Chapter Three


I hadn't pegged Gabriel for someone who favored the water, and that was why when he had called on me the next morning asking me if I would like to learn how to surf, I was quite surprised. I nodded and shrugged myself into the board shorts I had packed on a whim. Now, I stood on the beach, feet buried in sand, and watched as the waves crashed into shore.

"Are you ready?" Gabriel asked.

Lost in my thoughts, I hadn't heard him walk up to me.

I shrugged. "I've never done this before. And I'm not a strong swimmer."

Gabriel smiled and draped his hand across my shoulders, "Don't worry. You'll be fine."

"I never pegged you for someone who enjoyed surfing," I said.

Gabriel shrugged. "I live and work in a coastal town. I guess you could call it an occupational hazard."

I chuckled. "I guess you could say that."

"So, are you ready?" Gabriel asked again.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Then, let's go."

Gabriel nodded his head, and for the next half hour, I stood or sat in the sand and listened to him as he droned on and on about the water, about the board. I watched him intently as he demonstrated on the sand how to paddle, and pop up and explained the proper stance for standing on the board. By the time he was done, I was almost certain that I was a pro surfer.

Finally, we moved to the water and I was able to successfully implement my crash course. Gabriel stood behind me and guided my stance, his hands on my waist and other fleeting touches awakening something in me that I would have loved to keep hidden, and from the way, he gasped and sometimes held on to me tighter, I knew he felt it too. Finally, we took a break, and sat on the sand, watching as people swam in the water.

I could feel Gabriel's eyes on me, boring holes into my head, as though attempting to physically extract information from my head with his eyes.

"You're staring," I stated bluntly.

Gabriel chuckled. "I'm aware…my apologies. It's just…"

Gabriel trailed off, and I sat still staring at the water and waiting for him to continue. When he didn't, I turned to face him.

"It's just what?"

Gabriel shook his head. "You're a bit of a puzzle."

I cocked my brow. "I am?"

Gabriel ran his hand through his head and nodded. "You are."

"How? Pray tell…"

"You seem distant, dead…and sometimes, you…" Gabriel trailed off again. "Don't worry about it."

I opened my mouth to speak, to counter him but decided against it. I went back to staring at the water. It called to me.

"So, tell me about New York. How's life in the Big Apple?" Gabriel asked.

I swore under my breath, my hands forming into fists. If Gabriel noticed my reluctance to speak, he pretended not to, rather he sat still, waiting like a patient dog for my answer.

"New York is good…big…"

Gabriel laughed, the sound of his joy sounding like music to my ears. "I know that. I'm asking about you. What's your life in New York like?"

I nodded and wrung my hands together. "Well, my mother is a big-time jeweler, my father's a real estate guru…"

I barely held back the words that so badly wanted to tumble out of my mouth. I wanted to tell him about my parent's twisted marriage. I wanted to tell him about everything that had happened, all the events that bound together and led to my escape to this quaint, little place. All the events that led me to him. I balled my hands into fists, willing myself to shut the fuck up. Thankfully, Gabriel didn't push.

"Oh," he started. "Martha told me to get you back in time for lunch."

My brows furrowed in confusion. "Lunch?"

"Yeah," he replied, standing to his feet and holding the board at his side.

"Martha does lunch? I thought that was a bed and breakfast?"

Gabriel shrugged. "You're currently her only guest, and she likes you a lot. So, you get to taste her heavenly pasta."

Gabriel gave me his hand and pulled me to my feet. Up close, his brown eyes were illuminated by the sun. Up close and painfully aware of his body irresistibly close to mine. I cleared my throat and pulled away from him, turned, and headed for Martha with him falling into step beside me. We walked in comfortable silence, neither of us seeing the need to make small talk…thankfully. I wondered if his thoughts were occupied…was he thinking of me?

I scoffed at my thoughts and stifled a burst of laughter at my stupidity, why would anyone think of me?

My mind was brought back to the present when Gabriel stopped to greet a group of middle-aged locals. I watched as they kissed and hugged, and I couldn't help but smile. Gabriel looked over at me and draped his hand across my shoulder.

"Meet Oliver," he said. "He's visiting."

My eyes met theirs and I saw the light in their eyes die. I looked in confusion as they began to look at each other and whisper between themselves. Panic rose in my chest as they hurriedly packed up their things and left, ignoring Gabriel's inquiring calls. My heart began to beat a war song in my chest, did they know?

"What just happened?" Gabriel asked, murmuring to himself.

"I don't know…" I answered, and I wish that I did.

We continued on our journey to Martha, and Gabriel stopped again at the local wine shop. I stared around in admiration, much like everything in Crystal Cove, it was small and quaint, with high shelves and bottles of mostly red wine and antique glasses lining them. The short woman at the counter smiled when Gabriel came in. Her hair was graying at the edges, and the way she squinted her eyes told of her sight impairment. I wondered to myself why she wouldn't just wear glasses. The lines that graced her face added to her beauty, and her smile was very bright.

"It's been a while since I saw you…you don't stop by anymore…" the woman said, pouting.

Gabriel raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. "I'm sorry, I'll change, I promise…"

I left them to their pleasantries and began to tour the shopping, returning to the counter with a bottle of red, a bottle of wine, and two antique glasses. The woman's eyes fell on me, and all her attention shifted from Gabriel. Gabriel, noticing the change rushed to introduce us.

"Helena, this is Oliver."

Helena frowned. "Hmm…Oliver…"

I waved at her awkwardly, not particularly liking the undue scrutiny of her gaze. "Hello…"

"I know you," she stated firmly.

A nervous laugh escaped my throat. "That's not possible. We've never met before. I've never…"

"Is your last name Harrington?" Helena asked.

Panic built in my chest again. "Um…yes…"

"I knew it. That man's genes are quite strong," she said, her hand reaching for my hair and ruffling it.

"I don't…" I started, wanting to salvage the situation before it got out of hand.

"Your family has strong roots here. Your blood is tied to…"

I slammed down three hundred dollar bills and stormed out of the shop, wines and glasses in hand, not waiting for her to finish. Not waiting for Gabriel to find out about me. I swore under my breath, was there no escaping this? I heard Gabriel run up beside me, and place his hand on my shoulder. I stopped and turned around to face him.

"You'll need a bag for that," he stated and held open a paper bag for me.

I sighed and deposited my purchase into the bag, once again aware of Gabriel's grave scrutiny. I swore again, vaguely aware of my trembling hands.

"Are you okay?" Gabriel asked, the doubt and worry evident in his gaze.

I laughed. I couldn't help it.

"Is something wrong?" Gabriel asked, worry on his face.

"You want to know about me, don't you? You're a curious one…"

"Well, yes…" Gabriel replied, a small smile plastered on his face.

"Don't push. Don't dig. You won't like what you'll find."

I could sense the unease in him, and without waiting to hear what he had to say, I turned around and left.

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