Chapter 4
“Don’t worry about the Mill. Men will always need steel.” Said Equestos. “I accept your vow. Know that your word to me is binding. Supernatural and Fae cannot outright betray our words, but be careful. They will follow a vow to the letter, even if it means you’ve been tricked.” He warned.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” I said thinking of all the fairy tales I heard growing up. I guess it was true that I could be led into the woods and never return… Be eaten, have trolls make my bones bread and whatnot.
“Don’t look so grim.” He complained. “As an officer, you’re protected by knowing and the force. I hire good men who’d save you anyway.”
“Good to know.” I mumbled.
Equestos went into his cabinet by his desk, and pulled out a large folder labeled ‘Rookies’. “You can read right?” he asked.
“I can.” I said being handed such a thick stack of paper.
“Then we’ll meet back in about an hour.” Equestos said casually
By magic, my chair slid across the room with me in it, and a lamp was placed in the corner with me for better lighting…. He even slid a small stool for me to prop my feet up….. I just ran with it. Freaking out wouldn’t change anything, and I knew this was probably some kind of test.
They were probably testing how well I deal with stress, new situations, and so on…. I opened the small booklet of stapled papers, and it was pretty straightforward. Supernatural creatures had nearly double the regulations, but each one was explained why.
As a human, I saw how my people are classified as cattle…. That those who eat meat see us as food…
…That this world is run by them….and we are kept as “free-range” livestock, ignorant cattle, because it’s easier to control us, if we think we’re controlling ourselves….
That is the truth of our world… And I can’t retaliate for no reason.
That if I see a human being preyed on, I just can’t interfere and ‘save’ them unless I can prove nobody was supposed to hunt them. Like I could if he’s on a public road, but behind a bar in an alley, they’d be fair game.
That my job as a human is to deal with relations, and the human masses who do figure this shit out… That I’m their shield up ‘til they get their minds wiped, or become property of the creature they found…
I didn’t like this, but I know now.
By their rules, I’d end up on either a dinner plate or a mind muddled ride home if I refuse… I got to read the side effects of that too… There’s a 9% chance my brain will stay in such a state… Humans make up about 70% of all the crime too…
Headhunters were humans who could not only see through the illusions of fae, but also actively hunted them as the same suggests. The families most impacted by attacks hold grudges against the innocent, as well as make money. Parts from fae can be worth thousands of dollars… yet so can a hunter… They break the law and lose their protections from the Church And the law…
Pretty dangerous stuff.
Once I was done, I pushed the chair back to his desk, and he manually explained each section before I put my initials. He wanted to make absolutely sure I knew what I was getting into… Leo, a fox shifter, made us sandwiches to have over lunch. Equestos had a large bowl of hay to go with a kale and spinach blended iced drink, while I had a turkey on sourdough.
“I think that’s about it for one day. You look overloaded.” Said Equestos.
“I kind of am sir. I’ll be back sunrise tomorrow, then spend the day with Officer Jerold Och’Torros.” I got up and smoothly shook his wrist, mentally exhausted.
All that took 3 hours, then an additional hour to hear some of the other officers of all races talk about their experience here, and why they joined. Most of it was to make a difference, help their kings, or even to protect their mate.
That was a word that I didn’t quite understand, but with house keys and Johhny waiting, I excitedly sat down to leave. Working odd jobs has made me fearless it seems… None of those jobs were exactly safe either.
I don’t know how dad was a butcher; seeing people lose a pinky because they weren’t paying attention or were too slow for the slicer…. I still remember Garry’s scream.
Working for a few days at the mill was dangerous too. All the machines and their whirling, spinning bits were open for a stray sleeve to snag and drag a man in. Certain jobs, like paper boy, are dangerous because of the mob… .Razer Heights was especially dangerous. I heard there was a pink haired thug running the place.
“You seem like you got a lot on your mind.” Said Johnny.
“I do.” I said shaking my head. “Most people don’t know you’re real, and the ones that do steal your hands.” I mumbled.
