

“We don’t have a choice, Elijah, we can't starve!”

I frowned when I heard voices coming from my father’s room. I peered into the slightly ajar door and I saw that it was my stepmother, Veronica who was berating my father again.

I rolled my eyes, what is she talking about again? She was always berating my father and most times I wondered why he even married her.

“Please, calm down, Veronica, we can sort this out,” my father was saying.

Veronica seemed outraged by my father’s choice of words as her face twisted into an ugly sneer.

“I’m pregnant with twins, Elijah, do something before we starve to death!” Veronica screamed at him.

I sighed and walked away. The hunger issue in my house was now so bad that we couldn't even afford two meals a day. We were barely able to afford a measly meal.

It’s been six months since the aliens invaded Earth and made New York their base of operations. Six months ago all I wanted was to graduate high school, six months later I learned that aliens exist in another galaxy and they have come to wreak havoc on Earth.

Ever since they took over Earth people have been starving. The aliens hoarded everything to themselves and introduced new alien food in the market making human food very costly.

For the past six months, my father had done his best to keep our family afloat but now that Veronica is pregnant with twins her hunger pangs are becoming outrageous.

I think Veronica was just being a thorn in my and my father’s flesh. She was so caring and sweet when my father was dating her three years ago but the moment they got married last year my house has been like a house of horrors.

“That is out of the question!” my father’s voice echoed from his room.

I frowned and stopped walking when I heard Veronica’s hushed voice.

“Stop screaming or she’ll hear you,” she was whispering.

I barged into the room, my face filled with anger, “Okay, I've had enough of this shit! What the fuck is going on?”

My father stared at me with a scowl, “Language, Kiddo.”

“Dad, I'm not a child anymore. What is she forcing you to do?” I asked, glaring at Veronica.

Veronica’s face twisted into a scowl, “You heard her, Elijah, she isn't a kid anymore so give her some responsibility!”

“I will not let you subject my child to such treatment!” my father snarled.

I was lost as I tried to figure out what they were saying when suddenly Veronica broke down in tears as she held her stomach and started sobbing furiously.

“Your child? What about the twins in my womb? They're outsiders who deserve to perish, right?” Veronica wailed.

I could smell the fake tears a mile away as I rolled my eyes at her, “Oh please, no one is going to fall for your bullshit!”

“Stop talking to your stepmother like that, Rory,” my father scolded me.

I gasped in disbelief as he held her and cleaned her eyes, whispering soothing words in her ears. She glanced at me over my father’s shoulders and gave me a smug look.

“Fuck this!” I cursed before stomping away.

I walked out of the house, my chest tight with anger and hatred. I hated how Veronica seemed to have my father wrapped around her little finger.

Ever since he met her he kept saying he hadn’t forgotten my mom but I knew he had replaced her with Veronica else he would have known that today was mom’s birthday and he was supposed to be celebrating it with me.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I hurriedly brushed them away and stared at the picnic basket I had grabbed on my way out of the house.

My mom loved going to picnics on all her birthdays. She died when I was ten years old and it’s been me and my father for the last eight years until Veronica came into the picture.

Before her, my dad and I used to go picnicking on every one of her birthdays but today it seems I would be going alone.

I wiped the tears that rolled down my cheeks as I navigated the crowded streets. The streets reeked of homeless people and some aliens who were patrolling.

I noticed there was a commotion down the main road between some aliens and humans. The last thing I needed now was to be caught in that crossfire so I decided to take a shortcut.

I just wanted to have some time alone to myself as I enjoyed a picnic at my mom’s favorite place in the woods. I diverted to the shortcut that was in an alley. I would be worried if it was night.

As I rounded up the corner I heard a piercing shriek followed by a thump and then silence. My eyes widened slightly when I realized what I'd just walked into.

“Fuck!” the heavily-tattooed man cursed when he saw me.

I didn't wait for anyone to say anything as I took to my heels immediately, the picnic basket falling on the floor with a thud.

The sound of cursing and running footsteps sounded behind me as I rounded up the alleyway and into the main road, heading straight back to where the conflict had been taking place earlier.

My heart was hammering in my chest as the image of the red-haired girl with pale tanned skin who lay lifeless in the tattooed man's arms flashed in my eyes. It would seem that I had just walked into the den of the notorious alien traffickers known as The Red Hand.

I looked behind me as I finally stopped running, panting furiously and I realized no one was chasing me. I rounded the corner and I got to my house only to be stopped by several unfamiliar strange faces.

My father was standing outside with Veronica, he looked downcast as he gave me an apologetic look.

“I’m so sorry, Rory,” my father apologized.

I took a few steps back as I realized who those men were. They were alien soldiers from the headquarters. That's when it suddenly dawned on me what the argument between Veronica and my dad had been about this morning.

For the past six months families who couldn't afford to feed sold one of their children to the aliens and they were rewarded with cash and food.

Judging from the guilty look on my father’s face and seeing the suitcases and bags on the porch I knew he had just sold me off.

“No, you wouldn't…” I shook my head, my voice breaking at the end as tears rolled down my cheeks.

Without thinking I broke into a run but I had barely taken three steps when I felt a painful shockwave hit my body as I collapsed on the floor.

The last thing I remembered seeing was an electrifying blue pair of eyes and I faded into the darkness.

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