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First Kiss With Mr Bi-curious

“Keep an eye on him,” Lanky said to Dan, one of his guards.

“Yes, Boss. I will,” Dan replied and bowed his head. He quickly excused himself and left the house.

“And as for you Richard, have you looked into what I asked you to?” Lanky turned to face Richard.

“Yes sir, I did,” Richard nodded and handed a file to Lanky. “I spoke to the vice chancellor of Metropol University, and he confirmed that Birdie left college after being unable to pay his fees and bills,” he informed, his head bowed.

“Hum,” Lanky hummed softly, he opened the file in his hand. It contained all the necessary details on Birdie High, his college life, his fake family, and his personal life.

“But when I spoke with some of the students in the level he claimed to be, no one had heard his name before. I showed them his pictures and they said he was never at their level. I asked around and talked with some seniors and lecturers, but they all said he was never in the university. One of them even said he resembled the son of a billionaire,” Richard said with a melancholic voice.

Lanky raised his head and arched his brows. “Which billionaire?” He asked.

“Cortland. He looks like the couple's last and only son, Maverick Cortland. This family has several huge companies, and they're mainly into cotton,” Richard explained.

“Did you dig deeper?” Lanky asked, his interest in Birdie growing wings.

“I did, the family is protective of Maverick Cortland, and they never let him out of their side. He is currently in Maldives, for a vacation. But he is not alone, he went with two of his sisters. I think there is something similar between Birdie and Maverick, but I can't exactly point at it,” Richard sighed heavily.

“Which school did Maverick Cortland graduate from? What did he study?” Lanky questioned, trying to solve the puzzle.

Richard looked scared to reply. He didn't want to get punished for not being able to do his work properly. “Unfortunately, the school is not disclosed. I went to different top colleges but they all said he didn't attend their university.”

Lanky dropped the glass of wine on the tray, and a deep frown settled on his face as he looked at Richard.

Richard knew he had to say something, so he said the first word that came to his mind. “But my Intel confirmed that he studied Business, and later went for a degree in economics. He was homeschooled, and his dream is to take over one of his parent's companies. His sisters plan to give him one of their company,” he stammered, hoping Lanky would not figure out that he was lying.

“Homeschool? Well, if your Intel is true then Birdie High is not Maverick Cortland. They just look alike. According to this file…” Lanky murmured, raising the file. “.... Birdie High was born into a lower-class family, and he's the only child. His parents are farmers but they lost their lands to a higher power, and since then things have been tough for them.”

“Does this mean that there is no cause for alarm? Birdie can be trusted?” Richard asked curiously.

“For now, yes, but if Dan brings back a negative response, I will decide his fate,” Lanky said with a plain voice.

Richard nodded, relieved that Lanky didn't seem to suspect him of lying. But he knew he had to be careful, Lanky was not a man to be trifled with.

"Thank you, sir," Richard said, backing away slowly.

Lanky waved his hand dismissively. "You can go. But remember, I want to know everything about Birdie High. If you find anything new, report back to me immediately."

Richard nodded and quickly exited the room, feeling a sense of unease. He knew he had to come up with a new plan, and fast before Lanky discovered his deceit.

As he left the room, he couldn't help but wonder what Lanky would do if he found out the truth about Birdie High. Would he kill him, or use him for his gain? Richard shuddered at the thought.

Meanwhile, Maverick was getting ready for his mission. He put on a sleek black suit, and tied his hair back, revealing his chiseled features. He looked in the mirror, and for a moment, he saw Maverick Cortland staring back at him, and he wondered where Birdie High was.

He shook his head, reminding himself that he was Birdie High now. He had to keep up the charade if he wanted to succeed.

With a deep breath, he left his apartment, the white box in his hands, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As Maverick walked out of his apartment, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being watched. He looked around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Shrugging it off, he made his way to the address Mark had given him.

When he arrived, he was greeted by a burly man who introduced himself as Victor. "Mark sent me," Maverick said, holding out the white box.

Victor's eyes narrowed. "Follow me," he growled, leading Maverick into a dimly lit warehouse.

Maverick's instincts told him to be cautious, but he pushed on, determined to see this through. As they walked deeper into the warehouse, he saw figures moving in the shadows.

Suddenly, Victor stopped and turned to face him. "So, you're Birdie High," he sneered. "I've heard a lot about you."

Maverick's heart raced as he realized he was in a dangerous situation. But he stood his ground, ready for whatever came next.

“And you are?” Maverick asked, trying to calm down the weird atmosphere.

“Someone you wouldn't want to mess with,” Victor replied, a sly smile on his lips.

“Hmm, that sounds like a good threat,” Maverick replied, laughing nervously. He looked at Victor for a while, and he couldn't understand how it happened, but he found himself roughly kissing him. It felt like a pull he couldn't ignore. Surprisingly, Victor didn't push him away, he kissed him back. [This scene you just read might sound weird, but it happened]

“So you're gay?” Victor asked, breathing heavily.

Maverick nodded and replied. “What about you?”

“Bisexual or you can call me bicurious, I am still trying to figure out where I belong,” Victor replied with a smile, revealing his cute smile.

Victor wasn't as hot as Ashley, but he had a body one wouldn't mind dying for. He had a powerful aura, one which deserved respect. Now to the main twist, Maverick didn't kiss Victor because he was moved by his body. He kissed him to protect himself, he had heard about how drug dealers kill errand boys, and to be saved, he sacrificed his mouth. But he didn't regret it because the kiss wasn't bad, and he needed a distraction, something to make him stop thinking about Ashley and Lanky.

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