“Aye. I’m the rabbit’s foot of the supernatural world, bonus points if my hands are covered in blood when you off me.” He tapped his cap. “Our mothers make these when we’re born, and to dye ‘um, you soak ‘um in the blood of ‘ur enemies.” He grinned. “Regular goblins don’t have the teeth and claws I do.”
“See… That’s a lot.” I said leaning back.
He turned into a gated community whose gate was open, and this place… it screamed luxury. This was my first time seeing so many detached homes with yards and such. Kids played on the lawn the next street over, but this one seemed a little different from the others.
“Well, we’re home at least. Your house is that one.” He pointed to the large, at least 10 room colonial styled, two story house. They all were on this street…. I wondered who lived in the only 2 story brick mansion? It was the biggest, and had a balcony and glass doors.
The rest were large two-story, colonial homes…12 in total. They were all light gray and white accented, though the steps of each house were painted differently. They were all shades of gray, with the one he pointed to having almost black steps.
“This street’s called Cadet Cove. All the homes here are for the new recruits, and when you sign on, after a year, humans get their own 2 bed 1 bath.” Grinned Johnny. “I remember back when it was just the one house. Man time flies.”
“When were you a cadet?” I asked.
“Uh… I think back in 1694, ’95? I was only 210 then.”
“… Johnny you shouldn’t be alive.” I said getting out the car when he pulled into the driveway. It was full, with at least 5 newest model Fords in the drive…
“Most of us live until we’re killed. We don’t age unless we’re really stressed out. Oh, and before you go, all your roommates are human too. We thought you’d feel safer, since the others are from officer families.”
“Alright. Thanks for everything.” I got my things, and he waved before driving off.
I walked through the door, and went straight to my plain room. All but Cadet O’Gaven’s car was parked, so I got home first.
I was glad for that. It was kind of a lot, and faces were starting to run together. I took a hot bath, and heard them all stomping in, being loud and rowdy from whatever took them longer to come home than me. Tomorrow I’ll get a better idea of who I’m working with. For now, I was overloaded.
Monsters are real…. And I thought about my partner… Gods damn it I had a crush on him.
“I got Officer Stardust!” Yelled O’Gaven. He was the other blonde.
“I’m with my big sis.” Said Cadet Morris. “Hey, Noah Right?! I made sausage from home!”
“Yeah, new blood! Welcome to being Blue!” Said another. I didn’t remember his name though.
…The sizzles did make me hungry… And I came out in sleepwear. Everyone who’d hit the showers were too, and I think this was my first ‘sleepover’, … I believe that’s what they’re called…
There was blood sausage, normal bratwurst, burgers, French fries and Kokie Kola, not my favorite, but of course I drank it with a smile…. I wanted a Peppin C; the sweetness would go better with how savory all this heavy meat was… And lastly…
There was steak… That I didn’t eat…
I figure it would be rude to eat steak the day before I sit next to a minotaur tomorrow…
“So you’re not from a police line for real?” Asked Bobby. He was the tallest of us.
“No, but me and my father have Second Sight. My little brother and mom don’t.” I said casually.
“That’s a lucky break. Even I don’t have that, and I’m 3rd Generation.” Said Cadet Micheal.
“Is it that rare?” I asked. They more or less nodded.
“Be careful. Fae are tricky, and follow their words to the T, but that’s how they trick.” Warned Cadet Morris, though he spoke to me as if I were a child.
“I’m from New Apple. Trust me, I have common sense.” I said fixing my plate, and sitting down with them… I’ll TRY to look over it…. We have to live together for a year.
“Common sense for a no-blood.” Said Bobby. “Sorry, that’s a little rude.”
“It is.” I said leaving.
“He didn’t mean it like that.” Said Cadet Archy. I remember his name now.
“Wait.” Bobby tried to apologize, but they all kind of rubbed me the wrong way…
“You meant it how you said it.” I said closing my door. I didn’t slam it, but I did let them know that they can fuck right off.
They were nice to invite me, but at the same time, they also made me feel… a little isolated. I wasn’t part of their special bloodlines and little clique. They made me aware of it, which made me retire.
I know I’m a screw up. It won’t take long before I’m on a train, but at least until then…. I thought my own people would behave… I don’t know, better than this.