Chapter 2
I trekked for five hours under the scorching hot sun, just for my hope to crumble when I arrived close to Factory 29 and realized that the battle was still very much ongoing. The familiar sound of battle reached my ears as I drew nearer to Factory 29.
I couldn't let them see me, so I sneakily hid behind the heaped dune, observing the fight that seemed to be between the humans and the Fallen.
The Fallen are those whose beastification has consumed their sanity, transforming them into true beasts, devoid of any human traits, emotions, and behaviors.
As I said earlier, this beastification was caused by the toxic virus that was spread into the planet, mutating animal genes into the unfortunate humans who caught the virus.
And, once you become a Fallen, all hopes for revival are gone because the animal gene in you completely takes control of you; you become it. Feral, rogue, lawless, vicious, and dangerous.
The restless howling of the wind and the distant rumble of thunder echoed all through the desolate landscape, the sun piercing through the orange and reddish hues of the cloud-streaked sky, a harsh reminder of the unfavorable environment.
Holding my scarf tightly around my face to keep it in place as the wind was threatening to pull it away from me, I squinted my eyes from the unforgiving wind and waited patiently behind the sand dune for the battle to come to an end, I've come this far, I wasn't about to give up.
The battle finally seemed like it was drawing near to its end, and I decided to get closer to the Factory. It was risky, but I had to find a way to get in there, I just had to be very stealthy and careful not to be noticed by any human or beast.
I peeked my face out from beside the sand dune and observed, when I was sure that everyone was occupied with an opponent in their fight to be able to notice me if I passed, I quickly but stealthily ran over to the Factory's tall metallic building, by the edge of the building.
I made sure to seek the darkest shadows at the corner of the building, which was behind the six feet tall resource extraction equipment as I waited again, waiting for the right moment to sneak out and go ahead with my mission, which was to scavenge for survival tools, and possibly, edibles too.
But, it seemed like I wasn't good enough at hiding, because, suddenly, my heart skipped out of my chest as I heard an aggressive voice behind me.
"You there! Who are you?!" The voice sounded angry and approaching.
The voice belonged to a human, I'm sure, but I couldn't risk it.
I hurriedly switched my position, leaving my stand and going into a darker area, but it got worse.
It wasn't just one man who was after me, the first man's voice seemed to have alerted the rest, and now, a few of them started to head in my direction to find out who I was.
They were starting to surround me; as they closed on me, my heart was racing brutally in my diaphragm, and I was starting to sweat inside my many layers of protective clothes.
How was I supposed to fight against more than twelve bulky guys?!
But, something immediately caught my attention behind them, I shockingly watched as a Fallen who seemed to have been almost dead and defeated rose to his feet, seeing their momentary distraction as an opportunity to counter their attack and defeat them.
"Behind you!" The first man from the human team loudly alerted the rest, and, just like that, the whole crew all returned to finish off their battle with the Fallen.
I sigh in great relief, "Thank Mars," I mutter under my breath as I proceed to go deeper into the shadows.
I couldn't stop wondering what could have become of me if that Fallen hadn't drawn their attention away from me. I had to be careful from now on.
For those men not to come back and find me there, I was trying to find a means of quickly escaping from my current hideout when suddenly, the strong wind sent the desert dust rising heavily behind me, instantly followed by the strong flapping of wings.
Alarmed, I risked looking back and felt my heart stop beating as I saw a huge bird-like Fallen projecting at me with an unimaginable descending speed, its long and sharp talons out and ready to tear my offals out from within me. I had nowhere to go, and no time to escape; my soul left me as I felt my back pressing against the solid machinery, a solid reminder that there was indeed nowhere else to escape to.
Just when I thought I would be going to meet my parents in the afterlife, I saw a swift dark figure leap mightily out of nowhere and tackled the bird-like Fallen mercilessly to the ground. With little to no time to comprehend what was happening, I watched in fear and shock as the figure engaged in a very fierce struggle with the bird-like Fallen.
In no time, the figure managed to pin the bird-like Fallen down and brutally crushed its talons with its bare hands, ripping its head off its body.
That was when I really looked at the figure, and to my utmost surprise, I realized it was a man.
I wasn't the only one staring; I saw the man breathing so very heavily as he intently locked his eyes on me, but before I could know what was happening, his eyes suddenly shut, and the next thing I see is a man collapsing heavily to the floor with a loud thud.
I do the most reasonable thing any human would do; I run.
As I take a few steps away from the collapsed man, something draws my face back at him. I turned to take one last look at him but I wasn't able to see his whole face as his dark hair had fallen over his face, but something else caught my eyes; stunned beyond belief as I stared at his two sharp canine teeth that protruded from his mouth.
I realized...he was a carrier. Not a Fallen, but a beast.