Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 13


The night was thick, suffocating almost. I stood at the edge of the balcony, looking out over the kingdom I was supposed to protect, supposed to rule. The moon hung heavy in the sky, its light cold and distant. Just like me.

My thoughts drifted back to her. Not Zoey. No, Zoey was a mistake, a complication. Her. My true mate. The one I had push away, even when everything inside me screamed to keep her close. The memory of her eyes haunted me—wide, innocent, filled with a kind of warmth I could never find anywhere else.

A growl escaped me before I could stop it, my wolf restless, agitated. He wanted to hunt, to tear apart anyone who stood in the way of finding her. I gripped the stone railing, my claws digging into it, cracking the surface. I needed to control myself. To stay in control.

But how could I, when the emptiness gnawed at me day after day?

I should have marked her. I should have claimed her. But instead, I’d let her go. Duty had chained me, bound me to this throne, and now it felt like I was suffocating under its weight. I couldn't take this pain a part of me is broken I wasn't used to this kind of feeling and it's suffocating me slowly day by day I could feel my self getting weak. My strength is fading and my thought occupied by her. She's very far, so far I couldn't connect and find her.

A knock on the door shattered the silence. My body tensed, eyes narrowing as I turned.

“Come in.” I said

Zoey stepped into the room, hesitant, her usual arrogance stripped away. Good. She had learned her place. But the sight of her did nothing to ease the fury churning in my gut.

“Zade…” her voice trembled. I could sense it—fear. She feared me now, and she should.

I didn’t respond, my eyes cold, waiting for her to speak. She wrung her hands together, her face pale as she approached cautiously.

“I don’t understand,” she whispered, her voice barely above a breath. “Why… why do you hate me so much?”

For a moment, I just stared at her. Hate? No. Hate wasn’t the right word. Hate required feeling, and when it came to her, I felt nothing. Not even disgust. Just emptiness.

“I don’t hate you, Zoey.”i said My voice was cold, detached. “You’re simply… irrelevant.” I added

Her lips parted, her eyes shimmering with fresh tears. But this time, I didn’t feel even a flicker of pity. I had no sympathy left to give. Not to her.

She took a step back, the tears spilling over, and for a second, her face crumbled. “I thought… I thought I could be enough. That I could be your queen, your equal.”

“Queen?” I let out a low, bitter laugh. “You don’t understand, do you? A queen is more than power on the battlefield. A queen is more than strength. She’s…” I paused, the image of he flashing before my eyes again. My heart twisted painfully. “She’s someone who can make me feel alive. You… you’re not that.”

She just wouldn't give up.

Zoey’s breath hitched, her face crumbling with rejection. She shook her head slowly, as if she couldn’t believe the words coming out of my mouth. But I didn’t care. Not anymore.

“I don’t need you,” I said

“You’re here because you’re useful. But beyond that… you’re nothing.” I mutter

Her hand flew to her mouth, stifling a sob. She backed away quickly, retreating as though I had physically struck her.

“Leave,” I commanded, turning back to the balcony, not sparing her another glance. The sound of the door closing behind her was a relief.

Alone again. Always alone.

The wind picked up, rustling through the trees below. My thoughts drifted back to her once more. She was out there somewhere, in a world I couldn’t reach. But I could feel it—our bond still lingered, faint, like a thread of hope pulling me toward her.

My wolf stirred restlessly inside me, his voice low, insistent.

We need her. Find her. Claim her.

I gripped the railing tighter, my knuckles turning white. I wanted to. Goddess, I wanted to. But I couldn’t. Not yet. Not until I had dealt with the threats around us. My enemies were closing in, their power growing stronger every day. And until I crushed them, I couldn’t afford to be weak. I couldn’t afford to let my heart lead.

But the more I tried to push her out of my mind, the stronger her presence became. It was maddening, this pull between duty and desire. Between what I had to do, and what I needed to do. I would probably run mad if she's not by my side I was losing it going out of control I need her I want her so badly she probably would be somewhere heating me. But I'll make things right. I do not care about strength anymore or the status she carries

I could still remember the way she smelled—like fresh wildflowers. The way she had looked at me with her big green eyes, but she couldn't keep eye contact with me and I just found it adorable.

My chest tightened, the ache unbearable. I had lost her. But I could still get her back. I had to.

And when I did… she will stay and be mine my omega mate.

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