a hot-shot, successful writer and woman, but Sarah is even more famous. Surely, writers are no match for writers. How do you deal with the jealousy she attracts from fellow women?"
Richard exhaled softly, running a hand through his hair. "I think you're merely underestimating the gravity of the situation. You know Sarah. She can't be bullied, and she's never without a bodyguard. You on the other hand... you're too nice, and stubborn. You can't take care of yourself."
I huffed and turned back around to check the jewelry on display, not wanting to go further on the matter. With Richard, there was no winning. My eyes trailed over the gorgeous engagement rings, and lingered. The mere thought of me getting engaged seemed impossible. I couldn't imagine being with any man other than Richard. I would never be happy.
One particular gold ring caught my eyes — the flat, birdlike shaped pendant studded with red diamonds. For a moment, I allowed myself to imagine how it would look like on my finger.
I was such a lost cause.
I sighed and shook my head, pulling Richard with me to the section where necklaces were displayed, my gaze settling on a diamond choker necklace. It was the type Sarah would love. "How about that one? Sarah would knock you over in joy."
He called Celeste over, and she handed the necklace to me before pointing me to the mirror at a far end. I moved over, holding the choker up against my neck to see how it would look like on me, and Richard gently lifted my hair for me, wrapping it over my shoulder and out of the way.
"It's lovely. You should try it on."
I shook my head. "Oh no, I can't. I'm sorry. This is for Sarah. I can tell it'll fit her just fine without trying it on."
"Stubborn," he muttered, reaching out around me, putting the necklace on me. His fingers grazed over my skin, sending shivers running down my spine, and he didn't even realize.
"It's not a crime to like it. I can get it for you, Elena. We can find something else for Sarah."
My eyes widened, and he beamed at me through the mirror. "Have you forgot that you and Sarah are twins and you two own that day together?"
"Yes, but this is too much. I can't accept it," I said, my fingers curling around the clasp at the back. "Thank you for your kind gesture. Sarah would love this piece. You should definitely buy this for her. I don't think I'll celebrate my birthday this year. I'm so busy."
Richard nodded solemnly, taking the necklace from me, his gaze lingering on my face. "Hey," he whispered, his voice soft. "Is something wrong between us, Elena? Are we good? I feel like you've been spacing out a lot lately, you know? Is it the pressure Sarah has placed on you with the wedding preparations? I'm aware that you've been handling all that's she's supposed to do, alongside writing your next book, but I want you to tell me if it's too much and you don't want to do it anymore. You know I hate it when you suddenly go more quiet than usual."
I squeezed his wrist, and grinned. "You worry too much. We're more than good, Richy. I don't mind the wedding preparations. I don't mind it all. I just love putting in my best in all I do, hence why you feel I'm spacing out."
His expression told me that he wasn't buying my lie, but thankfully, he let it go. I could feel the tears close. How could I tell him that the thought of him marrying Sarah made our friendship seem so...so final? If I was pretending before, now I really felt like I was losing him, every last bit of hope that we'd be together blown up.
How could I tell him that my heart was shattering in a way it never had before, and I wasn't sure I'd ever heal?