Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 7


“Ah yeah, that’s Metzker’s kid alright… Fuck you look 2 decades. How’s your pa?” He asked shining a glass… Prohibition ended about 6 years ago; and business was booming.

“He got messed up pretty bad but he’s holding up strong.” I said truthfully.

“When I got them, they were both shot up pretty good…  He saved the Chief. Hey, this is Hanz’s kid!” he poured me a shot. “On the house. Don’t let nobody tell you I never gave you nothin’.” He chuckled.

It was only 7:30… but I’m from an immigrant household… Something like this was ceremonial, and if I didn’t drink it, I’d never be able to walk in here again. It would probably be taken as being disrespectful, or an insult.

I gulped it down in one go, instantly regretting the INSTANT fire that ended in my empty stomach.

“It was water!” I slurred, though it made the bar cheer…. So I was right.

“Alright Mortal!” Shouted one raising a beer.

Jerold supported me by holding my back…

I swayed from One shot…

“Holy Shit.” I said putting the shot glass down with a little force. I did it all in one go… and felt fall-over drunk. “What was That?!

“Strait Drake’s Breath. You’re Welcome.” He beamed, but he bowed to Jerold who was Pissed.

“Velvet you Jackass!” Shouted Jerold. “He’s HUMAN.”

“He’ll be Fine!” Complained Velvet.

“Hey, put him on my tab!” Said an officer with his jacket tied around his waist.

“I didn’t realize my dad was this big of a hero…” I admitted. Jerold went to speak with the other officer, while he left me to speak with the barkeep.

“Oh yeah. Hanz was the bravest bastard out there. He didn’t know it, but he’s killed 573 vampires, unassisted… in only 4 years. There isn’t a vampire that doesn’t know of the Metzker Murderer.” He chuckled. “Your papa really did make them scream in terror.”

“Yeah, that’s what they called him!” Laughed the one who put me on his tab. “Metzker took out entire units of bloodsuckers after that too… That’s what happens when hunter’s blood is aimed at the right supernaturals.”

“Hanz? A Hunter?!” Shouted someone breathing fire. “Don’t talk about my buddy like that, you fucking two-bit lizard!”

“Who’s a Lizard, Lowborn Bastard from a whore?!” Growled another.

“You overstep.” He too spat fire, so they both had to be dragons…. Maybe… I was stuck on the insult, confused by the instant ruckus to defend dad.

“You overstep. I am the Lord of these lands.

I was Hunter’s blood?

The ‘lowborn’ punched the noble’s lights out.... People raised their glasses, and Jerold did nothing to arrest anyone.

The other men who had crazy hair colors raised their glasses… “To the new Dragon Lord ” some said before taking their shots.

….That didn’t sound good… not by how ready everyone else was to fight about it too.

“Didn’t the Church try to recruit him, but his legs were bummed out?” Asked another supernatural creature, one with bright red hair.

Velvet stomped his hoof. “Shut up so I can tell it! You always interrupt Jerry! Anyway… He caught the whole den on fire while we were still drawing straws on who was going to bust down the door.” Beamed Velvet. “Oh shit, I forgot about when he saw through that succubus’s illusions too.”

“Yeah, that’s how he saved your horny life.” Jerold rolled his eyes, something I didn’t expect from the Minotaur King...

“Your father seemed like quite the man.” Said Jerold. “I only know of him due to this bum.” He pointed a thumb at Velvet, who sheepishly chuckled.

“I owe him a life debt, one I’d be willing to repay through you, if you’ll let me.” He blushed, and Jerold did too before he growled at Velvet.

I had no idea what they were on about, but I felt it best not to answer a Fae. I was green, but I wasn’t stupid. Fae are a tricky lot… There’s no telling what his offer actually was!

“Stop trying to impregnate my partner!”

“With all due respect sir, I’m not!” He shouted flustered. “Sorry. I’m not… not now.” Velvet admitted. “He’s hot! Want to be my fourth wife, Noah right?”

