Read with BonusRead with Bonus

His new Bartender

The next day came too fast for Maverick's likeness, and after taking his bath and dressing up, he came out of the house, happy to start exploring his new environment.

'Something interesting might happen. I am in the most notorious Mafia den after all,’ he thought to himself as he took his first step out of his room. He thought that everywhere would be lively, but to his surprise, it was very quiet. Everyone went about their business calmly.

He noticed that most of the workers were female, and the few male workers looked like super straight dudes.

'I see why they call him overprotective,’ Maverick murmured under his breath, thinking about Lanky. He didn't know where to go next, and it was impossible to walk up to any of the maids because they looked serious, and none of them were smiling.

'Okay, is everything alright? No one is dead, right?’ His mind asked, trying to interpret the meaning of the maids’ expression. He thought about the possibility of Ashley dying, and the result was dreaded in his head. Just when he was about to lose his mind, a cold hand gently touched his shoulders, and he jerked away in surprise.

“Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I tend to leave that impact on every newcomer,” the young man who had touched him said. He was dressed in a black suit, and he wore eyeglasses, the type typical for nerds.

Maverick couldn't reply, and he nodded his head, unable to find his tongue.

“I am Richard, one of Mr. Mark's guards; you must be Birdie, am I right?” The nerd-looking guy asked, and Maverick nodded.

'Why does he remind me of Tom?’ Maverick reasoned, looking at the man as he continued his words.

“I will lead you to Mr. Mark's room,” Richard proposed, turning to lead the way, but Maverick stopped him.

“Humm, Richard, I think you might be mistaken. I am the boss bartender, not Mark's,” he informed him with a confused gaze.

“Argh, I see… a typical newcomer,” Richard sighed and touched Maverick on his shoulders, “In this mansion, the only person I've seen allowed to pour Mr Lanky a glass of wine is Mr. Ashley. He doesn't need a bartender, the same way he doesn't need a person sniffing around his wine unit,” he explained as patiently as he could.

“So you mean, I will have to serve that rude boy?” Maverick blurted out. He wouldn't have said that. He wasn't being rude or anything, but Mark had mocked him on their first meeting.

“Woohoo, calm down buddy, I don't think Mr. Lanky will be pleased to hear you call his brother bad names. Anyway, let's get going, Mr. Mark is waiting for you,” Richard answered with a smile. Without any objections, Maverick agreed and followed him obediently.

“It seems this place is usually quiet, the other maids didn't talk to me,” Maverick started a conversation, trying to check if he could get Richard to be on his side.

“Mr. Lanky does not like idleness and has warned the maids to be up and doing. They aren't allowed to have conversation during working hours, and there are certain places in this house we aren't allowed to enter,” Richard informed Maverick, and this got his attention.

'The drugs must be in those places,’ Maverick thought like a naive detective.

“Why aren't we allowed to enter some places?” He asked, trying to push Richard into saying more.

“Because this house belongs to Mr. Lanky and he has the right to tell us where to go and where not to,” Richard replied curtly, trying to end their conversation. Maverick sighed in disappointment, he would have asked more questions, but they were already in Mark's room.

Mark was seated on a stool in front of the house bar, the cup in his hand was empty, and he had an angry look on his face. His lips were pressed together, and he was stamping his left foot on the ground impatiently. Immediately Maverick and Richard entered, he threw the cup to the floor, scattering it into a million pieces, and stood up.

“Where have you been? You kept me waiting?” He yelled at the top of his voice, frightening Maverick.

Maverick looked at the broken cup on the floor and squeezed his face, “Such an entitled psycho,” he mumbled under his breath, just enough for Richard to hear.

Richard was shocked at the bartender's boldness and he couldn't hold his laughter.

“Is there a reason why you're laughing?” Mark yelled at Richard with irritation, and he immediately covered his mouth with his palm, trying to suppress his laughter, “and you,” Mark continued, turning to look at Maverick; on seeing his face clearly, he raised his brows. “What is this lowlife doing here?” He yelled.

'Your brother is a low life,’ Maverick had the urge to respond to Mark, but he decided against it. Firstly, it might get him fired, hence canceling his chance of completing the mission. Also, Lanky might not be the best at raising a junior sibling, but still, he doesn't deserve to bear the insult of his brother.

“Mr. Mark, I am Birdie High, your new bartender,” Maverick introduced himself and gritted his teeth. He didn't like the idea of acting politely to a spoiled and entitled child.

“New bartender? My brother must be joking!” Mark replied with a grimace, “You are fired, get your things and leave at once. By the way, drop your account number with my secretary, and I will send you something that will make your miserable life better. I doubt your entire household has seen a million dollars before,” he insulted him and rolled his eyes.

‘Mr. Asshole, the youngest among my sisters has over a billion dollars in her account, so go fuck a bottle!’ Maverick was itching to answer Mark, but once again, he had to calm down and fake a smile.

“Mr. Mark, in case you've forgotten, let me remind you, I was hired by your brother, therefore, only he can sack me,” Maverick replied as respectfully as he could, and Mark looked like he had just seen a dinosaur. “By the way, what type of wine would you like me to make? I'd like to get to work,” he continued, and Mark stood up, menacingly approaching him.

“I see that poverty runs in your blood. You must have given Ashley a good time in bed for him to convince my brother to hire you,” Mark muttered with an audible voice, “Name your price?” He demanded, looking at Maverick challengingly.

Maverick didn't plan to reply, he wanted to keep quiet and continue his facade, but his mouth betrayed him, “If I name my price, you won't be able to afford it, and you might have to start borrowing,” He said with an icy voice.

Mark must have felt humiliated, he raised his hand to hit Maverick's cheeks, but Ashley's timely appearance saved the day.

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