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The Lion's Den

Maverick was a little bit nervous, nonetheless, he obediently followed Ashley, his luggage in his hands.

The house was huge, and Maverick looked around, scanning the directions, in case he needed to spy around the house when he was alone.

The sitting room's decorations were very different from an average house. And although Maverick grew up in a mansion, his house was nothing compared to Lanky's. He couldn't help but wonder if Lanky had been to all the rooms in the house because they were numerous.

The house was like a castle, and the interior design alone would cost millions of pounds. He saw Mark's room, and he took a quick look. It had an extravagant king-sized bed in the center, and it was neatly arranged with the finest Italian linens.

The house walls were adorned with an ever-changing gallery of priceless art, with paintings by famous artists and sculptures from around the world. A massive crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling in the center of the house, casting a warm, soft glow on the rooms.

There was a large swimming pool in the house, ‘Why would one have a pool inside their house? That's so risky,’ Maverick thought, staring at the blue water in the pool.

His room wasn't in the main house, it was at the back of the house, but he wasn't the only one there. It was a large building decorated with flowers. To be fair, the house wasn't as beautiful as the main house, but it wasn't ugly either. It looked like an average-class house, and a red chandelier was in the center, giving it a nightclub view.

When they got to the front of the building, Ashley opened the door, and they both entered. It was like Ashley was welcoming him to a world filled with secrets, and he smiled broadly.

“I would have preferred you to sleep in the main building, but Lanky thinks you should stay with the rest of the maids, to prevent jealousy and disagreement,” Ashley said to Maverick with a smooth voice, when they got to the front of one of the rooms.

“It's all right. I can sleep anywhere, it's just for the night,” Maverick replied and smiled.

“That's great. By tomorrow morning the house helpers will be awake, and you can introduce yourself to one another. Before I forget, this is the maid's quarter, and about twenty people live here,” Ashley informed him.

'Twenty? Such a large number. That is why the house is well arranged,’ Maverick thought out loud.

“Well, since you're settled in, I will give you some privacy. If you need anything feel free to reach out to me, my room is at the center of the main house, you'll be able to locate it easily. But if you experience any difficulties, you can ask for guidance from one of the maids,” Ashley gave Maverick a quick smile before turning to leave.

“Mr Ashley,” Maverick called out, and Ashley turned to face him, “thank you very much. I will never forget your generosity,” he appreciated.

“It's nothing, also Ashley is fine; there's no need for such formality,” He replied with a gentle voice.

“Oh,” Maverick was surprised, “By the way, should I address the boss as Mr Lanky or Black Wolf?” he asked with genuine curiosity. He had been wondering about it for a while now.

“Umm,” Ashley hummed thoughtfully, “I think the boss is fine. He might get angry if you address him by his nickname, and he doesn't like being called Lanky, except he permits you.”

“Noted, thank you very much. Sleep tight,” Maverick bowed respectfully, and entered his room, shutting the door tightly.

Lanky took a slip from the glass of wine in his front, his eyes admiring the designs of the walls. He stood beside his bed, patiently waiting for Ashley.

The door was pushed open, and Ashley entered looking tired and sleepy, he yawned and removed his trousers, leaving only his boxers. He gently walked towards Lanky and hugged him from the back. He took in the fragrance of his shirt, and kissed him on his neck, his hands firmly around his waist.

“Have you tugged your new pet into bed?” Lanky asked with a jealous voice and gulped down the last content of the glass.

“Hmmm,” Ashley hummed in response, his head placed on Lanky's shoulder.

“I don't know why you treat him nicely,” Lanky groaned.

“I treat everyone nicely, Lanky, yet you complain,” Ashley replied with a polite voice.

“I wouldn't complain if I didn't notice something suspicious in your relationship with men,” Lanky sounded insecure. He wanted to touch Ashley's hand which was around his waist, but Ashley pulled away and jumped on the king-sized bed.

“Goodnight,” Ashley said with a grimace on his face, and laid on the bed, visibly angry.

“Come on Ashley, you know what I meant to say,” Lanky complained and moved closer to the bed. He sat down beside Ashley, gently caressing his cheeks, “Sweetheart, I was just joking around,” he apologized, but he didn't sound remorseful.

Ashley sat on the bed, and folded his arms, “For how long will you continue to suspect me, Lanky? What happened between me and that man was a mistake. I was drunk, and I've shown you enough evidence, yet you see me as a cheat,” he yelled at the top of his voice.

Lanky kept quiet for a while, closely watching his facial expression, “I am just afraid that things aren't the way they were before,” he confessed.

“Things can't be the same forever, things tend to change. That's just the way life is,” Ashley replied, struggling to remain calm.

Lanky smirked mischievously, “You are right. But I don't care if things change a million times, because my feelings for you will be the same,” he retorted.

“I don't think there is something wrong if your feelings change. We might even fall in love with a third person,” Ashley suggested, hoping Lanky would get his point.

“Who is this third person you have feelings for? Hope it's not that Birdie High?” Lanky squinted his eyes at Ashley.

“I knew it! You are never gonna trust me,” Ashley moaned with pouty lips and lay on the bed using the blanket to cover his body.

Lanky smiled, and with a clap of his hands, the lights were switched off. He gently drew closer to Ashley and wrapped his arms around his waist. Ashley tried to push him away, but he was persistent. Lanky used his now-hardened cock to playfully hit Ashley on his ass, and the both of them erupted into laughter.

“You horny dog! Did you get aroused just by moving closer to me?” Ashley asked in between laughter. Lanky didn't reply, he turned Ashley to face him, stood up, and positioned him in the middle of his knees.

“I will do a lot of dirty things to you and redeem myself,” Lanky informed him with a cunning smile. His lips trailing kisses down Ashley's waist.

“You do know we are having a meeting with the Italian tomorrow, right?” Ashley asked and moaned out with pleasure and pain as Lanky squeezed his dick.

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