Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 15

Ashley’s POV

I opened my eyes slowly, blinking against the dim light. I was in my room... but how? How did I get here? I shot up from the bed, standing quickly. The trolls—there were so many of them. That woman, she tried to kill me. I got my wolf.

No, it wasn’t a dream. It couldn't be. It happened. I was kidnapped. But after I shifted, everything went black, and now I woke up here, in my bed, safe in Conan’s kingdom.

Frantically, I examined my wrists and ankles, looking for the marks from where I had been tied up. But there were none. No signs of the ropes that had bound me so tightly just the night before. I searched my body for any proof that it wasn’t a dream, but everything seemed normal.

I had to figure out what happened. Before I left yesterday, I had told Mia I was going for a walk. Maybe she would know. Maybe she saw something.

I rushed out of my room, my heart pounding, and ran to Mia’s door. I banged on it with urgency, but no response. I knocked again, harder this time, growing impatient. Finally, she opened the door, looking half asleep, rubbing her eyes.

"Ashley? What’s going on?" she asked, her voice groggy.

"Yesterday, I told you I was going on an early morning walk, right? How did I get back? I can't remember. I was kidnapped—by trolls—and..." My voice broke as tears threatened to spill.

Mia stared at me for a moment, her expression puzzled, before she burst into laughter.

"You never told me you were going for a walk," she said, still chuckling. "You stayed here the whole day, training with Conan. You probably had a nightmare."

I froze. A nightmare? No, it wasn’t possible. I wasn’t going crazy. I could tell the difference between a dream and reality. The trolls, their hideous laughter, the woman's piercing green eyes—those were real. I remember my bones shifting painfully as my wolf awakened. I wasn’t imagining it.

"Mia, it wasn’t just a nightmare," I insisted. "It really happened. I wasn’t dreaming!"

She gave me a sympathetic smile. "Trust me, Ashley. It was just a nightmare. I’ve had plenty of them myself. They feel real, but they're not. Go back to bed. Get some rest, clear your head." She closed the door softly, leaving me standing there, stunned and confused.

I stood outside her door for five minutes, frozen in place. She didn’t believe me. She thought I was losing it. But I knew what I had experienced. I wasn’t wrong.

If Mia wouldn’t believe me, then I would go to Conan. He would listen. He had to. I knew the difference between reality and a dream.

I rushed to Conan’s door, banging on it hard. "Come in, Ashley," he said from inside. I wondered how he knew it was me, but that didn’t matter now. As I opened the door, I saw him sitting on his bed, shirtless, holding a book in his hand. He must have been reading before I barged in.

"Ashley, what’s wrong? You don’t look well," he said, concern filling his eyes.

"It wasn’t a dream, Conan. It was real. I got kidnapped yesterday by trolls, and a woman tried to kill me. I got my wolf back, and—" I started, but he cut me off.

"Slow down, Ashley. Speak clearly. Come sit beside me," he said, patting the bed next to him. I nodded and sat down, trying to catch my breath and organize my thoughts.

"Now, tell me what happened."

"I went for a walk early yesterday morning, around six. After hours of exercise, I decided to rest. That’s when trolls kidnapped me. I woke up surrounded by them. They told me they wouldn’t harm me until their mistress arrived," I paused, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Then she came, and she tried to poison me. But she couldn’t, because I shifted. I finally got my wolf back yesterday, Conan," I said, as tears spilled down my face. I looked up at him, hoping he would understand. But instead, confusion clouded his expression.

Does he think I’m losing my mind too? I wondered, anxiety tightening in my chest. Then, his face softened into a small smile.

"It must have been a nightmare, Ashley. We trained together all day yesterday," he said gently.

"No, Conan. Please, listen to me," I said, shaking my head desperately. "I know what I’m saying. It wasn’t a dream. I remember everything—the trolls’ laughter, the pain, all of it. I’m not going insane."

Conan immediately pulled me into a hug, patting my back softly.

"Alright, Ashley. I believe you. There’s no need to cry," he murmured. I broke the hug, wiping my tears, feeling a mix of relief and frustration.

"I think you should go get some rest" he said but deep down I knew he thought it was a dream I didn't know how things suddenly turn out this way. What the woman had done to make them forget what happened yesterday. I sign in frustration as I stood up going start to my room to relax and get things straight.

