CHAPTER 4 Marrying Him
Lottie's POV
I thought for a long time about how to get back at Lewis, but besides beating him up, I couldn't think of any other way to retaliate.
I had never hated myself for not being smart enough as much as I did at this moment. I angrily punched a pillar and felt some relief as I saw the crack on it.
Why can't everything in the world be solved with just fists?
And that annoying Alfie! Why did he have to protect Lewis? I felt the reasons he gave me earlier were just to placate me.
While I prepared to punch the pillar again, I saw Alfie walking. I immediately stopped him.
"Why are you still here?" He asked, sounding genuinely surprised.
"I was waiting for you."
He gave me an interested look. "Oh, waiting for me?"
Without warning, Alfie suddenly leaned in closer to me. "What are you waiting for me to do?"
I instinctively stepped back, not noticing the gravel behind me, and slipped backward.
Just when I thought I was going to fall backward onto the ground, Alfie reached for me. His left hand quickly pulled me up, then he took a step forward and firmly held my waist with his right hand.
When a gust of wind passed, it drove out the fireflies that were hiding in the grass. They were flying slowly all around, like distant stars suddenly scattered around me.
"Look, it's so beautiful."
The beautiful scenery temporarily made me forget about everything else, and I just wanted to enjoy it with the person next to me.
But just as I was immersed in this beauty, Alfie's laughter brought me back to reality. He pulled me up with force and looked at me with curiosity. "Are you always so easily distracted?"
After the wind stopped, the fireflies flew back into the grass, and the surroundings became uneventful again.
"Appreciating beautiful things is instinctual for all living creatures. I can't let my anger make me lose the joy of appreciating beauty."
"Makes sense." He let go of my hand, and then his tone became playful. "So you're still angry?"
I straightened my clothes. "Why didn't you let me question Lewis? Why did you have to protect him?"
"You waited for me for almost three hours just to ask me that?" His eyes showed that curious expression again.
"And so what if I did? What's wrong with that?"
"If I had let you question him at that time, things would have been even worse. You would have lost the opportunity to get revenge on him. I can tell that you care a lot about your sister, but she was inside at the time. Although I don't know what attitude she had towards what Lewis did to you, her choice not to come out shows that she didn't want to deal with this issue with you. If you had questioned Lewis at that time, how would you have dealt with your sister? Also, if you questioned him, based on what I know about him, he wouldn't be able to give you any satisfactory answers. He would only try to sweet-talk you with various excuses. With your simple and non-strategic mind, you would probably get angry and hit him on the spot. Except for the three of you, no one knows the truth. By then, he could easily spread rumors and make you look like the one at fault."
I suddenly realized, but I had a question.
"Why three? You're aware of the situation."
He suddenly burst out laughing, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.
"I can tell that Alpha James has protected you well. Otherwise, how could you still think that everyone in the world is kind after living for 18 years? We have no blood relations; why should I help you? What benefit do I get from it?"
Alfie's words left me stunned, and I didn't know how to respond.
"If I want to ask you what I should do next, will you tell me?"
Although the chance was slim that he would answer me, I still looked at him with pleading and anticipation.
"Little princess, I have many things to do and no obligation to help you or answer your questions. My explanation to you earlier was just a reward for bringing a little joy to my boring life today," Alfie responded and walked in the direction of the underground garage.
Joy? What joy did I bring him today?
No, that's not important. What's important is that I can't let him leave like this.
I really couldn't think of any good revenge plans, so I needed Alfie to help me.
I couldn't enter the garage without a fingerprint, so I had to wait outside.
Soon, I saw his black sports car. I stood in the middle of the road and signaled for him to stop, but he did not stop and continued forward.
"This is what you forced me to do!"
I punched the tall roadside tree beside me. The fallen tree blocked his car's path. He suddenly stepped on the brake, and a loud and piercing sound rang out. Once he came to a stop, Alfie angrily leaned out of the car window and yelled, "Are you crazy?"
I fearlessly stared into his gray eyes.
"Please help me get revenge. I can't figure out how to do this on my own. Without help, I don't know what foolish things I might do and accidentally ruin your plans! For example, when we are alone, I drug him and beat him up severely, so he has to lie in bed for six months to recover!"
Alfie's anger turned into defeat as he heaved a heavy sigh and waved me over. I immediately approached him happily.
"How did you feel when Lewis deceived you?"
"What kind of question is that? If you hadn't stopped me, I would have rushed in and beaten him up!"
"Okay, suppose I didn't stop you. You rushed in and beat him up. Then what? Would you have felt better? Would you no longer be angry? Would you have gotten your revenge?"
I shook my head in confusion. How could beating him up make my anger go away?
"You have two options."
"What are they?" I curiously leaned closer to him.
"One is to forgive him as if nothing happened."
"Forgive him?! Dream on!!" What kind of solution is that? My chest rose and fell violently with anger. "The second one, give me the second one!"
"I doubt there's a worse solution than forgiving him." He restrained his laughter. "The second one is to retaliate against him and let him experience the consequences of betrayal and deception."
"Yes, yes, yes! That's what I want." I nodded rapidly, like a machine. "What should I do?"
He gestured for me to come closer. His breath fell on my ear and tickled me.
"You have to destroy everything he has, make him suffer, or disgust him, but leave him powerless to fight back," Alfie whispered.
"I got it! Since he cheated, I'll cheat too. For every affair he has, I'll have ten. If he messes with my sister, I'll sleep with his friends. I'll even cheat with his father! I'll marry his father and become his stepmother. That way, not only will I disgust him, but I'll also leave him powerless to fight back!" I looked at Alfie with pride. "Isn't my plan great?"
He put his hand on his forehead and sighed again. "The Luna of the Oceans Howl Pack is still alive."
"Oh, right, I forgot."
And she's very healthy. We might have to wait a few decades for her to die. This plan won't work.
Wait a minute. Alfie is also a good option!
I looked at him with shining eyes.
"You're his uncle! Marrying you would have the same effect!"