Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 21


I ran straight to my dorm, my heart still racing Once inside, I gently closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. I leaned against the door, trying to calm my nerves. Marinda’s face and voice were so familiar, yet I couldn’t quite place where I had seen her before. It nagged at me, the feeling that I should remember, but I pushed the thought aside.

I moved towards the bed, hesitating for a moment. I hadn’t even laid on it since I’d arrived, too overwhelmed and wary to relax. Finally, I sat down and let myself sink into the mattress. The softness of the bed was so nice I haven't felt comfortable like this for awhile, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I allowed myself to breathe.

I closed my eyes, the image of his softened gaze lingering in my mind. Why was he acting so gentle all of a sudden? I thought my presence disgusted him, that I didn’t meet his standards. I couldn’t understand the conflicting emotions within me—the hatred I felt toward him mixed with the undeniable attraction. Despite everything, my heart seemed to beat only for him.

I tried to push thoughts of him away, but it was useless. All I could think about was how he looked stepping out of the bathroom, water dripping from his hair, his body glistening. The sight of his chiseled abs and that defined V-line made my body react in ways I couldn’t control.

Heat pooled between my thighs, and before I knew it, my hand was moving to the zipper of my shorts. I slowly pulled it down, feeling a thrill I couldn’t deny. Shifting my panties aside, I brushed my fingers gently over the sensitive skin, imagining it was his touch instead of mine.

A small moan escaped my lips as I slid a finger inside, moving slowly, savoring the sensation. My mind was filled with images of him, his intense eyes watching me, his hands exploring my body. “Oh… Zade,” I whispered, biting my lip as I imagined it was him making me feel this way.

My other hand moved to my boos, messaging it slowly as my moans grew louder. I tried to savor every sensation, losing myself in the fantasy. But suddenly, something fell, crashing to the floor and shattering the moment. I snapped out of my thoughts and pulled my hands away, my heart pounding with embarrassment and shame. What was I doing?

Instead of focusing on finding a way to escape, I was here, fantasizing about him—about the man who had mercilessly destroyed the pack that took me in without hesitation. He was cruel, ruthless, and yet here I was, losing control over thoughts of him. I needed to clear my head.

I hurried out of my dorm, desperate for some air. As I walked down the hall, I could hear people whispering among themselves, their eyes following me. I ignored them, my mind too scattered to care. I just needed to get away, even if only for a moment.

I left the castle, heading straight toward the gate. The walk was long, and the bustling activity around me was a blur. Everyone seemed absorbed in their own world, paying little attention to me. But just as I neared the gate, a group of guards surrounded me.

“You are not allowed to go out, Miss,” one of them said, his deep voice firm and unyielding.

“What? Why?” I demanded, my frustration bubbling over. “I just need some fresh air.”

“By order of King Zade, you are restricted to the castle and your dorm,” he added. His tone was calm, but his words felt like a slap. My fists clenched in anger. Now he was treating me like a prisoner.

He destroyed my home, and now he’s keeping me here like I’m some kind of captive. What did I ever do to deserve this? I swallowed the rage burning in my chest and nodded stiffly to the guard. Without another word, I turned back and began the long walk to my dorm, each step heavy with frustration and helplessness.

I felt utterly helpless. I had never confronted King Zade, and now he saw me as a fool, a toy he could control. Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice someone standing in front of me until I bumped into her, causing her to stumble slightly.

“Oh… I’m so sorry!” I apologized quickly, lifting my head to see Azura standing before me. Her eyes were blazing with anger and shock. I hadn’t seen her since I arrived, and I had no intention of getting into any conflict with her now. I tried to walk past her, but she grabbed my arm, pulling me back to face her.

“What do you think you’re doing in my husband’s kingdom?” she spat, her voice full of venom. I could see the fury boiling in her eyes, daring me to respond.

I clenched my jaw, feeling a surge of defiance. “You’re not needed here anymore, maid. Go back to that filthy place you came from,” she sneered, her words cutting through me like a knife. She was pushing me, testing me, but I wasn’t going to back down this time. I’d learned a lot from Conan, and I wasn’t the same scared girl I used to be.

“First of all, you’re no queen here,” I shot back, my voice steady despite my racing heart. “And I am more of a valued guest to the King than you’ll ever be. King Zade doesn’t even notice you—stop dreaming, Azura.” A smirk tugged at my lips, surprising even myself. I had never stood up for myself like this before, and it felt good.

Azura’s eyes widened with rage. She raised her hand to strike me, and I braced myself for the blow, squeezing my eyes shut. But the hit never came. I slowly opened my eyes to see a young, beautiful girl with fiery red hair holding Azura’s wrist in a firm grip.

“You don’t have the right to hit the King’s mate,” she said, her voice calm but filled with authority. Azura’s shock was evident, her eyes nearly bulging out of her head. I couldn’t help the smirk that spread across my face.

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