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Chapter 5

The wedding reception was winding down, the last of the guests trickling out under a sky dotted with stars. Reginald Blackwood, with a satisfied smile, offered his arm to his new bride, Vivian, who accepted with a grace that belied the turmoil in her eyes. They made their way through the sea of well-wishers, a path parting before them as they moved towards their waiting car.

Reginald's voice, smooth and commanding, cut through the evening air. "Damien," he called, his gaze landing on his son, who stood apart from the crowd. "We'll need you to drop us off at the mansion."

Damien's jaw tightened at the request, but he nodded, a practiced mask of compliance sliding into place. He had long learned to navigate the treacherous waters of his father's expectations, and tonight was no exception. There was a business deal on the horizon, one that required Reginald's considerable wealth to get off the ground. Damien needed to play the dutiful son, at least for a little while longer.

The Rolls Royce, a symbol of the Blackwood opulence, gleamed under the moonlight. Reginald settled into the plush leather of the backseat with an air of ownership, while Damien moved to open the door for Vivi. Their eyes met in a fleeting exchange that spoke volumes—a silent acknowledgment of the secrets they shared, the line that had been irrevocably crossed.

Vivian hesitated for a fraction of a second before slipping into the car, her gaze never leaving Damien's. The door closed with a soft thud, sealing them into a cocoon of quiet tension.

Damien slid into the driver's seat, the engine purring to life with a touch of the ignition. He pulled away from the curb, the tires humming against the asphalt as they navigated through the winding streets that led to the Blackwood estate. The world outside the car blurred into streaks of light and shadow, but the interior of the vehicle was a vivid tableau that Damien could not ignore.

His eyes flicked to the rearview mirror, a habit born of curiosity and a need to maintain control. What he saw made his fingers tighten around the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. Reginald's hand was creeping across the backseat, inching towards Vivi with an entitled confidence that set Damien's teeth on edge.

Vivi, for her part, was acutely aware of Damien's gaze on them, a lifeline in her moment of discomfort. Her eyes darted to the mirror, meeting Damien's, and in that shared glance, a silent plea resonated between them. It was a call for help, a desperate hope that Damien might somehow intervene without causing a scene.

The car seemed to shrink with each passing second, the air growing thick with unspoken words and pent-up frustration. Reginald's hand was now on Vivi's leg, his fingers tracing patterns that only he found interesting. Vivi's discomfort was palpable, a fact that was not lost on Damien.

"Darling," Vivi said, her voice steady despite the storm brewing within her. She placed her hand over Reginald's, stilling its progress. "Let's wait until we reach home to have our fun, shall we?" Her words were laced with a saccharine sweetness, a thinly veiled attempt to dissuade Reginald without arousing his suspicion.

Reginald chuckled, a low, throaty sound that grated against Damien's eardrums. "Anticipation is part of the pleasure, my dear," he replied, his hand attempting to resume its wandering.

Vivi's eyes flashed to the mirror once more, a clear distress signal aimed directly at Damien. He clenched his jaw, his mind racing with the desire to put an end to his father's advances. But he knew he had to tread carefully; any misstep could jeopardize not only his future business prospects but also Vivi's precarious position within the family.

With a Herculean effort, Damien focused on the road ahead, his grip on the steering wheel unyielding.

Reginald's hand continued its exploration, his fingers now entwined with Vivi's. He leaned in, his nose grazing the soft curve of her neck, inhaling the delicate scent of her perfume. The intimacy of the act was not lost on Damien, who watched the scene unfold with a mounting fury that threatened to consume him.

Vivi, trapped in the confines of the luxury vehicle, felt Reginald's lips brush against her skin. She stiffened, her gaze locked onto Damien's reflection in the mirror. His eyes were darkened pools of barely contained rage, a stark contrast to the cool detachment she had seen in him the night they met.

Despite her resolve to play the part of the compliant wife, Vivi found herself drawing comfort from Damien's silent outrage. It was a strange, intoxicating feeling, knowing that her one-night stand had left such an indelible mark on him. She had been with many men, each encounter a fleeting escape from the expectations that shackled her. But Damien... Damien was different. His anger on her behalf made her feel seen, valued, in a way she hadn't anticipated.

Reginald, oblivious to the undercurrents of tension, continued his amorous assault, his lips trailing a path from Vivi's neck to her jawline. Vivi's breath hitched, not from passion, but from the realization that she was deriving a perverse pleasure from Damien's discomfort. It was a twisted form of revenge, a way to assert some semblance of control over her circumstances.

Damien's hands tightened on the steering wheel, the leather creaking under the strain. He could feel the muscles in his jaw clenching and unclenching, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil. He wanted to reach back and tear his father away from Vivi, to claim her as his own, despite the absurdity of the notion. But he knew he couldn't. Vivi was no longer just the woman he had shared a night of passion with; she was his stepmother, bound to his father by legal and societal ties.

As the car approached the Blackwood estate, the gates opened like the jaws of some great beast, ready to swallow them whole. Damien pulled into the driveway, the gravel crunching beneath the tires, and brought the car to a stop. He sat there for a moment, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath, before he finally turned off the ignition.

The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by the soft purr of the Rolls Royce's engine as it cooled. Reginald released Vivi from his embrace, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he opened the car door and stepped out into the night.

Vivi took a moment to compose herself, smoothing down her dress and tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear. She met Damien's gaze one last time before exiting the vehicle, her expression unreadable.

Damien watched as Vivi joined Reginald on the steps of the mansion, her hand slipping into his as they prepared to enter their new home. The sight was a bitter pill to swallow, a stark reminder of the tangled web he had become entangled in.

As the front door closed behind them, Damien remained seated in the car, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He had never felt so possessive, so fiercely protective of a woman before. But Vivi was off-limits, a line that could not be crossed.

With a heavy sigh, Damien stepped out of the car and made his way to the entrance of the mansion. The weight of the night's events hung heavy on his shoulders, a burden he knew he would carry for some time to come.

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