DAVE: “Hey Pete, what’s up? I thought you had guard duty today.” David said.
“I do, I am on my way to Moon Rise pack with the Alpha family as we speak.” Pete told him. “Why the call then? Is everything ok? Was there an attack or something?”
Dave sounded a bit panicked. “No, no. calm down Dave nothing like that.
Does the team have practice today?” Pete asked. “Not until Noon, why?” Dave asked. “I need you to do us a favor, ok? I promise I will make it up to you.” Pete responded. “What do you need me to do? And us?” Dave actually sounded happy to help his big brother out. KESKA: (That is what it must feel like when you have a family that actually cares about you.) I thought.
PETE: “Yeah, Keska is riding with us in the last SUV, and apparently Jessie is under the impression that she didn’t make the trip, and is blowing up her phone about Seth, so can you go distract him? Maybe try to get him out on the ice early before practice? It would be an immense help.” Pete told him. “I will try Pete, but ever since he hooked up with Jessie, he has been a pain in the ass to deal with.” Dave replied. “Sorry to hear that, Dave, I wouldn’t ask, but if Seth isn’t distracted somehow, Jessie is going to make this trip miserable for everyone.” Pete told his little brother. “I will get a couple of the guys to help, coach was wanting us to get more skate time in anyway.” Dave replied. “Thanks Dave, I will take you to that movie that you’ve been wanting to see, on me, when I get home ok?” Pete said. “Deal” and the call was ended.
KESKA: “Thanks Pete” I said to him. “I really am sorry to have had you do that, but you were right about one thing, Jessie would have been a holy terror if something wasn’t done about Seth, let’s just hope Dave can pull it off.” It left a bitter taste in the back of my throat to use people like that, I will have to come up with a way to thank them. My phone pinged a couple more times, but I ignored it. But then after another five minutes or so it went silent. I guess Dave was successful in distracting Seth.
MACKIE: I was looking forward to getting some time in on the mat or out on the archery range to let off a little steam. I, like Keska was a middle child, but there were only three in my family, my older brother Wyatt played football with James, Keska’s older brother, and my little sister Demi was the little princess, who could do no wrong in my parents’ eyes. She was the same age as Lissa and Liam, Keska’s youngest twin siblings and me in the middle, also like Keska if I wasn’t standing right in front of their noses, I didn’t exist, but I am only Gamma blooded.
MACKIE: I jumped on my bike and headed for Nana Lilly’s house. She is Keska grandmother on her mothers’ side. I kind of liked the idea of baking cookies with her. We had just taken the first batch of cookies out of the oven when my phone pinged, I just took a glance at it, to see who was texting me and seen it was from Keska.
FROM KESKA: Hey just a heads up, Jessie didn’t tell Seth we were going to be gone for the day, and per typical Jessie style she thinks I’m at home. I know he has practice at noon, but wanted to give you a head’s up just in case he wanted a shoulder to cry on (cry face emoji). I just started to laugh after reading Keska’s text. “What’s so funny dear?” Nana Lilly asked. “Seth-Jessie drama, Nana.” I told her “Oh” was her response, which made me laugh even harder. “Well, we best check those cookies, don’t want them burning.” Nana stated matter of factly. I spent the late morning and into the later afternoon with Nana Lilly. She is the only one that seemed to notice both Keska and me.
KESKA: We pulled up to the gates at Moon Rise Pack, the lead SUV stopped to give the guard our invitation. We were directed on where to park, the first SUV had to go to park with the other pack’s security, the family SUV got to park closer to the pack house because we were family, the pack house was big four stories high with two wings coming from either side at a slight angel upwards, think of the shape of a Y but the stem is turned sideways and they were two stories each, the outside was a mix of medium red, light red, and cream bricks. The last SUV again had to go park with the rest of security. Even though I was in it, as a result I was not with the rest of the family when everyone was greeted.
I watched as we were driving away to go park, I saw the look on Adrian’s face, he seemed a little upset.
ADRIAN: I was so excited waiting for my aunt and uncle to arrive with my cousins. After today I will be taking over from my father as Alpha of Moon Rise pack, and my mate and I have some changes we are going to make. I know that some of them won’t be too popular with the pack, but I really don’t care, I will be the one to make the call on what direction the pack will go in.
I watch as they unload in front of the house, but I don’t see Keska with them! “Didn’t Keska come?” I asked and in one voice they all said “NO.” that’s when I knew that they forgot her again, and I was not happy with them, but I had to play nice. I just introduced my mate to them. “Kina, this is my Uncle Alpha Drake,
and his mate Luna Carla.” I said to my mate and Luna, “and these are their children twins James, Jessie, Lissa, and Liam. Kina shook hands with all of them as I introduced them to her.
KESKA: I walked back to the pack house from the security parking lot and got in line to greet my cousin and his mate. The minute Adrian saw me he made a bee line right for me, picked me up and swung me around. “Put me down Adrian, before your mate decides to take a bite out of me!” I laughed at him. “Kina, Kina” he called his mate. “This is my cousin Keska, she is also one of Drake and Carla’s, she is in