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Chapter 3

As their passionate encounter subsided, Vivi and Damien collapsed onto the bed, their chests heaving and bodies glistening with sweat. The silk sheets clung to their skin, a cool contrast to the heat that still radiated between them.

Vivi turned her head, her dark hair fanned out on the pillow. "That was... incredible," she breathed, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.

Damien propped himself up on one elbow, his eyes roaming over her form appreciatively. "Agreed," he murmured, his voice still husky. "You're something else, Vivi."

She laughed softly, the sound rich and melodious. "You're not so bad yourself, Damien."

A comfortable silence fell between them, broken only by the sound of their gradually steadying breaths. Damien reached out, his fingers tracing lazy patterns on Vivi's arm.

"Listen," he said after a moment, "it's late. Why don't you stay the night? I can drop you off in the morning."

Vivi considered for a moment, weighing her options. The thought of venturing out into the night held little appeal, especially when compared to the warmth and comfort of Damien's bed.

"That sounds perfect," she agreed, stifling a yawn. The events of the evening and the intensity of their encounter had left her pleasantly exhausted.

Damien smiled, leaning in to place a soft kiss on her shoulder. "Good," he murmured. "Get some rest."

They shifted on the bed, finding comfortable positions. Vivi felt Damien's arm drape over her waist, pulling her close. The gesture was surprisingly tender, given the passionate nature of their earlier activities.

As sleep began to claim her, Vivi's last conscious thought was of how unexpectedly perfect this night had turned out to be. With a contented sigh, she drifted off, enveloped in Damien's warmth.

The first rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room.

Vivi stirred, her head pounding as consciousness slowly returned. She blinked, disoriented, before the events of the previous night came rushing back.

Beside her, Damien groaned, throwing an arm over his eyes. "God, my head," he muttered, voice thick with sleep.

Vivi sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest. The awkwardness of their situation settled over them like a heavy blanket. They exchanged glances, both unsure of what to say.

Damien cleared his throat. "I, uh... I should probably get you home."

"Right," Vivi nodded, averting her gaze. "That'd be good."

They dressed in silence, stealing furtive glances at each other. The easy chemistry of the night before had evaporated, leaving behind an uncomfortable tension.

Damien fumbled with his keys, leading the way to his car. The drive was quiet, punctuated only by Vivi's occasional directions. She stared out the window, watching the city blur past.

As they approached her neighborhood, Vivi's stomach knotted. The familiar streets brought reality crashing back - her impending marriage, her family's expectations. She swallowed hard.

Damien pulled up to a sprawling mansion, impressive in its own right, though not quite as grand as his own. He let out a low whistle. "Nice place."

"Thanks," Vivi murmured, unbuckling her seatbelt. She hesitated, her hand on the door handle. "Listen, Damien..."

He turned to her, his expression unreadable. "Yeah?"

Their eyes met, and for a moment, the awkwardness melted away. There was something there, an unspoken connection that neither of them could deny. But it was fleeting, gone as quickly as it had appeared.

Vivi shook her head, forcing a smile. "Never mind. Thanks for the ride."

She stepped out of the car, smoothing down her dress. Damien got out too, leaning against the hood as she walked around.

"So," he said, hands shoved in his pockets.

"So," she echoed.

They stood there, the silence stretching between them. Vivi knew she should go, but her feet seemed rooted to the spot. Damien opened his mouth as if to say something, then closed it again.

Finally, Vivi took a deep breath. "I should go. Thanks for... everything."

Damien nodded. "Yeah, of course. Take care, Vivi."

She turned, forcing herself to walk away.

At the gate, she paused, looking back. Damien was still there, watching her. Their eyes locked one last time, a world of unspoken words passing between them.

Then Vivi pushed through the gate, disappearing into the manicured gardens of her family's estate. Behind her, she heard the rumble of Damien's car as he drove away, taking with him the memory of a night that could never be more than just that - a memory.

Vivi closed the door to her room and collapsed onto her bed, her mind swimming with memories of the previous night. The softness of her mattress was a stark contrast to the passionate encounter she'd just left behind.

She stared at the ceiling, replaying every moment with Damien. The way his hands had felt on her skin, the intensity in his eyes, the sound of his voice in her ear.

A shiver ran through her body at the recollection.

Almost unconsciously, her hand drifted down her body. She traced the paths Damien's fingers had taken, feeling the ghost of his touch. Her breath hitched as she grazed her most sensitive areas, still tender from their passionate encounter.

"God," she muttered, squeezing her eyes shut. The temptation to relive those moments was overwhelming.

But reality crashed back in, cold and unforgiving. Vivi jerked her hand away, sitting up abruptly. She shook her head, trying to clear the fog of desire that had settled over her.

"Get it together, Vivi," she scolded herself. "It was just a one-night stand. You're never going to see him again."

She stood up, pacing the room. Her reflection caught her eye in the full-length mirror, and she paused. She looked different somehow, like the night with Damien had left an invisible mark on her.

Vivi turned away, hugging herself tightly. "It doesn't matter," she whispered to the empty room. "In a week, you'll be married. This... this was nothing. Just a final fling before settling down."

But even as she said the words, a part of her rebelled against them. The memory of Damien's touch, his smile, the connection they'd shared - it felt like more than just a casual hookup.

Vivi tried to push thoughts of Damien from her mind as the days passed. She threw herself into wedding preparations, attending fittings for her gown and finalizing details for the ceremony. Yet every quiet moment

found her drifting back to that night, replaying their encounter in vivid detail.

Three days before the wedding, Vivi sat in her family's sunroom, listlessly flipping through a bridal magazine. Her mother burst in, practically vibrating with excitement.

"Darling, wonderful news! Your fiancé's son has agreed to attend the wedding after all. Isn't that marvelous?"

Vivi managed a weak smile. "That's... great, Mom."

"Oh, you'll love him. Such a handsome young man, and so accomplished. It'll be good for you to have a friend your own age in the family."

As her mother prattled on about seating arrangements, Vivi's mind wandered. She'd never given much thought to her future stepson. What would he be like? Would they get along?

The day of the wedding arrived in a flurry of activity. Vivi stood in the bridal suite, staring at her reflection as her maid of honor made final adjustments to her veil.

She barely recognized herself in the flowing white gown, her dark hair swept up in an elegant updo.

A knock at the door startled her from her thoughts. Her father entered, his eyes misting as he took in the sight of her.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Are you ready?"

Vivi took a deep breath, steadying herself. This was it.

The moment that would secure her family's future. She nodded, taking her father's arm.

As they made their way to the chapel, Vivi's heart raced.

She'd never even met her husband-to-be. What if she couldn't go through with it? What if-

The doors swung open, and all thoughts fled from her mind as she locked eyes with the man waiting beside the groom at the altar.

Her steps faltered, and she gripped her father's arm tighter to keep from stumbling.

It couldn't be. But there was no mistaking those intense brown eyes, that tousled dark hair.


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