Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 17


The rain had slowed to a drizzle as we neared the pack’s territory. Her scent was getting stronger, almost intoxicating. I could sense her close by, and the primal need to reach her burned inside me. I’d already taken down most of his guards with little effort. Their attempts to stop me were laughable.

I stormed into the hall, my senses sharp as I followed her scent. More of his men appeared, blocking my way. Fools. They fell quickly, just like the others. Now, I was heading toward the dining hall where her scent was the strongest. But something else lingered in the air—another presence near her.

When I entered, I saw her immediately. My eyes locked onto her, but what made my blood boil was the man holding her hand. My stomach churned with disgust as I saw him touching her—my mate.

“Get your flirty hands off my mate!” I growled, my voice low and lethal. Ashley turned to me, shock evident in her tear-stained face. But I didn’t care about her reaction. My only focus was the fool who dared to touch what was mine.

I walked over to them, grabbed the alpha by the throat, and held him up effortlessly. His eyes bulged in shock, but before I could finish him, Ashley’s voice rang out.

“King Zade, let him go, please,” she cried, her tears falling freely. She looked up at me, pleading. Her eyes were filled with desperation, and for a split second, I hesitated.

But then the alpha broke free, shifting into his wolf form as he snarled, preparing to fight. My wolf stirred within me, growling and wanting to be unleashed, but I kept it at bay. If I let him out, no one would survive.

“Conan, please! King Zade, we can settle this peacefully!” she begged, her sobs tearing through the tension in the room. Her voice was the only thing keeping me tethered to the thin thread of control I had left.

A girl and another wolf joined the fray, but I kept my eyes locked on Ashley. I wanted to get this over with, take her, and leave. But the wolf beside her transformed, joining his alpha in surrounding me. My patience was thinning, and my wolf was on the verge of breaking free.

I let my nails sharpen, ready to end them both if they dared challenge me further. The alpha came rushing at me, and my fingers itched to tear him apart. But before I could, the other wolf jumped in the way, taking the blow meant for his alpha. My claws tore through his chest, ripping his heart out in one swift motion. His body hit the floor with a dull thud.

The girl screams filled the air, but I didn’t care. The other wolf fell back into his human form, lying lifeless on the ground as the girl ran up to her mate crying as I dropped his heart beside her. Now, it was just me and there alpha.

But before I could strike, Ashley’s voice cut through the chaos again. “Don’t you dare touch him!” she roared, and her eyes... her eyes turned gold, glowing with a power I didn’t expect. I paused, stunned by the strength radiating from her.

Conan collapsed to the ground, his body writhing in pain, wounds all over his body I haven't even started and his already badly injured . He wasn’t dead—just unconscious. I had expected a fight, something worth my time, but this alpha was weaker than I thought. Disappointing.

Vincent appeared at Ashley’s side, grabbing her arm and pulling her away. She screamed and struggled, but I didn’t stop him. The remaining members of the pack stood frozen, their heads bowed in submission as I walked past them. I was their king now, whether they liked it or not.

I don’t want to go with this monster!” Ashley’s screams echoed in my ears as Vincent forced her into the car. Her words didn’t affect me; they held no power. I knew what I was. A monster. And she would learn to live with it.

As we drove away, her cries didn’t cease. She screamed, kicked, and tried to break free, but there was nowhere for her to go. I watched her, my patience wearing thin.

“Shut up, Ashley,” I roared, my voice echoing through the car. She froze, her sobs now muffled as she stared at me with fear.

She would hate me for now, but that was fine. I didn’t need her love—yet. She was mine, and soon, she would understand what that meant.

Vincent drove us to the airport, and I glanced over at Ashley. She sat there, staring out the window, her face expressionless. No more screams, no more tears. Just silence. It unnerved me how still she was, as though her spirit had momentarily checked out, leaving her body behind.

I got out of the car and walked over to her side, opening the door. She stepped out without a word, without protest. No resistance.

We walked through the airport, making our way to my private plane. The attendants bowed their heads as we passed, but Ashley barely acknowledged them. It was as if nothing around her registered anymore.

We boarded the plane and entered the private room. Without a word, she went straight to the seat by the window, curling up in the corner as she stared into space. The silence hung heavy between us, but I didn’t try to break it. I let her be, watching as her body eventually relaxed, and she drifted off to sleep.

As the plane took off, I leaned back, my eyes fixed on her. She was mine again. My mate. And this time, I wouldn’t let her go.

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