“Uh.” I said unsure what to make of it… I was drunk and wabbly, and now a fae was trying to marry me!

“I’ll pay 13 million my lord.” He offered. “Nah, he’s too cute for a dowery that low… 18. Not a hair more.”

“I’m Worth THAT MUCH?!” I screamed. There were laughs. I’d never Heard of that much money, and he pulled out a checkbook….


“He’s not available.” Growled Jerold… it was serious, and Velvet bowed his head.

“Sorry. I got carried away with my legs out. You know how it is boss.” He chuckled.

Jerold snorted, and he removed his hat.

He had bull’s horns… and he did not look like he was joking around anymore.

“I kid, no pun intended.” Velvet chuckled at his own joke, since he’s part goat monster… “The man you’re asking about was here yesterday around 3pm. A grifter Rogue… a female Wendigo….” He said that with a hush, and everyone kind of started to clear out.

“A Fucking What.” Jerold stood. “Why didn’t you call?! Those things are barely sentient!”

“She just ordered a shot of drake’s breath and moseyed off; she was only here a minute. The only reason I remember her… is that you never forget the scent.”

“Alright. I’ll start at the Vampire Den. Undead tend to stick together.” Said Jerold. “Come on Noah, before you’re ferried away.” He said with the smallest smile.

I followed him, being waved at by Velvet. “Bye lil cutie!”

“Um, Bye?” I waved back. He was hot too…. But not my type… My type walked behind me like a protective, angry shadow.

“You’re my partner Noah.” Jerold hissed in the car. “I can’t believe Velvet, the little Shit!”

“What happened to ‘no dating co-workers?” I asked smugly.

He gave me the slightest side glare as he cranked up the car.

“Fuck you.” He snorted.

“What’s your problem?!” I yelled, snapping at him and not meaning to. “You’ve been pushing me away since-”

“I don’t want to see you killed!” He shouted. “You’re sweet, too sweet to be with an old stuffy fart like me, but Gods Damnit I’ll protect you whether you like it or Not!”

“Last I checked, protecting me from romance isn’t in the job description.” I hissed.


Noah was right… but I didn’t understand myself why I didn’t want him married to my Second Seat.

Every King has a council. Unlike the rest, who usually have seats in double digits, I only had 6. Velvet the Scorching One has served me since I was in my ‘50’s’.

I’ve known him for a long time… Fifty years after I gained a mind, breaking some of the curse I was born with… How rare it is that we live this long. He is the likely second oldest half beast ever, not just longest living…. yet he behaves like a damn child!

…and so was I.

I can’t stop him from marriage.

…Yet thinking of him in the arms of another romantically made it hard for my horns to stay under my hat… I need to be careful. In the car, humans will notice.

Velvet would treat him right; He loves his mortals. He refuses to marry another supernatural, opting to gather a harem he loves and cares for until they all grow old, and he mourns them about as long as the marriage lasted before he finds more. He usually stops at 2 or 3, but I could understand why he’d add Noah late…

Noah is handsome. I’d say his dowery would be at least 50 though, not 18. He’s a virgin, I can scent it… from a good family… has second sight, and his personality is pleasant…

That made me feel guilty… It was why I was quiet. Someone sweet enough to actually be genuinely kind was pushed away….

Why am I like this?

I better not have a crush on this man. I probably do. I liked his scent too much….

He smells like blueberries, my favorite fruit for its mild sweetness….

Him being mortal wasn’t an issue… I know how to be gentle with weaker spouces… it was that I wanted him as a spouse… THAT was the problem….

I said I’d never even think of dating, but when I looked at his concern for me, I found myself wanting to change my mind.

“You alright?” Asked Noah…. He shouldn’t be the one to ask that.

He has no place to worry about me… All I’ve done was be brutish and rude…Pushing him away, and he’s done nothing to warrant that….

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