Chapter 5 No Mark

Alyssa's POV

I ran back toward the hospital, my chest aching in pain as I pushed myself to the limit to get there before Travis left.

I saw the building in the distance, getting closer the more I ran and as I approached the front door, I saw the Alpha King and his entourage lingering around the foyer of the hospital. Pushing my way through the doors, I knew I needed to catch Travis' attention.

"Hey!" I called as I waved. This was all I could muster, and stopping before the Alpha King, I doubled myself over as I felt winded from the run. I gasped, gaining my breathing as best as I could.

"Is there a problem?" One of the well built security guys stepped between me and the King.

"I need…" I gasped as I looked the big guy in the eyes, now blocking my view of the King. "I need to talk to the King,"

The big guy raised his eyebrow "Human," he snorted "Only a human would be this pathetic after a bit of exercise," He paused "What do you want to talk to the King for?"

"I just need half an hour of his time, that's all," I said, not wishing to air my laundry for everyone to hear in this instance.

"Hmph," the man responded "I'm afraid King Travis is…"

"Oh hush up Frankie," Travis said, standing beside the much larger tank of a man, he shooed him aside "I'll listen to what this girl has to say,"

I felt a surge of exhilaration hit me. My chance was coming, but I also felt myself becoming distracted at how insanely attractive Travis was. My exhilaration disappeared and was replaced by nerves.

Travis kept his eyes on me, waiting for me to talk "Well?" He asked with a slight tilt of his head "Are you going to talk, or just stand there with your mouth wide open?"

"Shit," I muttered under my breath. "Can we talk outside? I'd rather be somewhere more private," staff were beginning to congregate around us, looking to delve into my issues it seemed, so I wasn't comfortable with an audience.

I followed the Alpha King as he took his long strides out the front door, waving at his entourage as a gesture to leave us be. I followed closely behind, my mind a whirl as I tried to work out what I was going to say to him.

"Is this private enough?" Travis asked, standing beside the safety of a large bush.

"This is fine," I said, taking a deep breath. "I've recently discovered that my bonded mate has been sleeping with another woman behind my back," I just said it, let it all out to use the time with Travis as well as I could.

I fumbled around my bag, pulling out the photo on my phone. "Look," I pushed the phone toward the King's face "My mate Derek with this girl, their hands all over each other," I felt the pain ache in my chest, as I relived the memories and shame of this moment.

"I see," Travis said, taking another look at the photo "You're a human? Mated with a werewolf?" I felt his cold judgement.

"Yes," I said as I took a deep breath "And I know for a fact, by law if a werewolf deceives a human mate, they are entitled to the bond being broken and compensation,"

"For a human you're quite wise to our laws and constraints," Travis said, studying me closely "Show me your mated mark,"

"I'm sorry?" I asked in shock "Show you my what?"

"Your mark," Travis said with a sigh "The mark a wolf gives their mate once they've mated, to seal the bond," he paused, folding his arms over his chest "Show me the mark,"

I panicked. Was I meant to have a mark? I thought that was just a bond between werewolf and werewolf, not with a human. Perhaps I was mistaken. But Derek had never bitten me and left me marked.

"I don't have one," I said truthfully "My mate, he never marked me as his own. I thought that…"

"Have you not been intimate with your mate?" The King asked, interrupting my words, his eyes narrowing as he studied me.

"Many times," I said, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Did this man want my sexual history as well?

"But your mate never marked you while you made love?" Travis asked sternly "That seems odd,"

"No," I panicked again "Derek never marked me, he never told me that we had to do that,"

Travis laughed lowly "You know, I don't like to assume humans are so predictably trashy," he paused "But I'm starting to think you may be all the same. Coming to the Dark Kingdom and abusing our trust. We opened our arms to you, and this is how you treat us?"

"I'm sorry," I felt my throat tighten with shock "I don't know what you're trying to say, but that's very narrow minded of you,"

A growl simmered in Travis's throat, and I watched his eyes flash gold in anger "You come here, and lie to me," He became closer to me, his face near mine as I felt his breath on me "Making up stories, trying to scam me? It takes some guts for you to do that,"

"I'm not scamming you," I said, panic in my voice. It was now I noticed a crowd of people had congregated nearby to watch the show. Shame fell over me, I hated being the centre of attention, and now I wanted the ground to swallow me whole "I'm telling the truth, Derek is my bonded mate, and he's been cheating on me, deceiving me,"

"You are a worthless human," Travis growled again, and I noticed his jaw clench with his fury "You don't deserve to be accepted and walk among us wolves, go back to your rotten life and away from your mate. He's better off without you,"

I felt my eyes fill with tears, I felt humiliated as people around us hovered and grew closer. Their whispers and titters drowned out my senses "Please my King," I said weakly "I need you to…"

"I am not your King!" Travis snapped "I don't mingle with the likes of you. You're a fraud,"

I watched as Travis gestured to his entourage, before turning on his heel to leave.

I couldn't let this happen, I had to convince the King I had every right to appeal my case with my bonded mate.

"Wait!" I said, launching forward I grabbed Travis' arm.

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