Chapter 5
I yawned, making my coffee at home… at 4:30 a-fucking-m.
I slept weird because my hand was numb the entire night, so now I was up before the sun. That human was wearing silver. I’ll give him a heads up. He won’t know, and I won’t be too hard on him for that.
I almost stumbled over my pants. They were starched stiff, with the belt still in.
My house was a mess too because I hadn’t gotten around to really doing anything. This brick, Victorian home has 10 rooms, 8 baths, a basement, as well as an attic, so a small mansion. Nothing compared to my castle, but here I didn’t have any servants.
I could send for one, but I didn’t want to. It’d be an extra person to impede on my solitude. It’s peaceful and fearfully groveling free. All a servant would do is freak out that I’m always pissed all the time.
Or the formality. I enjoyed walking around in just boxers. I’m pretty sure that would give the wrong idea…. Especially since I’m the biggest male I know of… I’m even bigger than the unicorn king, a fucking man-horse.
I drank my coffee and watched the early dawn…. The vampires complained about poor hunting lately, but it was because of the hunters stopping them. As noble as their cause is, it’s illegal. Humans are food… They have the right, and are encouraged to fight back, but Headhunters also tend to sell the supernatural parts in black markets.
I stopped sipping my coffee.
I saw the young man, Noah, leave walking. He did this before his roommates even woke up….I let out a small growl. of course he left out the same time as the vampire raids.
I threw on my uniform from yesterday. It wasn’t too bad, but it was the cleanest thing I owned… Gods my house is a mess. Maybe I should hire a servant?
I left the keys to my ’38 BMW at work.
Great, now I have to walk the greenhorn to work. I won’t get attached to him. Equestos can keep his stray puppy!
“Morning.” Said Redington, a vampire who stays at a nest close by.
I could already see him try to beguile Noah…. He was resistant though, thank the gods. Mesmerized humans are in a daze…easier to lead to the vampire coven about a mile or two away. Their den is walking distance, maybe a 15 or 20 minute walk? That was done to keep our cadets safe, since I live so close. I am how that’s so, but it seems Reddington forgot his place.
Noah was well within the HOA limits, so Red was not following our laws. I believe the scent of new blood only peaked curiosity, not true hunger…. Maybe…
After all, vampires are why humans struggle right now, why the Depression happened in the first place, but they won’t know that. Our doings are hidden from them.
“Morning.” Said Noah casually, getting closer to the vampire while I frantically tried to cross the street. Redington grinned, knowing full well he was doing wrong. “Are you headed to the precinct too?” Noah asked, offering Red a sandwich. It was taken, and I watched him bite into it.
“This is good.” Reddington hummed.
That’s a LIE.
Food tastes like literal shit to vampires.
They have to learn to mask the face they make. That bite purposefully showed his fangs, but Noah didn’t get that he was a step away from humanity’s most prevalent, and heartless predator.
The cursed creature made by the Tyrant King… The creature that is never full. He’s going to drain him dry if he gets his claws on the young man.
“It’s blood sausage. My roommates made dinner last night.” He beamed, completely oblivious that he gave the vampire a damn appetizer. So maybe it did taste good.
“Morning partner.” I said with a harsh glare at Redington.
He bowed his head. “Morning your highness. I see you’ve claimed this one.”
“I have Redington. Begone.” I hissed.
“As you wish. By order of my king…. Your words are but from his lips.” He bowed leaving.
“That was reckless.” I glared at Noah. He’s too cute to be that dumb…
Shit he’s cute!!!
I kept up my angry face.
Noah looked as innocent as a baby bunny… I put a clawed hand to my forehead.
He was making me feel bad, like I was scolding a kitten in a shoe.
How fucked up would it be to lose my partner before his first actual day?
“He was just saying good morning…” Noah said looking down. The bright blue eyes of his became a rich honey, a rare trait for all non-shifters with inner beasts, not just humans.
I sighed, looking away from his inquisitive, honey gaze.
“It is good, good for him.” I chastised. “Be careful. He was a vampire… The moment you’d have left, he’d have killed you and hid your body.”
“I thought that was illegal!” He whined. Those honey eyes became a baby blue…. Why was I paying attention to something like that? I felt flustered, something that does not happen to a minotaur often.
My heart raced like the fresh taste of battle, that moment before your leaping opponent lands his final blow.
Before you take its pelt, and wear your new trophy as a cloak.
“It is, but if you never find the body, or evidence…. ” I let him fill in the blank… What the Fuck. “Their den is a brisk walk that way.” I pointed west. “Be careful. I don’t want to lose my partner before you even get your damn uniform.”
“Awe you do care!” Noah sang.
“You’re my responsibility. Nothing more.” I huffed, snorting like the bull I was, but I hid how much that panicked me. Gods Damnit. This assignment is going to be a doozy. I hope I don’t accidently step on him if I shift…
Oh Gods! What if I Squish Him?! I snorted a huff.
“… I swear that sounded like words.” Noah Mumbled, pulling the badge out his pocket.
“It was.”
OK… that is honestly impressive but I played it off that it wasn’t.
Most humans have to train for Years to decern that I’m speaking my native language, not just making noises. Every supernatural race has a language. Mine is Halfbeast or Bullspeach. People interchange the name.
It is because all of us are made like Roman Mythos. All of us are made by different gods and such, with humans being made from the Light, and half beasts being made from his brother, Mercy as punishment.
“What did it mean?” He asked following me… I had to slow down because he was shorter by I think a foot. Of all the people I’ve ever met, and those who know who I am… No one has ever looked me in the face and carried on with me like an equal.
With my people I am too high to approach, and with others I am too lowly… yet he does not see that. That realization confused me, but I knew that was because he’s new….
He’ll see the mindlessness of my people, or hear the rumors. Soon enough he’ll join them. It only fair, as I am a half beast.
“It means ‘end of discussion’.” I sighed, taking even slower steps. “Next time wear that leaving. It won’t stop a hungry vampire, but it shows you aren’t on the menu. If you had that on and said a peep in protest, the whole neighborhood would have come out, guns in hand. Now let’s go.”
I won’t activate my powers. There’s no need. To turn it on to judge his character means I won’t be able to turn it off, and it’s off so I have a peace of mind.
I gave him a gentle nudge forward…. The tingle came back. I must be allergic to his cologne. I left well enough alone. I knew he wouldn’t know, and the rest of the walk his little heart beat out his chest. I knew I scared him. I wonder who told him that I eat man’s meat too?
The country walk to town was peaceful… The sun came up, and the birds chirped… Officer Jerold was still so pissed from this morning, that I didn’t really know what to bring up. This went on the entire 40-minute walk…. So I did the first thing I thought of when we got close, bringing up the stressful incident.
“Thanks for saving me.” I stuttered, then hated that I did. That was supposed to come out smoothly!
“You’re fine. Just be more careful. I can tell you have Second Sight… so look for supernatural tells. I saw his fangs from across the street.” He said walking in front of me when we crossed, then he waited for me to half-scamper to catch up.
“I’ll keep that in mind sir.” He sounded like he was annoyed just being around me, and it made me get quiet. I… I lost some of my pep from such a cold tone…
“Jerold’s fine.” I tripped on a crack in the sidewalk, but he caught me. “Careful” he growled, but it was contradictory. This one was filled with concern….
It took the air out my lungs from such a gentle, simple gesture…