Read with BonusRead with Bonus

10. Do not be crazy

They held another meeting to clarify the poison that Victoria got from the alien attack victim. The results of the laboratory tests there had been received.

"This type of poison is foreign. We can't confirm it yet. The results will be known later. However, as we know, this poison is deadly," explained one of the team members from the laboratory there.

"How can the poison infect?" Sean asked. "Was it a bite?"

"No. The poison comes from mucus. If the victim still survived with a scratch wound, this alien creature wouldn't just leave it like that."

"You mean, the victim was one of those who came into direct contact with the creature but survived? However, they left the poison to kill the victim?"

"Yes. Like that."

Everyone in the meeting room sighed, taking a deep breath at the strange discovery.

"Gosh. They're so cunning," said Victoria.

"Not only are they cunning, they are also smart. This is an ability possessed by small creatures. For medium-sized ones, we don't know their abilities, let alone large ones. So, for those of you who are directly involved in the field, please try not to come into direct contact with the aliens. It's like you will be marked until you die."

Everyone in the room just listened and watched with gloomy expressions. Knowing that everything that happened was more dangerous, what else could they do to minimize the number of casualties? Not only the residents, but also the soldiers or officers who tried to protect, save, and help also became victims. With the discovery of the new poison, their hopes seemed gone.

Victoria raised her hand and all eyes were on the girl.

"Where did they first land?" Victoria asked. "Maybe, who knows that's where it all started, and the saying goes, end something where it all began," the girl continued.

Again, everyone fell silent. However, someone answered Victoria's question.

"It will be difficult because it is far from here. However, the first alien ship to land was in the Lophi region. It’s a mountainous area with dense forests,” the man explained while displaying an image on the screen.

Victoria focused on the screen, paying close attention because it was a secret mission assigned to her.

“That’s the plane they have, it’s still there. We’re monitoring it in case there’s any other movement. But so far there hasn’t been any.”

“What’s inside that alien plane?” Victoria asked again.

“I don’t know. It’s not clear what’s inside. However, the estimate is that it’s more advanced technology than ours.” “Unfortunately, we can’t get close,” the man in charge of leading the meeting replied.

“Why?” Bella asked this time.

“Because the temperature of that plane is higher. Anyone who gets close, even within a five-meter radius, won’t survive,” the man replied again while displaying another image on the screen.

All eyes were on the screen that was showing a short video, where someone who tried to get close to the plane was burned. Luckily, the person immediately saved himself so he only suffered burns, but they seemed serious.

"Not only burned but also paralyzed. So we only limited the area. What's even harder to reach the area is, the creatures gathered there as if waiting for something."

The screen showed creatures in the surrounding area, in various places like guards. Not only small ones but also medium to large ones. There was no one there except for the creatures.

One of the small creatures suddenly glanced at the small flying camera at the location and approached the object, then not long after the screen went black after being attacked by the creature, making those in the meeting room shocked.

"They seem to be guarding a relic," said one of them.

"What about the other ship, is there more capable technology in it?" Bella asked.

"No. We searched the other one, but it was just a giant empty ball even though it had the same temperature. We checked it with a flying camera that resembled a small animal, it barely worked."

Once again everyone in the room fell silent, thinking about many things, what might happen if it was not stopped immediately.

“We don’t know what their purpose is for coming to Earth, right?” Victoria asked.

“Yes. As we know, they are just disgusting creatures that are smart but can’t talk. So we can’t ask if they were captured for research purposes and what their purpose is for attacking Earth.”

“Also, is there anyone on duty in that area?”

“Yes. But only a few people managed to survive. However, it was difficult because they had to pass through a path full of those creatures. Once someone enters that area, they will become prey, then die on the spot.”

“How far is it from here?” Victoria asked again but this time everyone looked at her in confusion, as did Sean and Bella who felt the girl’s strangeness.

Victoria herself didn’t seem to care and chose to be busy with her notebook, writing down what she had to do and plan. However, Victoria thought she should keep going, not wait.

No one answered Victoria’s question this time, the girl raised her face, looking at those who were in charge of explaining the situation on the battlefield.

“Why is no one answering?” Victoria asked.

“What do you mean by asking that, Victoria?” asked one of the commanders there.

Victoria's gaze was fixed on the commander.

"Isn't that obvious?" the girl replied.

"You want to go there? Don't be crazy, Vic!" the commander snapped, not accepting what Victoria was thinking.

"Why? Isn't this the only way?" Victoria looked at them one by one.

"What do you mean? No one said that. Besides, why are you going there? Don't you know, if you go there, you're as good as dead?" the commander snapped.

Victoria was silent, she had just realized the reality. However, if no one stepped forward, how would the alien attack disaster stop? When would they make the citizens victims? Everyone took a breath, the atmosphere became tense because of what Victoria was thinking.

"Whatever, I'm going," the girl said loudly and firmly.


"Don't be crazy, Victoria! You know the situation there is chaotic. How could you get in there?" A female officer who was listening to the meeting spoke up.

Victoria directed her gaze to the woman she knew.

"What's impossible?" The girl replied as if she was not afraid at all, instead showing that she would do what she thought.

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