Read with BonusRead with Bonus


It's been a week since I saw Alpha Tristan, he never came to check up on me like he did the last time which made me realize that the influence his father had on him was very strong.

How the hell do I seduce an alpha when I couldn't even see him?

I was frustrated that a week had already been chopped off the month deadline, I now had 3 weeks left to work with. I was attended to by servants and they said the alpha placed an order to not let me out of the room till I've recovered completely. This one week has been the most boring of my life, I could only sleep and eat then checkups from the pack doctor. I was itching to go outside to see the sky at least but I couldn't.

“Alpha Tristan” I heard the guard at my room door greet and the intoxicating scent of bonfire and coffee evaded my nose. I jumped up from the bed in happiness and rushed to the door, I wasn't completely healed so I limped a little bit but I was fine.

“Alpha Tristan, you are here” I greeted as I opened the door to see the handsome face of my mate again after one whole week.

He stood tall as usual but the gentle smile that played on his lips the first two times I saw him was gone, replacing it was a blank expression that didn't quite fit his face. “I never got your name earlier…” He said in a balant tone that sounded strange to my ears because I have heard a kinder tone.

What did his father do to him to make him this stoic?

“Uhm, my name is Kira” I said with my head bowed slightly. To him, I was still an Omega because he couldn't feel the bond, I should still know my place.

“Kira, why were you in the woods that day?” he asked, watching me scrutinizingly.

“I… I ran away from my pack because my parents were killed and I had no one, they accused me of it and wanted to kill me” I lied. I couldn't let anyone, my mate included, know that I had a first mate who rejected me and I didn't turn rogue. It would cause pandemonium in the werewolf community because it has never happened before and my life would be in serious danger.

Alpha Tristan was quiet for a while as if trying to detect any lie from me, “I hope you are quite aware of the punishment that comes with lying to an alpha. That aside, you seem to have almost recovered completely, will you be leaving the pack or…” he asked.

“I will like to stay here, Alpha” I said

“Very well, you can stay as long as you promise to abide by the pack rules, any disobedience will attract punishment understood?”

“Yes, I understand”

“Omegas rank at the bare minimum and their job is to care for the alpha house. You will join the others to work and make sure to work well”

“Yes, alpha Tristan” I said obediently. The ranking system was the same everywhere, omegas were always slaves. I wasn't exempted in my former pack even when Denver's mother took me in, I was only given a little leniency and a roof over my head. If I succeeded in officially becoming Alpha Tristan's mate and Luna of the pack, I would change the rule no matter how hard people fight against it.

Alpha Tristan turned to the guard and said, “Call Crassia here to take Kira to her designated station” Then he turned to leave without even sparing me a glance. I bit my lip hard in frustration as I watched him leave, it was like the world was against me because everything kept pulling us farther away from each other. How do I execute my plan then?

Few minutes later, a woman walked into the room, she had graying hair and a small scar that ran from the base of her ear to the end of her jaw. She had piercing blue eyes that looked like frozen shards of ice joined together giving her a cold look. She was a little taller than me and chubbier. “Well, hello… you must be Kira. I'm Crassia, the sector chief for Omegas. Follow me so you'll be assigned to your duty post” she said

I nodded and followed her obediently. We left the room and walked for five minutes before she stopped at an office. The office was small and arranged neatly. Crassia took a seat at the office chair while I sat in front of her.

She wrote a few things on a book while sparing me a few glances, “You will be assigned to the laundry section, you will make such to wash and iron all the clothes from the Alpha's family. Any mistake attracts a punishment so if you want to remain in the Alpha's good book you better word hard. Understood?” she instructed.

“Yes madam Crassia”

I mentally facepalmed myself. My luck was terrible. Laundry section was a tedious place that required a full time work, I would be in the laundry room throughout the day and sometimes at night and would almost never have seen Alpha Tristan. I would fail even before my plan was executed.

What do I do now?

Knock knock!

A black skinned girl popped her head into the room and said, “Madam Crassia, Tera is very ill, she has been taken to the pack doctor. The doctor said her condition is serious”

Crassia sighed and muttered, “Omegas and their weak bodies” then she said to the girl, “Thank you, you may leave”. After the girl left she turned to look at me.

“Tera is the Alpha's personal maid. We need someone to fill in for her” she said with calculating eyes.

“I…I will. I can fill in for her ma'am. I will work very hard… I promise” I jumped in and said. I couldn't miss such a good opportunity when it was right in front of me. Thank you, moon goddess.

She didn't reply for a minute as she watched me like she was trying to read my mind. Then she said, “I heard you were brought in by the alpha. I'll give you a try, you will fill in for Tera till she recovers. I hope you understand the importance of this job, it takes one mistake to become the pack's enemy and incur the wrath of the alpha. Don't make me regret my decision”

“I understand. I will not disappoint you” I bowed slightly in respect and couldn't stop the smile on my lips.

My plan was right on track…

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