Chapter 5 Violet
I am sat on the bed in my new room, the boxes and cases left on the floor as I stare at the walls ahead of me. I can't believe I am here. Aunt Della has already gone. I watched the lights of her car drive away knowing that the only part of me I knew was leaving me now. The last part of me. All the things ahead of me were the unknown and it terrified me. All this stuff about werewolves and shifting sounds crazy. How is this my future? How is this the stuff my Dad kept from me? I feel like I am in a parallel universe. Like this is not real.
"Hey Violet, you ok, doll?" I hear a voice from my door, making me jump and disturbing my confused and frazzled thoughts.
I hadn't realised the door was still open slightly. Stood there was Beta Tate. He was smiling kindly at me.
"Oh yeah, the greatest" I smile, sarcastically.
"Ok, that was maybe a stupid question." he grins. "You want some company? Or some help unpacking?" he asks.
Is that normal for a second-in-command to help someone unpack? Or offer company? He doesn't even know me. Maybe he was just being friendly. Right now, I guess I couldn't be too fussy. I felt incredibly alone having left the one person I had in the world, unable to tell my friends where I was going, so literally disappearing from their lives. Not like I can suddenly declare, 'Oh by the way, I am off to live in a werewolf pack, because, guess what?! I am a fucking werewolf!' I kinda think that may be frowned upon. Just a slight inkling I have. That they don't like you telling people about all this. So it was looking like I was truly alone now. So I guess chatting with him may not be too bad.
"You not got something better to do, Beta Tate?" I ask.
"You can call me Tate, and no not really, work done for the day. And if I go find Lachlan, I am sure he would find me more to do, so sitting chatting with you definitely seems like a better option" he grins.
"Ah, so I am an avoidance tactic?" I smile.
He chuckles. "Well… perhaps a little. But no, I did want to see if you were ok. You looked a little mind-blown when I met you earlier. Though having heard how all this came about, I can understand why."
"Oh you learnt all that did you? Needless to say, it was a bit of a shock. Finding out I may not just be a weird young girl after all, I may be a weird young werewolf girl instead" I say with a frown.
Tate chuckles. "I am sure if your Mum and Dad had still been around you would have known well before now, doll. But instead, I get the pleasure of teaching it all to you"
"You are teaching me?" I ask.
"Well, between me and Alpha, yeah, perhaps a little with Luna Hattie too, which is the Alpha's partner." Tate tells me.
"Oh I bet you all really appreciate having to teach a completely clueless girl coming into your pack unexpected" I say with a smile.
Tate drops himself onto my bed next to me. "You shouldn't assume everyone is going to view this so badly. You being here could be a good thing. You never know"
"Haha I doubt it. I am only here until I learn what I need to, then I plan to leave like my Dad did. You can live away from your pack can't you?" I ask.
Tate frowns. "Not really doll, that makes you a rogue. And rogues are usually not good. Being in a pack makes you safer. Look, I don't want to bad mouth your Dad, hunni, but things with him and his pack weren't as simple as you have been told, I don't think. I looked into it. Besides, what if you meet your mate in the pack?"
I looked at him confused. Things with my Dad weren't as simple? He had some explaining to do. And what the hell is a mate?! I am sure my aunt had mentioned them too.
"You want me to explain some more, right?" he smiles.
"Good guess" I smile back.
"Well, how about we go grab some pizza? There is a take-away place down the road. We can grab a pizza, because you have probably not eaten dinner yet, right?" he smiles. "and I shall explain along the way doll"
Pizza did sound good. Though is spending time with the Beta going to be viewed as bad? It is him that has come to me, not the other way around. Maybe he is just trying to make me feel welcome with me being new. Yeah, that is likely all it is.
Dear Diary…
Well, this Beta guy is pretty interesting, I have to say. He seemed to seek me out, or is that me being a pathetic teen and crushing on a hot guy I just met just because he is paying me attention? He is fun to chat to. And he was trying to take care of me, but at the same time, in his role of Beta, I would assume that is maybe his job, so I need to try to stop thinking it is more than it is. Though he is pretty cute…