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In Trouble With Black Wolf

“Ben, it's been five hours, still no sign of Mr. Lanky, did he perhaps call to cancel his appointment?” Maverick mumbled to Ben, staring at the door for the tenth time that day to check who'd entered, seeing that it wasn't Lanky, he sighed in frustration.

“Calm your ass down, I know you're eager to earn money, trust me, I am more eager than you, so be patient, maybe they encounter a delay,” Ben replied to his favorite bartender, he was seated in his office chair, his eyes secretly roaming over Maverick's body.

Maverick didn't notice this, he was busy daydreaming about how Ashley and Lanky's touch would feel on his body.

'Since everyone thinks I’m here for money, why not use it to my benefit? It's not like I have millions in my name, all the money I rely on belongs to my family, and I can lose it at any moment. I think I should use this avenue to open a new bank account and start saving for my future.’ Maverick reasoned and brought out his phone to open his account. After opening the account, he excused himself from Ben's office, and went to the store, to take record of the new goods which were brought in.

This wasn't part of his work description, but he was doing this to make sure that Ben was also not involved in the smuggling of hard drugs. The departmental staff were happy to see him, and they smiled at him in appreciation. Maverick was happy that people liked him, and he'd even managed to make friends with Tom, a fellow bartender in the VIP section.

“Hey Birdie, I think you're working too hard. You just got off your night shift a few hours ago, yet you've come back. Don't you want to rest?” Tom asked him as the both of them carried a tray of red wine.

“I want to rest, but I must work. If not, how will I be able to afford the expensive lifestyle I dream of?” Maverick replied sincerely. He was speaking the truth, he was tired of spending his family's money.

“I have told you this before, you don't have to work, just get yourself a rich sugar daddy, and he will spend all his money on you. Also, your good looks can get you any man of your choice,” Tom said, he didn't sound jealous.

“Well, firstly, all the men that have shown interest in me are married men, I can't date them,” Maverick confessed.

“What is wrong in dating married men? As long as they're the ones who walk up to you first, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it,” Tom advised him, but Maverick wasn't convinced.

“I know how I will feel if I find out that a young lady or man is secretly pleasing my parents. I will be too sad, and I don't want other children to feel that way about their parents. You may say that it's the parent’s fault, not mine, indeed you're right, but I prefer if the parents are the only shameless ones, I don't want to be like them,” Maverick explained and Tom looked like a man who had just learned something important.

Unfortunately, Maverick wasn't looking at where he was going and before he could look at his front, he bumped into a solid flesh, and the tray of wine in his hands splashed on the man he had bumped into.

Maverick was shocked and he gasped for breath in fear, “I am so sorry–” on raising his head, his eyes meant the coldest eyes he had ever seen in his life.

“You fool, how dare you? Apologize right now?” One of the hefty men accompanying Lanky yelled at him, and Maverick began to shiver. He was the only police here and there were over twenty hefty men, if he wasn't careful, they might kill them without leaving a trace for his family.

“I am so sorry,” Maverick stuttered in fear and bowed down. Tom stood beside him, he quickly dropped the tray in his hands, and brought out his handkerchief, wanting to clean Lanky's ruined suit.

“How disrespectful, how dare you use your filthy clothes on my suit?” Lanky growled at Tom.

“I am –”

Lanky didn't wait for either of the two bartenders’ apologies, he ignored them and removed his suit. One of his men collected it from him and gave him another one. After wearing his new suit, he walked into the special room reserved for him. There were a few people in the VIP section, hence he didn't receive any unnecessary attention.

Maverick looked around, hoping to spot Ashley, but there was no sign of the gentleman, and he groaned.

“Go and serve the other tables, I will clean up this mess and take care of Mr. Lanky's needs,” Maverick proposed and Tom nodded in agreement.

“Okay, take care,” Tom wished him and picked up his tray.

Maverick took a deep breath, assuring himself that he got this.

“Mr Lanky, is there any specific wine you'd like to drink today, or should I bring your regular?” Maverick asked Lanky politely.

Lanky kept quiet for a while, his eyes fixed on the table in front of him. “And what is my regular?” He asked after a momentary silence.

“Emm, according to the report I received from your previous server, red wines are your favorite,” Maverick answered.

“That reminds me, where is the former bartender in charge of serving me?” Lanky questioned, purposefully ignoring Maverick's response.

“Umm, she's on holiday,” Maverick responded.

“Okay, serve us your best wine. I am paying for my men and everyone present in this bar today,” Lanky announced with a loud voice, and everyone began to hail him.

Maverick was surprised to hear that Lanky was willing to spend his money on strangers. He was more surprised to see that Lanky's men genuinely liked him.

“Okay sir, I will get you that,” Maverick replied and turned to leave, but he stopped in his tracks. “Humm, sir, I haven't seen Mr. Ashley, and I was wondering if he would be around today,” he said.

Lanky squinted his eyes, he looked jealous and a deep frown was on his face. “How do you know his name? And what is your relationship with him?” He asked with a jealous voice, ready to strangle Maverick.

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