Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 14

Ashley’s POV

It’s been three months now—three whole months since I finally found a place to call home. A place where I’m accepted for who I am. Conan has been training me, and I’m grateful for the progress I’ve made. I can finally stand up for myself, and that feeling is liberating.

This morning, I decided to take an early stroll. I wore black shorts, a white crop top, and slung a small bag over my shoulder. Part of my training was to keep active, so I took it as an opportunity for some morning exercise. I walked for hours, pushing myself harder than usual until my legs felt like they could barely carry me anymore.

Eventually, I found a quiet spot near some trees and decided to rest. I sat down, catching my breath, and took out my water bottle, drinking just enough to refresh myself. The only sounds around me were the soft rustling of leaves and the sweet melodies of birds. The peacefulness of nature surrounded me, and for a few moments, I simply watched the trees sway in the breeze.

Just as I was about to stand, something hard struck the back of my head. I fell to the ground, a sharp whimper escaping my lips as I tried to turn around and see what had hit me. But before I could fully comprehend what was happening, another blow landed, harder this time.

I collapsed completely, the world around me fading to black.

"Don't touch her... Let’ssss... wait for our mistress," the strange, tiny voices hissed, the sound of their giggles echoing around me.

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking through the haze, and gasped. My hands and legs were bound tightly—I couldn’t move. Surrounding me were trolls, so many of them, at least twenty. They were small, like dwarves, with sickly green skin, long nails, and grotesquely long noses. They looked exactly like the creatures from the old myths—ugly, terrifying. I’d heard stories, but seeing them in real life was much worse.

Night had fallen. I must have been unconscious for hours. Conan and the others were probably searching for me by now, but deep in the woods like this, I doubted they’d find me easily. The only light came from the fire the trolls had made, casting flickering shadows across their twisted faces. The rest of the forest was pitch black, save for the bright moon hanging high above the treetops. I looked up, noticing how unusually bright the moon was—it was almost full. Silently, I prayed to the Moon Goddess for help.

"Shesss... awake," one of the trolls whispered, and the others burst into laughter, their voices high-pitched and mocking.

"She looks yummy," another one croaked, patting his bloated belly. His face twisted in a grin so revolting, I had to look away.

Was I going to die at the hands of these creatures? Until today, I didn’t even know trolls were real. "Don’t be scared, princess. We won’t harm you... not until our mistress comes," another troll said, making the others laugh even harder at his words.

"Let me go, or I’ll kill every last one of you!" I shouted, though even I didn’t believe the threat. But I had to keep my hope alive, somehow. The mention of their "mistress" sent a chill down my spine. Who could that be?

Suddenly, one of the trolls shuffled closer, its breath labored and rancid. It grinned at me, revealing brown, decaying teeth. The stench was overwhelming, and I turned my head, trying not to gag.

It grabbed my face and yanked it back toward its hideous smile. "Don’t you dare touch me!" I snarled, but the troll just laughed, and so did the others, their laughter ringing in my ears.

"You... are trapped here, hahahaha!" the troll taunted, tugging at my hair and sniffing it with a sickening glee. "Her hair smells nice!" it shouted, and the rest of the trolls erupted in another round of laughter.

Listening to their horrible voices and cruel giggles for just a few minutes was pure torture. I couldn’t imagine how long I could endure this madness.

"Silence!" a voice commanded from behind, and instantly, all the trolls fell silent. I couldn't see her face, but I knew it was a woman. She was tall, dressed in a long, black coat, with her head covered and a scarf tied around her face, leaving only her piercing green eyes visible. There was something about those eyes—they felt familiar, like I had seen them before, but I couldn’t remember where. Was this the mistress they were speaking of?

Just her presence sent a shiver down my spine. The dark aura surrounding her felt suffocating, filled with danger. I prayed silently, hoping to escape death once more. I wasn’t ready to die, not yet. As panic surged through me, I began to fidget with my hands behind my back, trying to loosen the tight ropes binding me.

"Who are you?" I asked, my voice trembling. She didn’t answer. Instead, she approached me, bending down to meet my gaze, gently running her hand through my hair. The silence was eerie, her green eyes burning into mine.

"Don’t rush, sweetheart," she said softly. "No need to know who I am."

I continued to work at the ropes, trying to keep my movements subtle. But before I could make any progress, she pulled out a small vial, opening it with delicate fingers.

"What are you doing?" My voice cracked in fear, my heart pounding. Was it poison?

"When you drink this," she began, her voice laced with cruel amusement, "you won’t die, but you’ll never wake up either. You’ll be trapped in the underworld, where my sisters dwell." She giggled as I turned my head away, horror flooding my mind.

"What did I do to deserve this? I never harmed anyone! Please, you’ve got the wrong person!" I cried, hot tears slipping down my cheeks.

"No, dear, you’ve done nothing wrong," she said, her tone mocking. "Your only crime is being mated to the Lycan King. That, my dear, is your greatest misfortune."

My eyes widened in shock, my heart racing uncontrollably. The mention of Zade sent me spiraling into panic. Was this truly happening? My chest tightened, and I gasped for breath. But then, something inside me began to stir. She hadn’t made me drink the potion yet, and suddenly, I felt a strange sensation rippling through me.

It wasn’t her doing—I could feel it. My hair stood on end, and my nails began to grow longer, sharper. Confusion overwhelmed me. What was happening?

"Mistress, what’s happening to her?" one of the trolls asked nervously, their laughter replaced by unease. Even the woman looked startled. Her eyes widened, betraying her surprise.

My hands grew larger, and with a sudden burst of strength, the ropes snapped. I collapsed to the ground, my body drenched in sweat. Pain tore through me, unlike anything I had ever felt before. My bones shifted, contorting inside me.

"Aaah!" I screamed as the transformation consumed me. My eyes—once green—turned gold as I gazed up at the full moon, realizing what was happening. It was finally time. After years of waiting, my wolf had awakened.

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