

“This is the top floor, it belongs to me and my brother only,” Kaidos voice sounded interrupting my thoughts.

After his weird speech about me belonging to him and being the woman of his dreams, he had taken me away from his psychotic brother.

He had spent the next ten minutes showing me around yet I couldn't focus, rather I was fixated on his words from earlier.

I needed to know just how crazy these aliens were so I would know how to carry myself around them. With a small sigh, I focused on what he was saying.

We were now in a different part of the house. There was a strange orange light emanating from the walls and it made everywhere warm and cozy.

“This place is only open to me and my brother and special people like you,” he smiled at me.

I scoffed and looked away without saying a word. I was terrified that if I speak again I may end up being punished. I didn't want to feel that pain again.

“So no one is allowed into this top floor except the maids who work here and so far we have two maids. They don't sleep here so that's why you're special because you aren't going to do a regular maid job,” Kaidos grinned.

He kept walking and I quietly followed him then he continued speaking.

“The place we came from is the ground floor where we receive visitors, hold meetings, and give out orders.”

He stopped in front of a door and I stopped moving too. He pointed at the small door frame.

“This is your room,” he said.

He opened the door and stepped in while I followed him. He pointed at two other doors inside my room that were opposite each other.

“These are connecting doors. One leads to my room and one leads to Thane’s room,” he smirked.

I wanted to ask why there were connecting doors in my room but I was too scared to question him.

“I’m sure you're wondering why,” Kaidos said grinning, “It’s so you'd be able to serve us properly even at night.”

There was something about his words that made a shiver crawl up my spine as I desperately wished to be away from here.

“What do you think of your room?” he asked me.

I stared around and I was surprised at how big the room was considering I'm a slave. The bedroom was bigger than my room at my house.

“Feel free to look around,” he added when he saw how hesitant I was.

Reluctantly I moved around and I opened the wardrobe. I saw the array of clothes there and I wanted to ask how they knew my size. Could it be my father had been planning to sell me for a while?

I forced the thought out of my mind as I tried to focus on something else that wasn't my father. Thinking about him made me furious.

I entered the bathroom and I gasped, the size was big enough for ten people to bathe. Is this how good all slave's rooms are? I wondered but I didn't dare voice my thoughts.

As I turned around I was surprised to see Kaidos standing in front of me, his tall and large frame taking up a lot of space in the room.

I swallowed and took a step back, almost falling over but his arms wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer.

“Easy, now, I don't bite,” he whispered in my ear with his husky voice.

A shiver traveled down my spine as I stood frozen in his arms. Kaidos led me out of the bathroom and sat down on the bed.

“Why are you so quiet?” he asked me.

I stared daggers at him, furious that he should be asking me that question but I kept quiet, a defiant look in my eyes.

Kaidos chuckled, “I asked a question, Rory. Don't make me repeat myself.”

I glared at him, “It’s Aurora to you.”

Kaidos threw his head back and laughed. It was a rich deep sound that reverberated within the walls.

“I can call you whatever I like, Rory,” he said, “Now answer me.”

“Your brother told me not to speak. Whenever I open my mouth I get punished,” I stated simply, my eyes never leaving his face.

I was terrified but at the same time, I was furious. But I knew I'd rather die a brave heroine than live in fear here for the rest of my life.

“Alright. Tell me everything you have in mind and I won’t judge or say a word. You have one minute, make it count,” Kaidos said.

There was a hesitant look in my eyes at first but then I saw the look in his eyes as he urged me on.

A scowl formed on my face as I started speaking, “You and your kind took everything away from me and now you've taken away my freedom. What else do you think I have to say to you other than I hate you!”

Finally, saying those words out loud gave me an insane sense of relief but then I see a dangerous look in his eyes as he suddenly jumps to his feet.

I back away, cowering before him, my eyes wide with fright. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain but nothing came rather I heard his voice.

“Here,” he said.

I opened my eyes to see he was handing me some clothes. There was a puzzled expression on my face as I stared at it.

“Wash these clothes and iron them,” he ordered.

I meekly took the clothes from him, surprised that he hadn't tried to hurt me. With the angry look on his face, I had been certain I would face the excruciating pain again but instead, I watched as he stomped away from me and headed to my door. Then when he got to the door he whirled around to glare at me.

“When I said you were the woman of my dreams, I meant it,” he stated.

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