Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 24


I sat in my dorm, my heart still racing. I couldn’t tell if it was excitement that made my pulse quicken or if I was just plain terrified of him. My hands rested on my stomach as I stared blankly into space, my mind swirling with thoughts. It was so early in the morning, and I hadn’t slept properly. Every time I closed my eyes, I’d wake up, restless, my thoughts going back to him.

Finally, I dragged myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I grabbed the soap, rubbing a small amount onto my face. The cold sting of it against my skin pulled me out of my thoughts for a moment. Once it dried, I rinsed it off with water, feeling slightly more awake, but not any less troubled.

There was a place I had discovered recently that I wanted to visit. The library. It was quiet there, a place where I could think and maybe escape everything, even for just a little while.

But no matter how much I tried to distract myself, the memory of what happened with the trolls still clung to me, refusing to let go. No one believed me, not a single soul. But I knew. I knew what I saw wasn’t a dream. It had been too real to be a dream.

I slipped out of my clothes and picked a light, loose gown—blue, my favorite color. It was short, simple, and comfortable. I grabbed a pair of matching blue shoes and left the dorm, making my way to the library. The early morning hours were perfect—there would be no one around to distract me or question why I was there.

I’d have the entire day to read, to search for answers about trolls, shifting, and what it meant to still not have your wolf. I had shifted that day—I was sure of it—but every time I tried to reach my wolf, to connect with that part of me, there was nothing. It felt like I was still stuck as a wolf-less omega, despite everything.

After several minutes of walking, I finally reached the library. Relief washed over me when I noticed the door was unlocked. I pushed it open and stepped inside, a small smile tugging at my lips as I was greeted by the sight of endless shelves of books, far too many to count. I walked to a particular section, drawn to it almost instinctively, hoping that somewhere in those pages I’d find the answers I was looking for.

Here the were books of different supernaturals I went to the dark witches as I took the book out and went to a sit were I could sit gently opened the book

Lucian was a powerful witch, feared by all who knew her name. Wherever she went, people bowed before her in reverence—or perhaps in fear. Even the God Wolves, creatures of ancient legend, trembled at her power. No species, no matter how mighty, could stand against her. Not even the Dragon King, the most powerful being known to man, dared to challenge her.

Long ago, white witches and dark witches coexisted, their differences set aside as they lived in harmony. But that unity crumbled with time. Centuries later, the peace was shattered when the most powerful Lycan King invaded their territory. His paranoia had consumed him—surrounded by enemies, he wants protection. He needed a powerful witch by his side, a dark witch. someone who could safeguard his rule. And so, with greed in his heart, he went into their lands, determined to claim a witch as his own—his perfect weapon.

The white witches, however, thought only of themselves. They chose to flee, separating themselves from the dark witches, unwilling to stand and fight. They abandoned the dark witches, leaving them to face the Lycan King’s wrath alone. The dark witches, on the other hand, would not allow one of their own to be taken without a fight. They banded together, ready to defend themselves and each other, while the white witches vanished into the distance, proving they had never truly been united.

When the dark witches refused to submit, the Lycan King was consumed by rage. and in his fury, he unleashed. The dark witches fought with all their might, but the king’s army was merciless. One by one, they fell, their magic dimming under the weight of his brutality.

In the end, the Lycan King’s thirst for power led to the complete eradication of the dark witches. He slaughtered them all, leaving no one alive to defy him. Yet, even with their blood staining his hands, he gained nothing. The power he so desperately sought slipped through his fingers, and the dark witches were wiped from existence, their legacy buried under the ashes of his violence.

Even Lucian wasn’t heard from again. And just like that, it ended. I turned the page, eager to read on, but my heart sank as I saw that the pages were torn—ripped out completely. Everything I wanted to know, everything that might’ve explained more, was gone. The next few pages were blank.

This couldn’t be the end. There had to be more. Someone had torn the book deliberately. But who? And why?

I suddenly realized I had been reading about witches, not trolls like I had planned. I came here to learn about shifting and uncover the mystery of the trolls, yet here I was, completely absorbed in this tragic story of witches. There was something about it, something that tugged at me in a way I couldn’t explain. A part of me felt strangely connected to it, like I had known this story once but had forgotten it, the memories buried somewhere deep inside me.

My frustration bubbled up, and I clenched my fists in annoyance. Why was the Lycan King so central to this? Was it King Zade they were talking about? Or perhaps his ancestors? It couldn't be him—he was only twenty-six, and this had happened centuries ago. Still, there was an unsettling familiarity to the story, and it gnawed at me.

I stood up abruptly, determined to find more. I needed answers. As I wandered through the rows of books, still searching for something about trolls, a strange sensation washed over me. I began hearing voices, faint and distant, like people whispering secrets just beyond my reach. It wasn’t coming from anyone around me—there was no one here. The sound seemed to rise from the very books themselves.

I followed the voices, feeling a strange pull, until I found myself standing near the back of the library. The whispers grew louder, though they were still unclear, just a mumble I couldn’t quite make out. I leaned in closer, pressing my ear to the bookshelves, trying to catch what they were saying.

And then, my hand brushed against something hidden behind the books. Suddenly, the shelf shifted, and before I knew it, I was standing in a dimly lit cave-like room behind the library.

What was this place? My heart felt like it is about to jump out from my chest. as I followed the voice, the eerie echo guiding me deeper into the cave-like room. Each step I took made the voice clearer, sharper—familiar. I could almost hear every word now. When I reached the area, I ducked behind a wall, my back pressed tightly against the cold stone.

Then, my heart nearly stopped. It was her. The woman who had attacked me with the trolls. She was dressed exactly the same as she had been that night, like she hadn't even bothered to change. My hands were slick with sweat, and my pulse raced so fast it felt like my heart might burst out of my chest. My legs trembled uncontrollably. What was I doing here? What was I thinking?

I should leave—now—before she saw me. If she did, she’d finish what she started. But I hesitated. There was another person with her. A man. His face was hidden, his head covered by a hood, and he wore a mask. He stood silently, nodding to everything she said, like he was agreeing with her every word.

"His time is near, Anthony," she said, her voice cold and calculated. Anthony? I didn’t know who that was, but it sounded important—dangerous.

Suddenly, she stopped mid-sentence. My breath hitched. The man—Anthony—turned his head in my direction, his masked face staring straight at where I was hiding.

Panic surged through me. No, no, no! I pressed myself harder against the wall, praying that somehow they wouldn’t see me, that the shadows would keep me hidden. My heart pounded so loudly in my ears, I was sure they could hear it.

And then she spoke again, her voice unsettlingly calm. “I thought last time scared you, Ashley. What are you doing, eavesdropping on our conversation? I know you’re there.”

Her words sent a cold shiver down my spine. She knew I was here. My heart raced even faster. What if.. just what if I didn't escape death this time.

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