I stayed in my room for hours, unable to close my eyes. Every time I tried, the image of that woman came back to haunt me. I just needed one person to believe me—just one.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, starting to doubt my own memories. Maybe it was all just a dream. Before I could think any further, a loud knock on the door pulled me from my thoughts.

"Come in," I said quietly. Mia entered with a huge smile on her face.

"Guess who's the newest mother in town!" she exclaimed, rubbing her stomach.

It took a second for her words to sink in, and then it hit me. "Oh my God!" I jumped out of bed, hugging her tightly. "I'm so happy for you, Mia! Does Gorg know?"

"Yes, he went to inform Alpha Conan. Our wedding is tomorrow!" she giggled, and I couldn't be happier for her.

Deep down, I wished my life could be simple like hers—loved by my mate, not rejected, and able to live happily. We spent hours chatting about the wedding, baby names, and whether it would be a girl or a boy. "We're hosting a party," she said excitedly.

"Alpha Conan gave us his blessing, and guess what?" She grinned mischievously. "You'll be next—your wedding with our Alpha." She winked.

I laughed awkwardly. "What do you mean?"

"Haven't you noticed the way he looks at you? He has so much love in his eyes, girl. He's deeply into you. I haven't seen him like this since his mate died."

I always knew Conan was soft and kind toward me, but feelings? I wasn’t sure. I cleared my throat. "Don't assume things, Mia. I already have a mate, but... he rejected me."

"Poor thing. Don’t worry. Just accept Conan’s feelings and you’ll be fine," she said with a laugh.

"Don’t assume," I repeated, shaking my head. "He probably doesn’t see me that way."

"Who is your mate, if I may ask?" she asked, curiosity written all over her face.

"You wouldn’t know him," I muttered.

She playfully hit me. "Come on, just tell me."

"Fine. He’s from the Nightfall pack," I admitted, and immediately, her expression changed. Her playful demeanor vanished, and her face turned serious.

"Only powerful people come from the Nightfall pack. They're the strongest of all. Tell me, Ashley, who exactly is your mate?"

I didn’t understand why Mia was getting so worked up. “Umm... King Zade,” I mumbled, and her face instantly paled, her lips drying as if the name itself drained the life out of her.

Without another word, she bolted out of my dorm, and I rushed after her, completely confused. She headed downstairs toward the dining hall, where Conan was sitting with Gorg and some others.

“Mia!” I called out, but before I could reach her, she suddenly started yelling, her voice panicked and desperate.

"Ashley has to go! She has to leave now, we’re all in danger!" she screamed, catching everyone's attention. Conan stood up, his expression confused.

"Mia, what are you talking about?" Gorg asked, trying to calm her.

"Alpha Conan, please listen to me! She has to go! She’s from the Nightfall pack, and her mate is King Zade, the Lycan King!" she shouted, her voice cracking.

Conan’s eyes widened in shock. "What?" he muttered, as the room fell silent.

"Please, what’s happening, Mia?" I asked, stepping toward her. But as I reached out, she flinched, backing away from me as if I was some kind of threat.

"Don’t touch me! Why didn’t you tell us? You’re putting the whole pack in danger. Pack your things and leave now!" she yelled, her eyes turning red with fury. I staggered back in fear, not recognizing this side of her. Around the room, the others’ eyes also turned red—except for Conan, who remained eerily calm.

"Silence, Mia!" Conan roared, his voice commanding. Mia immediately submitted, her eyes returning to normal, though her fear was still visible.

“Ashley is confused,” Conan said firmly. “She doesn’t even know her mate. She never got the chance to. Zade rejected her, so she doesn’t belong to the Nightfall pack anymore. There is no need to panic.”

Mia shook her head, her voice trembling as she pleaded. “Alpha, please hear me out. You are the one in the most danger here. Zade is a ruthless beast. Yes, he might have rejected her, but Lycans can’t live without their mates. If she’s here, he will come for her, and he won’t take it lightly. You know the history between our pack and theirs—centuries of bloodshed. Please, I’m begging you.”

I stood there, frozen, dumbstruck by everything that was happening. My heart pounded in my chest. This couldn’t be real. I prayed that it was just a nightmare again.

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