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Birdie High Has Arrived

The dining room was lively as different sounds of kitchen cutlery and the aroma of tasty dishes overshadowed the awkward atmosphere in the main room.

The warm glow of crystal chandeliers and the ongoing conversation made the room more interesting. The savory scents of roasted meats, steaks, and beef stew were all over the room. If you were there, you'd probably bite your lips while eating, because the meal was not only tantalizing but delicious as well.

Mark quietly sat down on one of the available seats, his eyes scrutinizing the plate of beef in his front; his fork led by his hand was playing with the beef. His eyes were red, a sign that he had cried out his heart, and a sulking look was plastered on his face.

Ashley looked happy as he served the two guests at the table, while Lanky was looking at his brother, a worrisome gaze in his eyes.

“Don't you like the meal? Do you want to eat something else?” Lanky asked with a caring voice, noticing the way Mark was playing with the food.

Mark was surprised to hear his brother speak to him, and he raised his head, his brows furrowed, “I am fine,” he replied with a cold voice and turned to look at his food.

Lanky looked downcasted and his eyes dropped.

Ashley exchanged gazes with Herod, one of the men at the table, it was an ‘I told you’ look.

“Now, now, little Mark, why are you fighting with your brother?” Herod asked, after secretly winking at Ashley.

“I am not fighting with him uncle, he is the one holding urges,” Mark answered curtly and angrily stood up from his seat.

“Mark, you know how much I care for you. I didn't mean what I said. I said it out of anger,” Lanky apologized with a sad look. He dropped his spoon and stood up.

“If you don't want me to stay in your house, I will leave, I will go back to the bridge where you met me. I will disappear and I promise to never return,” Mark cried out with an overwhelmed voice, showcasing his hidden emotions, “I am not good enough for you. I'll always be that little boy from the gutters!” He yelled with a pettie voice and ran out of the dining room. Lanky wanted to follow him but Ashley held him back.

“Leave him alone. Let him go and cry, it helps,” Ashley advised, and reluctantly Lanky sat down. He sighed and picked up his fork.

“Okay, don't be sorry, big uncle got this,” Polo, the other man at the table, said and smiled broadly before leaving the dining room.

The atmosphere was tense, and when Ashley tried to feed Lanky, he became moody and snappy. Herod didn't bother to pay any attention to them, his eyes were fixed on his food.

“Wow, so delicious, you're the best chef, Ashley,” He praised as he took a bite from the roasted chicken. He said that because he wanted Lanky to talk.

Lanky rolled his eyes at Herod, “You're lucky I am in a bad mood today, if not by now, you'd be in the toilet, washing the floor.” He said, his voice filled with jealousy.

Herod erupted into laughter, and just to get on Lanky's nerves, he took Ashley's palm and pecked it.

Lanky growled and picked up one of the knives on the table, pointing it at Herod. “I am still that bad black wolf capable of hurting an innocent fly,” he threatened with a grimace on his face.

Herod quickly let go of Ashley and raised his hands like he was caught stealing, “I meant well master,” he joked and burst into laughter. “You're too possessive, Lanky. Let everyone be free to taste your baby's food, give him his freedom,” he bemoaned.

“He belongs to me and me alone,” Lanky replied and pulled Ashley closer to him, “Isn't that right, baby?” He asked for assurance.

“Oh come on, black wolf! Stop acting like a child, have you forgotten you're the most wanted criminal in the city? What do you need my assurance for?” Ashley asked, his voice filled with sarcasm.

Lanky didn't look offended, he shrugged his shoulders, while Herod playfully choked on his meal.

“So guys, Mark will spend the night at my place. Don't worry about his safety, my men will watch over him like a mother eagle,” Polo announced with a cheerful voice. Mark had a smile on his face and he happily left the house.

“Wow, Papi. How did you do that?” Herod asked with widened eyes, watching Mark as he left.

“I didn't do anything serious, I just offered him a trip to my house, a chance to fuck all the men he likes,” Polo replied with a smile and Lanky grunted.

“He isn't up to twenty, I don't want him to get addicted to sex, so please, order your men to monitor the number of people he makes out with,” Lanky informed his friend.

“You are such a boring big brother. Always frowning and working, never happy,” Polo lamented and sat down beside Herod.

“You guys are the ones spoiling Mark,” Ashley murmured under his breath, and the three men at the table turned to look at him.

“Spoiling? Come on girl, we are teaching him how to have fun! Don't always be the uncle he hates!” Polo squealed.

“I can't remember when I told you my pronoun was a she,” Ashley said to Polo and carried his plate of food, he had a look of distaste in his eyes as he stood up from the table and walked into the kitchen.

“He just doesn't like me, does he?” Polo asked with a plain voice, his eyes lingering on Ashley.

“I don't blame him, you’re not likable, always getting on people's nerves,” Herod scolded, and took a slip from his wine.

Lanky didn't talk to them, he kept eating his meal quietly. And once again, silence enveloped the atmosphere.

“Is the package ready?” Herod's hoarse voice suddenly whispered in the dining room, and Lanky nodded in response.

The room turned serious, and the three men looked around to make sure that no one was listening.

“I’ve ordered fifty cartons, they will arrive soon. Can I keep it with you?” Polo asked Lanky with a tense gaze.

“Humm, I don't think that will be possible. Ashley is starting to suspect me, and I don't want to give him a reason to doubt me,” Lanky replied with a low voice, and sighed, “Herod can keep it for you,” he suggested, and Herod murmured ‘sure, why not?’

“Hey, Lanky, Birdie High, the new bartender is around,” Ashley announced with an excited voice, the men at the table kept quiet, acting like they weren't talking. Lanky smiled, it was a cunning smile, filled with threats.

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