Chapter 6
His clawed hand pretty much covered my entire back. He looked pretty concerned, but I was fine. “I ruined your shirt. Sorry.” He said with a grunt. I guess he really did have his own native animalistic language, since that grunt sounded like ‘Nahw’.
“Hopefully you can help me take it off later.” I almost immediately gasped. I didn’t mean to flirt with him. I was aroused as hell, while he seemed unaffected. He carried the stoic gaze of a static statue, all the while I tried to hide my blush. Gods damn it…
“Sorry, I don’t date co-workers.” Jerold opened the door for me, and even though it was 6am, everyone still had time to heckle.
He didn’t even say it like that, but my brain took it there instantly! It felt like rejection…. Like I’d been stabbed in the heart…. But at least I could hide that.
“You look so upset it’s actually funny. Loosen up boss!” Said an officer whose uniform was open, showing his white shirt and perfectly cut abs underneath. This officer had gray and silver hair. It reminded me of a wolf… I bet he was a werewolf.
“Go on ahead and undress.” Jerold said with a low rumble, and I knew my cheeks were bright red.
“Alright!” I said running to the locker room, and inside were men in perfect condition getting ready… They were all taller than me too, sporting dicks that swayed and dangled like ropes on church bells…
…You could tell who was human, that was for sure. We few stood out…
“Rookie you didn’t get your uniform.” Said a golden haired supernatural. His cappuccino skin complimented the wedding ringed hand over top some navy blue folded clothes, “The Chief sent me to give this to you. Don’t lose it.”
“Thanks.” I said looking at the uniform… this was getting real. I know this isn’t how a ‘normal’ officer position works, but this place was anything but.
“I’m Bostyn, the Unlucky One.” He beamed.
“Thanks Bostyn!” I said waving, and stripping naked. Nobody cared. I’m a grower anyway…
There’s a certain feeling one gets seeing not just one or two… but nearly everyone in your peer group stronger, prettier, and bigger than you. It seemed like every ‘normal’ feature of mine was exaggerated with them…
He had pointed ears like an elf, so I bet he was. I should be drooling with all this 100% corn fed, USDA certified Amerikan Beef flip-flopping around, but the only man I couldn’t stop thinking about was Jerold…. I barely knew him, yet this crush was taking hold of me… I need to put this puppy love in its place and just ask him out.
Then when he turns me down, I can pout about it and move on.
I don’t know why I was almost sad that this stranger would reject my imaginary ask out, but coming back to see him so happy with another co-worker made me a little jealous.
He stood there holding a large cup of coffee, speaking with Rory, the werewolf. I noticed when Jerold smiled, he had dimples… But when he turned back to me, his face became neutral.
“I was wondering did I have to come get you.” Said Jerold shaking his head. “Is my car ready yet Rory?”
His eye color changed from brown to green, then he stood there with them glazed a moment.
“Eddy said Number 3 is.” Said Rory, tossing him keys. “I’ll sign you out. Oh, sorry rookie. Eddy’s a werewolf too.”
“Neat.” I said thinking about this apparently common supernatural event I witnessed.
I didn’t see his lips move, nor another voice but Jerold just accepted his words…. Werewolves must be able to silently talk to each other or something.
“Damn… Thanks.” Jerold huffed. “I hope you don’t have a bad back. Ol’ Number 3’s the third car the station ever bought… and last original in commission, except the new engine.” His smile showed his pearly teeth… no fangs. At least none that I saw.
“I don’t mind.” I said following him outside.
There were about 10 cars out there, but the others were being worked on. It was simple stuff like tire changes and so on, but Number 3 was a Ford Model T, while the others was the much newer Westly 4/50… Those cars are going to be so fast, since they’re the first out there with a V8 engine the masses can afford…
“I stink.” He said getting in and rolling down the window.
“…You smell a little more like cologne than yesterday… But you smell fine sir.” I said keeping my window up. He really did smell like cologne… the expensive kind….
