The moment I reached the front doors of our house, I heaved a sigh of relief.

I was finally safe. But not for long.

So when I gulped down enough air, I began to bang my fists hard on the door. By now, the sun had fully risen and the streets were bursting with activities.

I pounded hard again and I heard my mother noisily making her way to the door. "Just break my door, stranger! Since you clearly don't know how to wait! In fact, disturb the peace of the entire neighbourhood!" My mother nagged as she pulled the door open.

Then she stopped when she realised it was me. "So you finally decided to come home? I hope you used protection at least. I can't have you carrying a disease back home," she muttered.

I ignored all those words and ran into her embrace first. Her warmth was the only thing that could calm my tormented soul.

People usually said that I was the carbon copy of my mother. Others even went as far as dismissing the fact that she was my mother. Because she looked too young.

It was only normal since she had me when she was sixteen. Life had not been fair for her and things were only getting better after running from Dimitri and now, I was about to break her heart and tell her that we had to run again.

I released her and shut the door, before practically dragging her into the only bedroom in our house. We could not afford a better home.

"What's going on?" She asked. She was more like my best friend and we usually told each other everything.

I brought out our luggage and began to throw my clothes into them. My heart was pounding heavily as I went about this task.

"Girl, you're scaring me. What the fuck is happening with you? Did you find your mate? Are you with child?" She asked.

"Mariana!" I screamed her first name.

"No way, Yulia Moonshadow. I'm your mother and you only get to refer to me as Mom!" She scolded me.

I swallowed hard and shut my eyes to push all the anxiety away. "I'm sorry, Mom. I'm just so stressed out right now," I muttered in a small voice.

"Then get some rest," she suggested.

I shook my head at her. "Dimitri found us," I revealed in a broken voice.

My mother suddenly froze and turned as pale as a ghost. "What?" She breathed.

"Tharus actually kidnapped me and he was already taking me away in a wagon when some strange devils kind of saved me and I escaped them before they could harm me," I narrated. "But we need to leave."

Eventually, my mom exhaled sharply. "Unfortunately, we can't leave," she stated firmly.

I instantly stopped and sent her the harshest glare. "Now, why would you say that?" I demanded as I placed my hands on my hips.

She blinked multiple times before a large and excited smile took over her face. "I might have landed myself a great and powerful man— a big fish."

My mouth came open at my mother's words. "Mom! This is no time for romance! Didn't you hear me? Dimitri has found us. It's only a matter of time before this place gets flooded with his men!" I exclaimed as my wolf shifted with worry.

"Lower your voice, young Lady!" She scolded me. "Sometimes, you forget who the mother is between us."

"I can't Mom! Do you want us to go back to being Dimitri's plaything?" I demanded.

She lifted her palm in the air to shut me up. "Look, I am receiving very important guests today. These guests are capable of changing our future, especially from people like Dimitri," she revealed.

I furrowed my brows at her. "What are you talking about? Dimitri is too dangerous!"

"My guests are way more powerful and we're in love," she proclaimed and I winced at the sound. "Now, you're going to walk into the bathroom and get dressed so that you'll be presentable enough to meet them. They better like you or you'll ruin everything. These men can give us all the protection that we need," she concluded.

As much as I wanted to complain, I walked to the shower in defeat. All I had to do was believe my mom. If she claimed the visitors could do this then it had to be true.

I washed my body clean and got into a pair of dark pants and a blouse. Then I stepped out to the kitchen where she was doing all the cooking.

My mother shot me a horrified look. "Girl, what are you wearing? Are you kidding me?"

I rolled my eyes and pretended she was not talking to me. From the corner of my eyes, I saw her search for something. Eventually, she gave up.

"Aargh! I forgot to get the drinks and they'll be here any moment. Go! Hurry over to the store!" She urged.

I parted my lips in an attempt to protest but he had already made up her mind. I also reminded myself that the devils had killed Tharus and his men, so there was no one to come after me.

I sighed and took the bag of coins from her before heading out under the blazing sun. I half hiked and half ran to the store. It was a quite big store for all the foodstuffs.

I found a section with soft drinks and beers. Although, I doubted if my mother's guests would prefer the soft drinks.

I shrugged and placed the drinks— a dozen of them— in the basket I carried on my left arm. I was just making my way out of the section when I bumped into someone and all his coffee spilled on me.

"Hot! Hot! Hot!" I cried as I backed away. "What the fuck? Are you trying to kill me?" I yelled and looked up only to freeze.

I was met with stormy grey eyes that had the power to transport me to another world. It did not help that he had silver hair and was one of the devils who had interfered with my kidnapping.

I staggered back in shock and my back hit someone. I turned to see Icy blue eyes staring back at me. I tried to leave by the side and emerald green eyes blocked my path.

I gasped. "What the fuck is this? You want to finish what you started earlier today?" I demanded as my hands began to tremble. Carrying the basket became the hardest task.

"You spilled my drink. Therefore you have to buy me another one," The grey eyed brother muttered ever so calmly.

"So this is about a drink?" The emerald green eyed brother said before tucking his hands in his pocket.

I scoffed as he had triggered my anger. "Hell no! You spilled your drink on me because you weren't watching the road. You must be blind!" I spat despite the fear at the pit of my stomach.

My wolf jumped and I asked myself why I was provoking the devils. What if they did to me whatever they did to Tharus?

I shrugged it away. They would not harm me in public.

"That's the attitude that's getting on my nerves. She's rude and she doesn't deserve me overlooking it. She must get me a new drink," he stated firmly.

"Just let it go," The blue eyed brother said.

"Never!" Grey eyes exclaimed and began to approach me. "Buy me another!"

I looked him defiantly in the eyes and spat in his face. "No!"

He staggered back in shock as he wiped away the saliva on his face. "Bitch! Have you lost your mind?" He roared and I heard the undertone of anger in his voice.

"I told you to let it go. She looks like she escaped from an asylum," The blue eyed brother commented.

I gasped, offended by his comment and grabbed one of the cans from the food shelf behind me, then I launched it at Blue eyes. He groaned in shock. Grey eyes tried to come at me but I attacked him with another can. Green eyes was the only one not reacting.

I used it as my cue to escape. I stopped by the counter and threw the bag of coins on the table.

"Yulia?" The shopkeeper called but I was already running out the streets.

I did not stop running until I reached my house and swooped inside.

"You've got to stop barging in like this!" Mother exclaimed. Then she stared down at my shirt. "What happened to you?"

"I met some bastards at the store," I answered and passed her the basket of drinks. She carried it to the dining and I was about to change into new clothes when two knocks sounded on my door.

I froze in my tracks. Had they followed me home?

I swallowed hard and slowly made my way to the door. Then I pulled it open and gasped at the sight before me.

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