Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 9

Ashley's POV

I couldn't take my eyes off the frame in Conan's room. There was a large portrait of a woman sitting with her legs crossed. For a second, I thought it was me. I took a few steps closer, realizing it wasn’t me, but someone who looked exactly like me. The only difference between us was the color of our eyes.

Her eyes were brown, while mine were green. That was the only difference. She wore a red dress that fit her perfectly, accentuating her curves, with her hands resting on her hips as she smiled confidently.

I was tired of sitting in my room, so I had decided to explore the mansion. My wandering led me to Conan’s room, where I found the frame. I couldn’t help but wonder why she looked so much like me. Was she his sister? His wife? A friend? My mind raced with possibilities.

I knew I needed to leave before Conan caught me snooping around. I didn’t want to risk angering him after all the kindness he had shown me since I’d been here. But curiosity got the better of me. Just as I was about to open the door to leave, it swung open, and I found myself face-to-face with Conan.

"Ashley," he mumbled, surprise clear in his voice.

"What are you doing in my room?" he asked, his eyes narrowing slightly. I cleared my throat, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation.

"I was exploring, and I got lost... I ended up here," I said. Technically, I wasn’t lying. His gaze drifted to the frame on the wall, then back to me.

"Okay," he said, but his tone was guarded.

"Alpha Conan, why does this woman look exactly like me?" I asked, unable to suppress my curiosity any longer. Who wouldn’t want to know?

His face suddenly darkened with sadness. "She was my mate," he muttered softly.

"What happened to her" I asked getting more curious to know what has happened to his mate with his face expression and the sadness written all over his face shows it wasn't good.

"She died," he said, his voice breaking. I could see the pain in his eyes, and though I was burning with curiosity, I knew now wasn't the right time to ask more questions. The resemblance between his late mate and me was uncanny, and I wanted to know how she died, but I didn't want to upset him further.

I took a few steps closer and placed my hand on his shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. He placed his hand over mine, a small, appreciative smile forming on his lips.

"Thanks," he murmured. I nodded in response, feeling the weight of his sorrow in the air between us. He cleared his throat, taking a step back and regaining his composure.

"So, we're hosting a party tomorrow evening. Please attend," he said, his tone shifting to something more formal.

"A party?" I repeated, almost as if I hadn't heard him correctly.


"But... I don't have anything to wear," I mumbled, suddenly feeling out of place.

"Don't worry, everything will be taken care of," he assured me with a small smile, and I returned it.

Conan had been incredibly kind to me, perhaps because I resembled his late mate. As I walked out of his room, my heart felt heavy with sadness for him. I couldn't imagine the pain he was in, losing someone he loved so deeply.

His heart must be shattered into a million pieces, yet he still managed to look at me with kindness and care. The way he gazed at me, with comfort and something more.

As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, a small smile escaped the corner of my lips. Conan had arranged for one of his close friends, Mia, to help dress me for the evening. Mia was incredibly kind and never seemed to run out of things to talk about. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, and her natural beauty was striking. She wore a blue short gown that hugged her curves perfectly, exuding confidence and elegance.

I, on the other hand, was dressed in a black, sleeveless gown that flowed down to the floor, styled at the back. The dress exposed my bare arms and bringing out my figure, leaving me both uncomfortable and oddly confident at the same time. I kept wondering how I’d manage to walk outside in something so revealing, yet I couldn’t deny how beautiful I felt.

"You look very beautiful, Ashley," Mia said, making me giggle at her compliment. I stared at myself in the mirror once more, admiring the way the dress transformed me. I had never dressed so nicely in my entire life.

"Are you ready?" Mia asked, offering me her hand. I gladly took it, and she led me outside to where the party was in full swing. The air was filled with the sound of calm, relaxing music, and everyone around was dressed in their finest clothes. All this people around had a very nice status. I felt out of place. But somehow an omega like me around this people made me want to feel among.

As we walked into the crowd, all eyes seemed to turn toward me, and I immediately felt a wave of discomfort. People were mumbling as I passed by, and I could feel their gazes burning into me. Mia noticed my discomfort and gave me a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, you look too beautiful to ignore," she whispered, and I couldn’t help but smile back at her encouragement.

Suddenly, a handsome man dressed in a suit approached us, and I noticed Mia blushing hard. He extended his hand, and Mia placed hers in his with a shy smile. "And who is this beauty with you, Mia?" the young man asked, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"Her name is Ashley. She's new in the pack," Mia replied, and he paused for a moment, studying me with wide eyes.

"She looks just like Celeste," he said, extending his hand to me. I shook it hesitantly, still unsure of how to respond to all the attention.

"This is my fiancé, Gorg," Mia said, and I gasped in surprise.

"Yes, she’s the love of my life," Gorg added dramatically, making Mia giggle as she playfully stroked her hair.

"Can I have this dance, Ashley?" I heard Conan's voice from behind me as he placed his hands on my waist. I felt very uncomfortable with his hands resting there. I turned around to face him, noticing that his long hair was styled perfectly into a ponytail at the back.

He looked incredibly handsome, I couldn't deny it. He wore a white T-shirt with two buttons open, revealing his chest, and perfectly ironed black suit trousers.

"Sure," I said.

He led me to the dance floor, his hand still on my waist as he took my right hand and placed it on his shoulder. Then we danced slowly to the beat.

"Have I told you how beautiful you look, Ashley?" he said.

"Thank you," I replied, feeling awkward.

"Please wait for a second; I need to get us some drinks. Promise me you'll dance with me for the next one," he said. I nodded in response as he left.

Immediately, I felt a strange hand on mine—it didn’t belong to Conan. The hand interlocked with mine from behind.

"May I have this dance, beautiful?" a deep voice said behind me.

I turned to see a guy dressed in white, his hair black, and his face a little rugged.

"Oh, sorry, I've promised someone the next dance," I muttered.

"Can we sit over there " he said point at a direct were the place sit for the guest.

Before I could reply he grabbed my hands taking me to a particular place as we sat down on the sit then a waiter came and serve us drinks

"You look so beautiful damsel' he said as I nodded my head he responds trying to search for Conan with my eyes to see it he was already in the dance floor but he wasn't.

Suddenly, a waiter passed by, and the man called him over, taking two glasses of wine and placing them on the table in front of us. He took his drink and sipped it a little before continuing with his talk.

"Can you tell me more about yourself?" he asked. I took my drink and sipped it slowly. Strangely, I had never tasted such a drink in my life, and it tasted so sweet that I drank the whole thing at once. I noticed his eyes widen in surprise before he burst into a small laugh.

"Umm... I have nothing to say about myself," I muttered. Suddenly, I felt the whole place spinning, and I started feeling dizzy.

"My head hurts," I mumbled, placing my hand on my forehead.

"Are you okay?" he asked, and I managed to shake my head in response.

He stood up from his seat, walked up to me, and lifted me out of my chair. I fell into his chest, and I could tell this man was up to no good he probably had drug my drink with something. He put his hand on my waist, guiding me out of the party. My body felt too weak to push him away and run. I could tell I was in great danger. I shouldn't have followed him.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked with the little strength I had left.

"To a place you've never been before," he said sarcastically with a small laugh. He carried me bridal style until we reached a very dark place where no one was there.

He dropped me on the cold floor. "Please, leave me alone," I pleaded.

"You're going to enjoy this," the man said mockingly as he laid on top of me. His hand went to my chest, tearing at my dress and revealing part of my breasts. I hated the fact that I was too weak and helpless to defend myself. His hand moved to my thigh, touching it gently, which disgusted me even more.

"Get your filthy hands off her!" a voice roared behind us.

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