It was rich and musky…. There was a deepness to it that was earthy. As a fellow cologne wearer, if the opportunity arises, I’m buying whatever brand he’s using…. But right now isn’t the right time to ask.
“…. You’ll make a fine officer.” He said pulling out the driveway and onto the streets of the sleepy town.
I was shocked…. Was that a compliment?
“Thanks sir.” I said in disbelief, and he grunted. It sounded almost like ‘yeh’, and he dismissively waved his hand.
“You don’t have to be polite. I must admit seeing you almost eaten this morning made me shimmy on the first pants I could find… so I smell like stress sweat. As a Bull, an alpha bull, I KNOW I stink.” He said keeping his window rolled down.
“But I don’t smell anything other than whatever you spray to smell so good. What brand do you use?” I asked, not expecting a real answer.
“Uh… that’s my natural musk.” He admitted. “Though usually to smell ‘good’ to others, it’s refined by taking a hot shower.”
“I guess I’m one of the few who only smell the good parts then.”
I saw the smallest smile crease his lips. “You smell good yourself.”
“Thank you.” I said sheepishly. I wanted to flirt or ask him out… but I didn’t think it was the right time… Not yet… probably never.
He already turned me down, and I had to hide that that still upset me.
“Over there is one of the popular drinking spots. No humans are allowed in the back without a badge or their mate.” He said pulling over.
It looked like a regular place… on the outside, the sign read ‘Dr. Arnold’s Therapy Group’, but what made it strange was that I didn’t expect the people here to have such a serious doctor’s office right next to other, more casual businesses….. That’s what made it stand out, but didn’t. A weird symbol of scales was next to the door, painted on one of the signs…. Even though it wasn’t something typical, it blended in well…. Just a normal window shop…
I could even see inside as we got closer. There was a therapist chair and a guy on one of those couches talking to the psychiatrist…. But I also had another question. It pressed me more than the knowing’s of secret buildings.
“Mate?” I asked…. Why did that word sound right when I spoke with him?
“Oh right. The Moon Goddess, the daughter of the Lord of Light, made those bonds…. She was actually taught how to make bonds by my creator, Humblon, The Lord of Mercy.”
“Oh, I heard about that story. In mythology, Lulliba was supposed to marry the Light’s brother after he made her, but she ran off with the Devil, got married, and had a kid.” I blurted.
It was also said that the Lord of Mercy is a sociopath… so… I could get that too….
“But she is not the Night Harlot. She deals with Love. Specifically, she makes love bonds…. It’s only her creations that get such a blessing. You’re pared with another, and only that person… you share your eternity together. I think the saying is something like all the heart and half the soul. There is no word, nor action that can break it, unless it is by the mated pair, and them alone. Other than that, it’s said that the bond is so strong that those who can see spirits can see the red thread attach to their hearts.” He said going in.
“Do you want a bond like that?” I asked following him in. He held the door for me, and it closed behind us.
“No. I’d fuck it up.” Jerold said simply.
The music stopped when they saw us, but then it continued. Inside this dark and smokey place held characters of all walks of life… but mostly thugs. I could see many of them with pointed ears or bared fangs… I was unwelcome to say the least.
“Your majesty what a surprise! Here for more fried-fingy bites?” He took a double take at me. “What can I get you…Son of Hanz?”
“…. Not fingies.” I said and many thought it was funny. I wasn’t stupid… That sounded like people!
“How about one for Lt. Metzi?” Asked the bartender in a sing-song tune. He had out goat horns…. And goat legs. He looked Greek, and bowed to Jerold. That guy was half goat… so I guess my partner was his king?
“Nothing Second Seat Velvet. What news do you have?” Asked Jerold. “This is my partner, Noah. He’s good people.”
…. I wonder what ‘Second Seat’ meant? I didn’t ask. He’ll likely tell me later. I also appreciated that he vouched for me… I was the only human here, that was for damn sure with how ridiculously huge all the men were.