Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Amapola Part 2

"Eat up. I'll come back later to get the tray. I also brought some clothes for you. I wasn’t sure what you like, so I went with jeans and a t-shirt. If you want something else, just let me know," she said.

"But he said that if I didn’t come down to have lunch with him, I wouldn’t eat at all."

"Forget it, child," she waved her hand dismissively, as if what I said didn’t matter. "He may be the Mafia Boss, but he’s not a monster. If you pay attention, you’ll see." She spoke, and I shook my head, disbelieving.

"That’s exactly what I see when I look at him."

"It’s what you want to see, angel. That’s different," she smiled, as if certain of what she had just said. "Besides, no one under my care is going to starve. I can guarantee that."

ngela left, leaving me with a lot to think about. Could she be right? Is there another way for me to gain my freedom without risking an escape?

I gave in to the demands of my stomach and ate the entire plate of pasta she brought. I really couldn’t turn down any food.

Lying on the bed, I thought about my escape options. Even though I had listened to her advice, I still felt that escaping was my best chance at the moment.

So, I took a shower, put on the clothes she brought me, and continued to work on my plan. Maybe climbing out the window wasn’t the best idea after all. Sitting on the bed, I started considering another possibility.

I spent the entire afternoon considering my options. I could stay here, but living in uncertainty isn’t really my style. How could I be content with waking up and going to sleep trapped in a tower like Rapunzel?

No. That definitely wouldn’t be Amapola Beviláqua. And that’s why I decided to try and escape.

Later in the afternoon, when ngela came to pick up the tray, I felt like she could read me. She knew I wouldn’t follow her advice and that I would attempt to flee, but she didn’t say anything, nor did she reprimand me.

She asked if I needed anything and emphasized the importance of eating. It was as if she was taking care of me, making sure I was strong enough for the escape, even though she didn’t approve of my plan.

I declined. I wasn’t really hungry, and I didn’t like lying to her. Even though it wasn’t technically a lie, I just wanted my freedom and hoped I could achieve it. I thanked her before she left, and it wasn’t just for the food she provided, but for all the care and attention she had given me while I stayed in this house.

That afternoon, I mentally mapped out the route I’d traveled since entering through the gates of the compound.

Navigating the inside of the mansion would be easier. With all the lights on, I knew exactly where I had been. I slightly regretted not going down for lunch. Maybe I could’ve spied something outside? But since I didn’t, there was no point in dwelling on it.

My only concern was the outside area. It was a long way to the gates, and in the darkness, I hadn’t paid much attention. Inside would be tricky because of all the people moving around, but I’d find a way.

During my time at the window, I noticed there were always armed men walking through the gardens. I’d have to figure out how to avoid them, but I was confident.

So, when the darkness of night took over the sky, I knew the moment had come. I could be mistaken for an intruder and shot by one of the guards, but I trusted that my small frame would help me slip through the bushes and columns and aid in my escape.

With my heart pounding in my chest, I slowly opened the bedroom door. I knew it wasn’t locked because every time ngela had entered, I hadn’t heard the sound of keys, not even when the demon had been here.

I tiptoed to the top of the stairs. I considered taking off my shoes to make less noise, but I decided against it. I wouldn’t have time to put them back on once I was outside.

Carefully, I surveyed the lower floor—at least the parts I could see. Step by step, I started descending the stairs.

Sneaking around the edges, knowing exactly which path to take, I soon found myself at the large door that separated me from the garden.

For a moment, I hesitated. I knew that if I managed to get out, I would gain my freedom. But it was also likely that I would never see the angel/demon who both saved and imprisoned me again. And as much as I wanted to deny it, that thought bothered me.

What would it be like to never look into those crystal-clear, impenetrable blue eyes again? What would it feel like to no longer have my heart race, both from fear and excitement, whenever he was near me?

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