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My Sexy Man

“Brother, is it true that we'll be having a new bartender working with us?” Mark asked with an angry voice, stomping into Lanky's study room.

Lanky was seated behind a high table, carefully looking at the report in front of him, an office glasses on his eyes. He was dressed in short pants, and his upper body was naked.

“Argh!” Lanky sighed softly, annoyed that he was interrupted. He turned to face Mark, a look of irritation on his face. “Yes, a new bartender will be coming. Do you have a problem with that?” He questioned his brother with raised brows.

“Well, I do. You should have informed me ahead. I got to know through the butler and that's unfair,” Mark lamented with pouty lips.

“Wow, I didn't know I was supposed to inform my little brother before I employ a house help, in my own house!” Lanky said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

“That's not what I meant,” Mark argued and moved closer to his brother, his voice turning low and sad, “Brother, you know how much I love the former bartender, please, don't sack him, he did nothing wrong, please bring him back. I love him,” he begged childishly.

“Oh, so this is about your secret cunt,” Lanky moaned and took a deep breath, he pushed the report in his front away and turned to look at his younger brother, focusing his attention on him. “You love him?” He asked rhetorically and burst into laughter, “what did we say about having sex with every dick you see on the road? I warned you to stick to at least three men, and you went behind my back to fuck the bartender and his four friends, yet you claim to be in love, what sort of stupid love is that?” His voice turned a bit harsh, and he looked furious.

Mark pouted his lips, and a ghostly smile appeared on his face at the realization that his brother found out his secret. “I am sure it was Ashley that spilled the beans, he just doesn't like to mind his business, always poking his nose into my relationship. Such an annoying bitch!” He cursed, looking furious.

“Don't you dare talk bad about Ashley, he was trying to help you. Also, if this is about a new cunt, don't worry, the new bartender is very interesting, I am sure he will be to your liking,” Lanky said, a mischievous smile appeared on his face as he thought about Maverick.

“Do you even love me?” Mark suddenly asked, trying to blackmail his brother emotionally. “I doubt you love me, no one has ever loved me, they're always picking others before me,” he lamented and folded his hands, after a while, he burst into fake tears.

“Come off it, Mark, I know you're faking your tears,” Lanky said with a cold voice, looking at his brother, not moved by his pretense.

“I am not faking my tears. Please brother for once in your life choose me over everything else. It will prove you genuinely love and care for me,” Mark demanded, cleaning his fake tears.

“Umm, so you mean hiring that stupid cunt will prove that I love you?” Lanky asked with furrowed brows, and Mark nodded in response, a small smile forming on his face.

“I've always known you're draft, and I used to wish that you'd get better, but every day, you just keep giving me reasons to stop wishing!” He continued, his voice slowly raising with anger, and he stood up from the chair he was sitting on.

“If you want to be sure of my love for you, then think about the person who picked you up from the gutter when you had nothing! Think about who clothed and fed you when you were just a wee boy. Everything on your body belongs to me. The food you eat, the money you spend, and the school you are attending all belongs to me. I can keep listing all I have done for you, but that will only make me immature.

I will take today as a sign that you're stupid, but if you dare try this again, I will personally open the door for you, and you can peacefully return back to the street you came from,” Lanky yelled angrily, moving closer to Mark menacingly. Mark looked scared, and he was shivering, a frightened expression on his face.

“You know how much I dislike ungrateful mouths, yet you keep acting like one. Are you ready to die?” He yelled, hitting his fists on the table beside Mark.

Mark flinched and bowed his head, real tears gushing out of his eyes.

“Don't you dare try to blackmail me with your fake tears. I know you're faking it, so stop it this minute!” He howled at him.

Mark didn't know how to stop his sobs, so he continued. Lanky would have acted out of anger if Ashley hadn't entered.

Ashley was dressed in long pants and an armless shirt, he looked like he had just finished having his shower because his body was dripping with water. When he entered the room, he saw that Lanky was about to hit Mark, so he quickly stood in their middle to separate them.

“That's enough! What is wrong with you both?” Ashley asked with an angry voice. He put his hands on Lanky's chest, gently pushing him away from the frightened Mark.

Lanky calmed down a bit, but Mark got angry. “It's all your fault, cunt! What have you ever done except getting my brother into trouble?” He growled at Ashley, and clenched his fists, as though he wanted to fight.

“Get the fuck out of my room, Mark?” Lanky yelled at his brother, his anger rising, and he wanted to charged at him, but Ashley held him back, “get the hell out of my room, and if you're not careful, you'll soon be getting the fuck out of my house!” He threatened with a grimace, and Mark burst into weeping as he ran out of the room.

Lanky was breathing heavily, and he walked away from Ashley to the window, “He is always getting on my nerves with that stupid emotional blackmail!” he cried out, frustrated that he had to fight with his junior brother.

“Hey, calm down, okay, he is still young, he will grow out of his childishness very soon,” Ashley consoled Lanky, stylishly supporting Mark.

“I doubt he will have a root over his head by the time he comes to his senses,” Lanky replied and rested his head on the walls.

“I don't believe you. By the time you calm down, you'll be looking for your brother, to console him. He's aware of that, that's why he acts so spoil,” Ashley replied, he didn't sound malicious, instead it was like an observation.

Lanky sighed, moving his body away from the walls. Slowly, he walked towards Ashley, embracing him tightly, “It's not my fault, you know he's all I have left,” he groaned, gently rubbing his nose on Ashley's neck.

“That’s not true, you have me. I am yours from now till eternity,” Ashley assured him, caressing him on his back.

“Oh, yes! How could I forget something so important?” Lanky asked with raised brows, and disentangled himself from the hug. They both stared at each other in the eyes, until Lanky kissed Ashley on his nose.

He pulled Ashley closer to himself, wrapping his arms around his waist. He stared at Ashley's lip and gently kissed him.

“You taste like strawberry. Oops, I mean you taste like fresh blood,” Lanky announced with a playful voice, and Ashley burst into laughter. He placed his hands on Ashley's lower lip, gently caressing it, his eyes moved to his lips, and they were both fixed in that position for a while. Ashley got the hint and kissed Lanky on his lips. The kiss wasn't gentle, it was rough and demanding, and they both kept kissing, spit for spit, lips for lips, and mouth for mouth. Lanky's hands, which were around Ashley's waist, moved to his ass, and he squeezed it like it was soft bread.

“Argh,” Ashley gasped in-between the kiss. They were both horny and their bodies were demanding more than kisses.

Hurriedly, Lanky helped Ashley to take off his shirt, his hands roaming over his body, and his mouth placing hot kisses on his neck.

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