Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 26


I stared out of the window, the moonlight casting long shadows across my room. My thoughts were a mess, circling around one person—Ashley. I had hurt her, pushed her away when all I wanted was to pull her close. How could I make it up to her? She deserved more than cold words and distant glances.

Tonight, I had to show her that I cared, that she meant more to me than I ever let on. But how? What do you do when you've never shown love the right way before?

With a sigh, I reached for the red dress I had ordered for her. It was elegant, long, and simple, yet it screamed beauty. The back was exposed, a CTnd the way it clung to her curves bring out her perfect body.

I imagined how the dress would fit her perfectly as I instructed Ashina to bring Ashley to my dorm. Tonight, I planned something special—I had rented out an entire restaurant just for the two of us.

Almost immediately, there was a knock at the door. "Come in," I mumbled, my eyes fixed on the dress I had chosen for her.

The sound of her footsteps made me turn around. When she entered, her gaze landed on the dress lying across the bed, and for a moment, I saw of surprise in her eyes as her eyes were fixed on the dress.

"I hope you like it," I said, my voice softer than usual.

“Is this... for me?” she asked, her voice soft and unsure.

I nodded, suddenly feeling a bit uneasy. I wasn’t used to this—showing affection. It wasn’t something that came naturally to me. “Yes. I want to take you out tonight.”

Her eyes widened slightly, and for a moment, she didn’t respond. I wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or a bad one. But then, a small smile crept onto her face. It was hesitant but warm.

“Thank you,” she whispered, taking the dress in her hands.

Later that evening, I waited for her outside, leaning against my car i didn't need Vincent to drive us so it was just me and her tonight. The sound of the door creaking open caught my attention, and when I looked up, there she was.

She looked breathtaking. My eyes were glued to her. She looked like a goddess—the red dress fit her like a second skin, flowing over her curves like liquid fire. Her back was bare, her skin glowing softly under the dim light, and her hair cascaded freely over her shoulders. For a moment, I was completely lost in her beauty.

She stepped closer, now standing right in front of me, and I couldn’t stop staring. My gaze never wavered until she cleared her throat, snapping me back to reality.

“You look... Good” I murmured.

She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself.” she said.

I tried to smile, but nerves crept up on me. This was the first time I had ever taken someone on a date—someone I actually cared about. I had no idea what I was doing, and the feeling unnerved me. For a king, I was surprisingly helpless when it came to matters of the heart.

We arrived at ROSE Restaurant, the lights inside casting a soft, romantic glow across the room. The air smelled of fresh roses, and the sound of quiet chatter filled the space.

I pulled out her chair before sitting down across from her. My hands fidgeted slightly under the table, something I never did. I was always composed, always in control. But around Ashley, that facade crumbled, and I hated how vulnerable I felt.

The waiter came rushing to us with the menu on his hand i could sense fear from him as she stand beside Ashley with his hand shaking.

She picked up the menu and smiled. “I think I’ll have an omelette.”

I blinked, surprised by her simple choice. Out of all the dishes on the menu, she chose something so... ordinary. It made me smile, though. She was unlike anyone I had ever known.

“And you, sir?” the waiter asked.

“Just wine,” I replied, not bothering with food. My appetite was gone.

"Umm... King Zade, we’re the only ones here," she said softly, her innocent voice pulling me in.

"I rented this place for us," I replied, watching her nod. I could see the questions flickering in her eyes, but she kept them to herself, probably wondering why I had brought her on this date.

The truth was, I just needed her to hate me less. I knew what I was—a ruthless beast who thrived on fear and trauma. I enjoyed the power it gave me over others. But with Ashley, it was different. I hated how she looked at me, especially that night when I invaded Conan’s pack. She saw me as a monster, and it ate away at me. She thought I was keeping her captive, and in a way, I was. I couldn’t let her think she was free to come and go, because she would run. And I wasn’t ready to let her go.

"Ask me what you want to ask, Ashley," I said, breaking the silence.

"Why suddenly take me out? I thought I was your prisoner," she replied, her voice hesitant but direct.

"Well... since you’ve been a good girl, why not take my girl on a date, hmm?" I teased, smirking a little. She rolled her eyes, but the waiter interrupted us, bringing our orders.

She picked up her fork and dug into her omelet with surprising enthusiasm. She was bad at it—messy, but endearing. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, watching as she ate, completely unbothered by the fact that I was staring. I just kept watching.

After some minutes, she finished her meal. "Do you want to order something more?" I asked.

"I'm fine," she said with her calm usual voice.

I took the wine bottle and poured a small amount into her cup, and then a little into mine. She took a sip, her eyes lighting up instantly. I could tell she enjoyed the taste. Before I knew it, she poured herself more, finishing her cup in one go.

I watched, amazed, as she continued drinking, until the entire bottle was empty. "I've never tasted anything this sweet," she said, her voice filled with excitement.

"I’d like more, please," she added, her eyes bright with curiosity.

"You’re not used to this. You’ll get drunk," I warned, but she gave me a playful, almost pleading look, making me sigh as I turned my attention elsewhere.

Still, her gaze never left me. I called the waiter and ordered another bottle of wine. It didn’t take long before it arrived, and to my surprise, she didn’t even bother pouring it into her cup. She drank directly from the bottle.

I couldn't help but watch in disbelief as she kept going.

She started spouting nonsense, her words slurring together as she got drunk, mumbling things that made no sense. Eventually, she laid her head on the table and drifted into a deep sleep. This wasn’t how I’d imagined the date going at all.

As she slept, she kept muttering under her breath, her words hard to make out, but one thing was clear—she was talking about trolls. “Please save me from them,” she mumbled, her voice filled with fear even in her sleep.

I stood there for a moment, just watching her sleep, her face peaceful yet troubled. What’s going on in that messed-up head of yours? I wondered.

Then, I gently stood her up and lifted her into my arms, carrying her in a bridal style. Her long hair fell across her face again as I made my way outside. With one hand, I opened the car door and carefully placed her inside. She was still sound asleep, completely unaware of what's going on around her.

I got into the driver’s seat, glancing at her as she rested on the right side, her breathing soft and steady. I found myself looking at her again, unable to pull my eyes away. She looked so peaceful, her lips gently pouting in an adorable way. I couldn’t help but smile slightly at how innocent she seemed.

As I started driving back to my castle, I kept the ride gentle, trying not to disturb her. But her soft, unconscious movements—her lips twitching, her breath steady—made me pull over to the side of the road. I sat there for a moment, just watching her sleep. It was strange, this feeling. I was captivated by her in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

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