Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3


I fought for this world, only to be shunned now that it was saved. No one wants a ‘dirty’ ‘stinky’ bull around. My people, even me, the First, have issues with our tempers… We make trouble by existing. Some of us aren’t even born with wit at all, only that rage…

So, it is up to me to put them down.

Trust does not happen, and even in my sleep, I’ve learned to keep my gun under my pillow…. For Lucian.

Never again.

I will never love another person. I will not leave myself open ever again…. I’d rather be lonely anyway.

I have a silver bullet just for him in case he tries again. I’ve had my heart removed before… stuffed in a box. It’s part of my “blessing” given to me to protect this world.

Just because I cannot die, doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. I was made King because I am the First Half Beast…. I was made the King of Halves to stop the monstrosity that sleeps within Italy’s most famous Volcano.

My people are the most hated… We’re meant to be an actual punishment by the gods….We are made the same way as Roman Mythos… paring with beasts, demons, and so on. My father was Turrus, the Great Bull, a grand warrior made by the Horned One who just … disappeared. My mother hailed to the Lord of Light as his formally highest priestess… Though she is human, she still lives because of my persistence…

I’m actually banned from any afterlife because of how I went about it… I’m why there’s way-gates, portals, and such to other worlds… When she died, I didn’t stop killing my way through Multiple realms until I carried her home. I refused to allow her to die, and for it… I am refused rest.

I hated even thinking about back then... before written history.

It was because there were none left to write. The Tyrant King… Xaxas, the Realm King owns this world. It is his plaything… We kings were tasked with the daunting, impossible duty of stopping someone titled ‘The Ruling One’, and the best we could do was promise him rare pussy.

So rare that we tricked him to wait… the Mate bond, something made by his mother, was promised. One day she will be born, and I’ll have to deal with that fucking psychopath…  A being with so much power, that even the mere concept of victory against someone like that is unfathomable…

It doesn’t exist…. And somehow we’re going to have to stop him if he wakes up swinging his damn sword… He’s why we have 7 continents.

He’s a god stuffed in flesh. Originally his mother, the Moon Goddess was supposed to marry the God of Mercy, the god I Champion.

Instead, she fucked the Horned One, and birthed the God of Judgment. She even secured herself as the Night Queen by creating the mate bond…

Something unbreakable… more valuable than any gold… the reason why her son agreed to such an on-the-spot, impromptu plan by the Wolf King, Ashital.

Then they left his ass down here, and made him my problem!

She was imprisoned and punished, since the Horned One is a DARK god who only commits evil… atrocious acts.

I had nothing to do with any of that, and they... The Gods don’t care. I can rightly say I’ve only seen them in person once… The day punishment came for me.

After all, half beasts like me, centaur, harpies, and others made by humans loving Night creatures are meant to be a punishment. My mother committed the same crime as the Moon Goddess…. Love and marry an agent of the Night Court…. As a priestess of his greatest enemy, the Light.

I couldn’t scrub the fucking tingling from my fingers… What was that human wearing? I’m not allergic to anything except silver, but most of us are….  Maybe he had a silver ring or something? But that didn’t make sense; I didn’t touch his hands.

‘No-aH!’, probably ‘Noah’, was so soft and squishy… Why’d the Chief give me a partner so frail… This is going to be so fucking stressful.

I can’t let anything happen to him.

I don’t know why, but I know I’ll be forced to do this if I want to or not… Gods damn it. I got out the shower, and trimmed my stubble with a claw, something others cannot do.


The door slammed, and I felt like an idiot standing in the waste basket… flabbergasted and aroused.

“Oh Fucking Damn it Jerold!” Yelled the Chief.

“Fuck You!” He shouted from outside too….

Tingles went from his rough hands… straight to my dick. I… He was hot.

Jerold was so beefy I thought he was going to rip out his shirt… His arms were probably as big around as my waist if I was being honest…. And if not….  It would be close.

His hair was shaggy and medium-dark brown, so were his eyes…. He looked like and actual statue you’d see in a museum, snorting steam, sounding like a pissed off bull….. There wasn’t a scar or blemish that I could see, though he did look 30ish, so older than me most likely. It didn’t matter… A man like that would have experience, but he’s probably got a spouse.

I can’t imagine him single.

“I think he doesn’t like me.” I said sarcastically, but I still watched his ass through the large window in the front…

This ‘Jerold’ was definitely dangerous, but I should have been scared of someone like that.

Not absolutely gushing… Why am I such a slut for the gruff ones?!

He was rightly the biggest man I’d ever seen…. And I kind of wanted to know what it felt like to ride-

“Sorry.” Said the Chief a little sheepishly.

Unlike the sexy hot head, he got up to shake my hand at the wrist. It was strange, but I knew from Johnny that he’s a unicorn. That’s probably something they do.

“Again… sorry.” Said the Chief. “Minotaur are notorious for being hotheads, but he’s their King.”

“Oh wow, he’s royalty?” I asked. No wonder he looked ruggedly hot…. I KNOW he has a wife or something now…. Damn. Why are the good ones always taken?

“Aye.” Said the Chief. A glowing crystal horn about 2 feet long came out his head… it was pretty, and spiraled. “It relieves stress.” He pointed to his horn.

“That’s understandable.” I nodded.

“Johnny’s right… you will for sure already make the cut. And thank you for giving me a chance. I know I’ve sent letters to your family since a little before your brother drank milk, but I meant every word…. Your father knows….. I was allowed to leave him be, because he dragged me by himself 30 miles. I couldn’t … no I Wouldn’t memory wipe a fellow soldier.” He said firmly.

“Dad always talked about how you and your unit were ambushed… but never gave details.”

He showed me the cut over his jugular by pulling his collar…. It was jagged as if it were ripped open….

“Were you… attacked?” I asked. He offered me a peppermint, having one himself.

“Unicorn blood, bone, and horn are more addictive than any opium…. Once tasted illegally, only about 4% can stop… Werewolves ambushed us, dying literally for a taste… Two overdosed, and my horn got the third in the heart, but I was so injured by then that there was nothing I could do to heal myself….I swore on that blood that I would pay Hanz back.”

“So my godfather’s a unicorn, huh.” I said more of a statement, and he laughed a bit.

“Yeah, a sexy one by how aroused you smell.” He said that like he was trying to make a weird joke…?

“Excuse me…. What.”

“Any shifter worth his pelt can scent emotions…. I half expected for my office to reek of fear. Bleh.”

“He was watchin’ Jerold’s ass.” Sang someone and everyone burst out laughing.

“He’s single.” whispered Equestos with a small smile. “Yes, they hear me.” He said even quieter. “This too.”

“Well, it’s been nice knowing you, I’ll be off to New Apple. Maybe France…. Russia, Chyna. The MOON!” I screamed and they really had a hoot.

Some slapped their knee I made them laugh so hard, and I felt about a foot tall with all the teasing. At least this was a fun place… I was expecting to be surrounded by uptight officers.

“Oh I like him.” Said the same man who called me out.

“Stuff It Rory!” Yelled the Chief. “Anyway. I’m going to talk you through the paperwork and what’s going to be expected. It’s Friday, so you have the weekend to get to know your partner. Maybe let him simmer down today, and Saturday I’ll be in the office. Get a car and see him work. If you don’t like it, I’ll send you home but keep paying you as compensation.”

We shook to that.

“You have my word that I’ll do my best…. But I’ve kind have been a screw up at every job I ever worked. Except the mill… I was good at welding and the nail gun.” I admitted.

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