5. Lexi - Way Out

I move a bit, trying to get a better view of their faces. Most of the Senators appear on TV. These two have been on multiple talk shows that I watch when I’m trying not to go crazy with boredom in here.

If not for the Leading Council, my father and brothers would still be around, and I wouldn’t have had to spend my teen years on the street doing whatever I could to survive. My only hope is that these two useless Vaxs will eat so much, one day, they will explode and be replaced by more competent Senators.

Director Hawthorn, who was deep in thought, suddenly says, “What the Confederation proposes is very…unusual. But I do need to ask: are you certain about this?”

One of the Vaxs, called Senator Truel, replies, “Ever since the deadly virus claimed its first victim, the Leading Council has feared this would be the end of all of us. Recent studies have shown that the virus does not affect human females. Since they are compatible with most allied alien races, including the inmates in the Intergalactic Bride Program is only logical.”

The Intergalactic Bride program started during a time when most allied alien races preferred to go to war than to marry and have children. It was a way to show both men and women that the perfect match exists and what a wonderful life they could have together.

But I don’t understand what Senators Bhavo and Truel came here for. Those who committed even the smallest infraction were never allowed to be part of the program.

Senator Bhavo speaks next. “What we are about to reveal is classified information. Very few know of this and we want to keep it that way.” When Director Hawthorn agrees, Senator Bhavo adds, “Ten months ago, three lost military units were recovered. They had not been the first ones, as two more had been recovered last year. More have been found since then.”

My breath catches in my throat. They found soldiers lost in action? I’ve dreamed of being reunited with my family but I knew it wasn’t possible, and now I find out that soldiers considered dead are alive.

What if my father and brothers are amongst them? I need to get out of here and find out. The barely audible hum coming from my drone reminds me that will never be possible. I need to find another way then.

“What does it have to do with the Bride program?” Director Hawthorn asks, but in my mind, several possibilities form.

Senator Truel finishes his watermelon and cleans his fingers before replying, “These soldiers have been through a lot. The torture they have been subjected to has left them with…permanent damage. While they can’t be sent back to the front lines, they are still valuable for the Confederation. Their knowledge and experience will be used during training against the So’oks.”

Director Hawthorn starts to suspect what I already guessed. “They want something more than credits for what they went through.”

Senator Bhavo nods. “They want brides. This is why we are here. The Confederation is starting a new program—The Intergalactic Bride Program for Veterans.”

After a brief hesitation, Director Hawthorn asks, “Won’t they mind if their future brides are murderers or thieves?”

“Not at all. They already agreed to the terms and are being tested in the hopes they will be matched to a human female,” Senator Truel replies without hesitation.

I know how I’ll get out of the CCC.

I’ll sign up to become an Intergalactic Bride.

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