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His People and Mine

Blaze had never dreamed of anything hotter than this before. It was also never longer. Like a drama series, it also had episodes that flashed through his mind.

He saw Lillianne Guinn again in my dream. He reminded the most suspenseful part from the moment in the hotel room on Gozo Island that night, a moment when they almost lost their minds.

Blaze saw himself thrust roughly into her and she moaned his name while gripping his arm. He noted it was when the pleasure completely hit them.

Once the need was released, silence reigned in the room. Blaze and Lillianne were busy controlling their breathing which sounded louder than ever. They were also still hugging each other with Blaze clasping her tiny body tightly. His rooster was still lodged inside of her.

After about three minutes had passed, Blaze finally lifted his body. He looked at the beautiful face again, which now had her eyes tightly closed. Oh, he couldn't describe how insanely gorgeous she was.

'I shouldn't do this. I have promised to Rhea and Eve...' Despite his heart's protests, his hand seemed to move on its own to caress her face. What surprised him was the tears that suddenly flowed down her cheeks.

“W-Why are you crying?” He panicked a little.

Lillianne Guinn finally opened her eyes. Blaze's heart raced wildly when he saw those brown eyes shining with tears that filled them. He couldn't explain how it hurt to see her look broken like that.

“I can't believe this day has finally come. I can't believe you are here with me again, Leander. It still doesn't feel real to have you holding me like this," she whispered. Her glazed eyes never looked away from his hazel ones.

Oh, that name again. Why did she keep calling him that? This is what made him very uncomfortable since their first meeting.

However, strangely, for some reason, it seemed to have sunk into his heart. He was starting to get used to that soft voice calling him that as if it were really his name.

'What ridiculous thing am I thinking? Wake up, Blaze' The man dismissed the thought quickly.

“Didn’t I tell you that I--“

His words were cut short when the woman shifted to hug him tightly. "I love you, Leander. I love you very much. I won't let anyone take you away from me again this time."

Blaze froze. He didn't know what to do. However, he cursed himself because deep in his heart there was a quick response to those words. He even almost said that if he didn't hold on to the rest of his common sense.

‘I-I love you too, Lillianne. I love you so much.’

But, why? Isn't that strange? It hadn't been more than two hours since they met. Blaze couldn't believe he could say it that easily to this stranger. It wasn't like she was the first woman to ever say that to him since Rhea left, though. What makes this woman special?

How ridiculous.

"Say it, Leander," Liliianne whispered again, tightening her arms around his neck even more. "I know you feel it too. I know that very well. Please, tell me."


Blaze found it increasingly difficult to control his tongue. It was like his voice wanted to come out on its own. Not to mention, the woman kept provoking him with whispers, her body pressed against him, and even small kisses in the crook of his neck. It was excruciating.

"Say it, darling. Stop hiding it and lying to yourself. Say it back to me. I am waiting."

‘No, I can’t-- argh…’

He couldn't stand it even more when Lillianne tightened her embrace. She also became more active in showering kisses on his neck and shoulders.

‘No, I have to control myself. Come to your senses, you fool!'

"I... I..." However, his mouth betrayed his logic again. It moved by itself. "Lilianne, I--"



Blaze gasped as he opened his eyes. He was surprised because instead of seeing the hotel room, he found himself in a small room filled with decorations from Disney's characters. That was when he quickly glanced at the small bed in front of him, seeing his beloved daughter lying there weakly while looking at him.

“H-Honey? Are you calling me? I am sorry I fell asleep." Blaze shifted to the tiny bed. Only then did he remember that he had been accompanying his sick daughter. It seemed like he had fallen asleep so he dreamed of 'that mistake' again. "Why? Do you need something? Are you sick somewhere?” " he asked while pulling up the blanket with the picture of Princess Elsa she was wearing.

Evelyn Davies shook her head weakly. "I am fine, Daddy. You don't need to worry too much about me. You can go back to your room to sleep. Don't you need to work tomorrow?"

Blaze smiled at her instead. Honestly, it was the widest, gentlest, happiest smile from him so far.

"No. I will sleep here. I will stay here with you until you recover, Eve."

"What about your work, Daddy?"

"It's fine, baby. As you know, I am the boss so I can do whatever I want in my company. Nobody dares to scold me."

"But my room is too small, though."

"That's okay. I have no problem with that." He caressed the little face again. "The most important thing is for you to recover quickly. I want to see you play and laugh again," he added, flashing his gentle smile again at the princess.

The little girl seemed very touched to hear her father's words. She smiled innocently while nodding. She then hugged him tightly.

"I love you, Daddy..."

Blaze was touched. He hugged her body back while whispering, "I love you more, my lovely princess."

Little did they know, it wasn't just the two in the room. There was an invisible wolf with silver fur that had been standing at the door, watching the beautiful bond between father and daughter. Her sharp eyes conveyed her distaste for what she saw.

'What happened? Did he really not know that his late wife had a child with another man or... did they perhaps have an agreement regarding that kid? This is driving me crazy because I can't even ask Theodoros who is only been here for three years.'

Lillianne was grumpy until the next day. It made her work dispassionately the following day. She can't stop thinking about that.

Her cell phone suddenly vibrated at that moment. She looked confused about its whereabouts until she spotted her handbag.

As a werewolf who rarely socialized with humans, she didn't really need one. She only used it because people nowadays have it, so she must do the same for her disguise. However, sometimes, she can also call a friend who can no longer be reached by his telepathic abilities.

However, the person calling turned out to be someone unexpected. Lillianne's face lit up immediately seeing that quickly picking it up.

"Yeah, Elara?"

It was her friend from centuries ago. They always stick together. Elara was the person who had helped her the most in this wild journey. That friend always supported her.

'Hello? Argh, finally I can reach you again. Where are you now? Didn't we promise to meet in Budapest? I am here, but I don't feel your presence,' the woman scolded her right away.

"Ah, sorry, El. I can't fulfill my promise to you. To be honest, I don't even remember about that.'

'Then where are you now?' The girl named Elara immediately gasped not long after. 'Wait, don't tell me you have found him?'

Lillianne grinned a little. This friend knows her very well. It wasn't surprising because she was her only close friend for hundreds of years. He was also the one who often accompanied him around the world in his search for Leander's reincarnations.

'Why are you silent? This makes me even more hopeful? Is it true?' Elara became increasingly impatient.

Actually, in her current condition, Liliianne was very cautious about her mission. She couldn't take the risk of leaking it for security reasons. She didn't want it to reach Zephyr's ears yet. The beast could kill Leander easily just like he did in the past.

However, Elara was different. For her, she is trustworthy.

“Yeah, I have found him. Finally.”

'Really?' Elara sounded more excited than when she first saw Leander again. 'Where? How? Who is he?' she asked more impatiently.

As much as Lillianne wanted to share more info on this good news with him, it didn't seem like the right time. She was still in the office with many eyes watching. She was also still on probation by Leander. One mistake might ruin everything.

"I will tell you later, El. I am busy now."

'Um, okay, I will wait.' Elara paused for a moment, but she said, 'By the way, a few days ago I met with one of my friends from Notos Kingdom. I heard something about King Zephyr from him. I think you should know this.'

Why was that name so powerful that it made her nervous all of a sudden? Lillianne immediately felt the tension that made her hold her breath. Everything about that man was a nightmare for her. He was the darkest part of her life that continued to terrorize her even to this moment.

"What's with him?" She asked after a couple of minutes of silence.


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